初中英语牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 6 Sunshine for all Integrated skills & Study skills单元课时随堂练习

试卷更新日期:2023-04-21 类型:同步测试



  • 6. The report ________ three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion.
    A、is made of B、is made with C、is made up of D、is made up with
  • 7. The local guide spoke ______she could to make the visitors understand her.
    A、as clear as B、as clearly as C、so clear as D、so clearly as
  • 8. You're ________ young. You should have________.
    A、no longer; more rest B、no more; more rest C、no more; less rest D、no longer; less rest
  • 9. —Many wild animals are in great danger.

    —Let's___________ to save them.

    A、take off B、take down C、take action D、take after


  • 10. 用这种方法,他们帮助当地人改善了生活。

    , they helped local people .

  • 11. ——谁教她使用电梯的?


    —Who taught how to use the lift?

    —Nobody. She learned it .

  • 12. 你在公交车上给年老的人让座,是有礼貌的。

    you your seat on the bus to the elderly.

  • 13. 九寨沟的天气每天都在变化,你最好带上一些暖和的衣服。

    The weather in Jiuzhaigou every day, and you'd better warm clothes you.

  • 14. 通过电话交谈或发送电子邮件,我们可以和来自世界各地的朋友保持联系。

    By on the phone or sending e­mails, we can friends from around the world.


  • 15. 根据对话内容及首字母提示完成对话。

    Jacky: Who do you think is the most h student in our class?

    Andy: It must be Wendy. She often gives seats on the bus to the people in n.

    Jacky: But most of us do the same thing on the bus.

    Andy: Do you know she works for a(n) o called "Sunshine for All" every weekend? She does a lot for the d. For example, she reads newspapers to a blind woman every Saturday. And she often helps to r money for charities.

    Jacky: Really?How can she spare so much time for these activities?

    Andy: She thinks it's more m to help others than to pass the time at home. Every term, she even s half of her pocket money and gives it to some charities.

    Jacky: I know. She d lots of money to Project Hope every year.

    Andy: We should learn from her. We can also do something for others in our d life. I will start by visiting a house for the e this weekend.

    Jacky: Can I go with you? I think I can do something, too.