
试卷更新日期:2023-04-16 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 选出每组单词中不同类的—项。
    A、lower B、funnier C、hotel
    A、dinosaur B、duck C、hall
    A、shadow B、better C、lamp
    A、drank B、watch C、fixed
    A、broken B、show C、magazine
    A、clothes B、size C、shoes
    A、was B、tasted C、loud
    A、wanted B、than C、got
    A、last night B、yesterday C、Monday
    A、smaller B、bad C、younger



  • 7. My hair is shorter than___________.
    A、Lily B、Lily's C、she
  • 8. —How ____________are you?

    —I'm 49 kilograms.

    A、heavy B、big C、tall
  • 9. Mike's fish is ____________ than _________.
    A、big, mine B、bigger, my C、bigger, mine
  • 10. The sun _________ down every day.
    A、go B、is C、goes
  • 11. Did John _________ dinner yesterday evening?
    A、cooked B、cooks C、cook
  • 12. I saw a film __________.
    A、tomorrow B、last weekend C、every day
  • 13. Yesterday was cool. I ___________ football in the park.
    A、played B、play C、plays
  • 14. I __________ sleep well last night.
    A、doesn't B、didn't C、don't
  • 15. Who is ___________ than you, Sam or Oliver?
    A、old B、young C、younger
  • 16. —__________ did she buy?

    — A book.

    A、What B、Where C、How
  • 17. The sun is getting __________ and the shadow is getting _________.
    A、lower; longer B、lower; shorter C、longer; lower
  • 18. —What _______ Linda do the day before yesterday?

    —She visited grandparents with her parents.

    A、does B、did C、is
  • 19. —         was your weekend?

    — It was OK, thank you.

    A、Where B、How C、What
  • 20. I wanted to watch TV ________ the TV didn't work.
    A、and B、but C、then
  • 21. Sarah _________________ funny stories last night.
    A、reading B、readed C、read


  • 22. 给下列问句选择合适的答句。

    Was it interesting?   A. He is 1.6 metres.

    How tall is that boy?   B. Sarah's.

    What size are your shoes?   C. No, I didn't.

    Whose feet are bigger?   D. Yes, It was.

    Did you like it?   E. My shoes are size 37.


  • 23. 从方框中选择正确的单词完成短文,填写单词。

    visited  were  bookstore  dinner  in

    stayed  with  was  drank  watched

    Last Saturday my grandma's birthday. I at home my sister the morning. Then I went to the and bought two books. In the afternoon, we my grandparents with my parents. We had a big and tea. After dinner, we TV together. We happy.


  • 24. 选择合适的句子补全对话。

    A. How tall are you?

    B. What are you going to do?

    C. How heavy are you?

    D. What size are your shoes?

    E. How about you?

    —Hi, John.

    —I'm going to buy shoes.

    —Size 38.

    —I wear size 40 shoes.

    —But you look taller than me.

    —I'm 1.65 meters.

    —But I think you are heavier.

    —I'm 50 kilograms.

    —Yes, you are heavier. I'm 48 kilograms.



  • 30. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Mrs Li was not happy last night. She had a cold. She stayed at home. She wanted to watch TV, but the TV didn't work. She wanted to read a book. But the lamp didn't work. Her neighbor (邻居) listened to loud music. She didn't sleep all night. It was a bad night.

    (1)、Mrs Li had a happy night.
    (2)、She stayed at home last night.
    (3)、The TV and the lamp didn't work.
    (4)、The neighbor didn't sleep all night.
    (5)、She had a cold.
