高中英语人教版(2019)选修三Unit 4 Adversity and Courage单元基础全覆盖检测

试卷更新日期:2023-04-12 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. Both sides met in order to try (resolve) their differences.
  • 2. If you don't have an aim, you will drift like an (abandon) ship at sea.
  • 3. With faith and (persevere), Goodall finally overcame all the difficulties.
  • 4. His friends were (enthusiasm) and encouraged him to publish his ideas.
  • 5. He asked me to take fewer (belong) as there was little room left in our car.
  • 6. In my opinion, there is no evidence indicating that he is a (qualify) teacher.
  • 7. Before I competed, I had mixed program of strength and (endure) training.
  • 8. Never will I forget his first (assign) at the office of a popular English newspaper.
  • 9. The manager has arranged for us (have) a meeting in the afternoon.
  • 10. The beauty of Venice consists largely the style of its ancient buildings.
  • 11. He could hear her dog (bark) and whining in the distance at the moment.
  • 12. After his graduation from college, he (assign) to work at the foreign ministry.
  • 13. (unfortunate), her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and 1940s.
  • 14. We are very much interested in your products (advertise) on China's Foreign Trade.
  • 15. I would appreciate it if you could approve my (apply) and inform me of the interview.
  • 16. The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he (play) in the mud all the morning.
  • 17. I have arranged for Tom (pick) up the experts at the airport.
  • 18. she could move out of the room, she heard a loud noise.
  • 19. Thanks to your hard work, we can finish the task ahead schedule.
  • 20. He was a good man who was (commit) to his family as well as to his work.
  • 21. Without passion, people won't have the (motive) or the joy necessary for creative thinking.
  • 22. Though some of the questions seem unfamiliar to me, they are easy (answer).
  • 23. Alone in a strange city, without friends and money, he fell despair.
  • 24. It is very pleasant for him to travel and to try out and explore is new.
  • 25. If he (not be) ill, he would have done something to help us.
  • 26. From then on, I committed myself to (lose) weight and getting into shape.


  • 27. 短语填空

    turn down, be enthusiastic about, throw away,

    be stuck in, hold on, from bad to worse, set off, after all

    (1)、 to your dream and you will succeed.
    (2)、Under the new management, things may go .
    (3)、If you want to your work, remember these three things.
    (4)、I was thirty minutes late for the meeting because I traffic.
    (5)、I don't know why you are so concerned—it isn't your problem .
    (6)、You'd better not those books in case you can read them again.
    (7)、It was raining hard when we yesterday;we were wet when arriving there.
    (8)、Tom had to the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.
  • 28. 短语填空

    (be) enthusiastic about, under his guidance, (be) proud of, .

    in all directions, try our best, work as a team, even though, in a rude manner

    (1)、The morning sun rises in the east, shedding its rays .
    (2)、I was very the lecture, but his remark on it made me disappointed.
    (3)、Mr Johnson was grateful for and his son's remarkable performance.
    (4)、We decided to to solve the problem, however difficult it was.
    (5)、, the workers finally managed to solve the problem ahead of schedule.
    (6)、Organized games can teach us how to and get along with others.
    (7)、All of us were shocked to hear the boy talking .
    (8)、You have to learn to take down the key points you don't take them in.
  • 29. 短语填空

    pay back, make fire, give off, ahead of time, cheer up,

    sign up for, at times, consist of, arrange for, be suitable for

    (1)、In order to survive in the wild, we had to learn how to collect water and .
    (2)、There are many fireflies in the forest which flashes of light when they fly at night.
    (3)、As far as I am concerned, you'd better finish your teaching tasks .
    (4)、The teacher tried to the disappointed child when he failed to win the prize.
    (5)、Can you lend me 10 dollars? I will the money to you on Friday.
    (6)、In order to be more competitive, my friend decided to a computer class.
    (7)、The account information two parts:network and local system.
    (8)、We've you to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art next Friday.
    (9)、The match took nearly three hours and was interrupted by rain.
    (10)、I hear from my friends that the course English beginners.


  • 30. 我下火车时碰巧在下雨,因此我只好乘出租车。
    (1)、it was raining when I got off the train and I had to take a taxi. (it作形式主语) 
    (2)、It happened when I got off the train and I had to take a taxi. (动词不定式短语) 
  • 31. 没有你的帮助,我不可能取得这么快的进步。
    (1)、, I would not have made such rapid progress. (without) 
    (2)、If you me, I would not have made such rapid progress. (if引导的虚拟条件句) 
  • 32. 能有机会参加这次会议被认为是很大的荣耀。
    (1)、People a great honor to have a chance to attend the conference. (it作形式宾语) 
    (2)、a great honor to have a chance to attend the conference. (it作形式主语) 
  • 33. 他给我们讲的这个故事多么有趣啊!
    (1)、he is telling us!(what引导的感叹句) 
    (2)、he is telling us!(how引导的感叹句) 
  • 34. 树上的苹果太高了,我够不着。
    (1)、The apples on the tree areto reach. (too… to… 句式) 
    (2)、The apples on the tree areI can't reach them. (so… that… 句式) 
  • 35. Whatever the result is, we should accept it with a smile, because we have tried our best. (升级为no matter. . . 引导的让步状语从句)

    , we should accept it with a smile, because we have tried our best.

  • 36. They spent several hours making the old man convinced of the safety of travelling by air. (升级为it作形式主语的句子)

    the old man convinced of the safety of travelling by air.

  • 37. After he graduated from college, Dr Yuan devoted himself to the agricultural study once and for all. (升级为介词短语)

    , Dr Yuan devoted himself to the agricultural study once and for all.

  • 38. The shop said they would replace the television if it was still under guarantee. (升级为as long as引导的条件状语从句)

    The shop said they would replace the television .

  • 39. Although they were living in different era, they share some common characteristics. (升级为省略句)

    , they share some common characteristics.

  • 40. 你的衣服满是灰尘,我想你一直在打扫教室吧。

    Your clothes are covered with dust. You , I think.

  • 41. 你看起来又瘦又累,你近来工作太辛苦了。

    You look thin and tired. You too hard recently.

  • 42. 这个女孩弄丢了她的钥匙,她到处找都找不到。

    The girl . She can't find them anywhere.

  • 43. 这个月我一直在参观中国的一些城市。

    I some cities of China this month.

  • 44. 这本书我已读了两个小时了,但我还没读完。

    I for two hours, but I haven't finished it.

  • 45. As we all know, everyone may make mistakes sometimes.

    →As we all know, everyone may make mistakes .

  • 46. He often listens to music so that he can escape from the pressure of work.

    →He often listens to music escape from the pressure of work.

  • 47. How about your campus life? Please write to me soon and tell me about it.

    your campus life?Please write to me soon and tell me about it.

  • 48. It is known to us all that a computer is made up of thousands of different parts.

    →It is known to us all that a computer thousands of different parts.

  • 49. If I had picked him up earlier, he wouldn't have had to walk so far.

    him up earlier, he wouldn't have had to walk so far.