2023年高二英语语法配套练习:20 名词性从句

试卷更新日期:2023-04-12 类型:同步测试


  • 1. The reason ________ he was sleepy in class was ________ he stayed up last night.
    A、that, that B、why, how C、which, whether D、why, that
  • 2. ________ is known to all is that the outstanding academic atmosphere, as well as various festivals and sports, draws many students to our school.
    A、It B、Which C、What D、As
  • 3. The soldiers soon reached ______ was once an old temple ______ the villagers used as a school.
    A、which; where B、what; which C、where; which D、what; where
  • 4. ______ was lying.
    A、Those who told you that B、Anyone told you that C、Whoever told you that D、Who told you that
  • 5. My neighbour Sana is always sheltering her child too much, and that's ____we differ.
    A、when B、what C、how D、where
  • 6. That's______ I want to be a dolphin trainer in the future.
    A、why B、that. C、what D、because
  • 7. I wonder ___________ the wide use of emojis will make people lose the ability to communicate properly using written words.
    A、whether B、that C、what D、when
  • 8. The reason ____________ he hasn't come is ___________.
    A、that; because he is ill B、that; because of his illness C、why; for he is ill D、why; that he is ill
  • 9. He was born here. That is _______ he likes the place so much.
    A、that B、what C、why D、because
  • 10. We will discuss _____ information is, or can be, organized in the course of Journalism.
    A、that B、what C、whether D、how
  • 11. _____ makes the working class differ from peasants is longer periods of employment and more fixed incomes.
    A、That B、How C、What D、Whether
  • 12. ______ is most significant is the way ______ people have worked in harmony with nature to make these terraces and grow rice. 
    A、What, in which B、That, that C、Whether, in that D、What, how
  • 13. Don't take it seriously. He just said ______ came into his mind.
    A、whenever B、whatever C、wherever D、whichever
  • 14. ________ excited Jenny most was ________ she finally succeeded ________ she had failed many times.
    A、That; that; what B、What; that; what C、That; what; where D、What; that; where
  • 15. The two men from the truck were poorly dressed and spoke in ________ sounded like an eastern European language.
    A、which B、that C、what D、where
  • 16. Exactly _______ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565.
    A、when B、why C、whether D、how
  • 17. The teacher asked the students ________.
    A、if they were interested in dinosaurs B、when was Albert Einstein born C、what they will do with the computers D、how many trees they have planted
  • 18. I think you'd better give the books to ________ needs them in his studies.
    A、those who B、everyone who C、whomever D、whoever
  • 19. My cousin brought out all her four evening dresses and told me to take _____ I liked.
    A、whatever B、whichever C、wherever D、however
  • 20. —Lily, could you tell me _________?

    —About ten minutes.

    A、how far is it from your home to school B、how far it is from your home to school C、how long does it take you to walk to school D、how long it takes you to walk to school


  • 21. 英语里有如此多的法语词汇的一个原因是法国人曾统治英格兰很多年。

    One reason there are so many French words in English is the French ruled England for quite a number of years. 

  • 22. 她生命中最重要的是孩子们的健康和安全。

    in her life her children's health and safety.

  • 23.  长期在高海拔地区工作致使团队许多成员病了,但是整个团队仍然坚持不懈。(despite)
  • 24. 我表哥昨天去纽约了:这就是为什么他明天不能来参加我的生日聚会的原因。(that is why…)
  • 25. 在我看来,真正重要的是一个健康的生活方式,好的生活习惯和积极的生活态度。(what really matters is…)
  • 26.  no one solution is better than the other.


  • 27. Can you tell me ?


  • 28. In the earthquake, parents were willing to do to save their children.


  • 29.  we may often fly up into space in future.


  • 30.  we shall make full use of the solar energy some day.



  • 31. Everyone is different and that is our world is so colorful.
  • 32. The reason why he was late was he had taken a wrong bus.
  • 33. Everyone is different and that is our world is so colorful.
  • 34. Someone called for you yesterday, but I don't knowhe is.
  • 35. We need to keep it mind that we see on social media is often not the whole truth about a person.
  • 36. surprised her was she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
  • 37. The reason why he failed the exam was he was too careless.
  • 38. the plan will be carried out is still unknown.
  • 39. After many hours of driving, they eventually arrived at local people called "the Butterfly Valley". (用适当的词填空)
  • 40. The truth is we are lucky enough to have clean water whenever we want, but this is not the case for many people around the world. (用适当的词填空)
  • 41. Many animals are disappearing from our earth. That is a lot of people are still killing the animals for money.
  • 42. The last time we had great fun was we were visiting the Water Park.
  • 43. Grandma pointed to the hospital and said, "That's I was born."
  • 44. And that's makes the act of rereading so rich and transformative.
  • 45. —I drove to Beijing for the air show last year.

    —Is that you had a few days' off.

  • 46. —As a science student, Jimmy is keen on politics.

    —That's he's different from others.

  • 47. Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was it was rather closely modeled on his own life.
  • 48. It was never clear the man hadn't reported the accident sooner.
  • 49. Therefore, it is advisable you should value and treat them with care.
  • 50. was said here should be kept secret.


  • 51. I have no idea (when/that) he will come back home.
  • 52. (Where/What) the English evening will be held has not yet been announced.
  • 53. The reason why he was late was (that/which) he missed the train by one minute this morning.
  • 54. — Will the general manager attend the meeting?

    (Whether/How) he will come won't be known until his secretary comes.

  • 55. — The problem is (that/which) we are short of money.

    — Yes. (Whether/What) we can borrow some money from her is still a question.

  • 56. It used to be thought (when/that) the Earth was flat.
  • 57. (Who/Whoever) has the right knowledge can give first aid.
  • 58. He just does (what/which) he pleases and never thinks about anyone else.
  • 59. It inspired me to see (how/whether) my neighbors educated their children.
  • 60. (As/What) worries me is (how/what) we're going to pay for all this.


  • 61. "Stop making so much noise, children." he said.

    He the children making so much noise.

  • 62. The teacher said, "The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west."

    The teacher said that the sun in the east and down in the west.

  • 63. "Where have you been these days?" he asked.

    He asked me been days.

  • 64. "Can I apply to be a volunteer in the coming marathon?" Mary asked (改为间接引语)

    Mary asked  apply to be a volunteer in the coming marathon.

  • 65. He knew so little English that he couldn't answer you.(so...that)
    (1)、He knew little English. .(that's why)
    (2)、He couldn't answer you. .(that is because)
  • 66. After some simple treatment, the doctor suggested that I should stay at home for a few days. (suggest 引导虚拟语气)
    (1)、After some simple treatment, the doctor gave me a stay at home for a few days. (suggestion 引导同位语从句)
    (2)、After some simple treatment, the doctor for a few days. (suggest doing)
  • 67. He was not happy at all regardless of his wealth.(regardless of)
    (1)、 he was wealthy, he was not happy at all. (despite the fact that)
    (2)、 money he had, he was not happy at all. (no matter 从句)
    (3)、 , he was not happy at all. (as / though 引导倒装句)
    (4)、 , he was not happy at all. (however 引导倒装句)
  • 68. He tries hard, but he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.
    (1)、 , he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. (although)
    (2)、 , he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. (as)
    (3)、 , he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. (despite)
  • 69. Cars can be driven without human drivers. Jack is excited about the good news. (用同位语从句合并句子)
  • 70. It was surprising that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks. (同义句改写)

    made her was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.