
试卷更新日期:2023-04-11 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的三个选项A、B、C中,选出最佳选项。

    In China, teachers are highly respected and honored. As providers of knowledge, they are seen as playing an important1in the development of society(社会). In the US, teachers are supposedly just as respected. However, I believe salaries for most teachers are far too low.

    In the US, most teachers can expect to2less than $40, 000 (272, 400 yuan) a year when they enter the field(领域), according to Business Insider. This might3all right, but in some parts of the US, it's not enough to get by(勉强过活).

    In addition, teachers spend an average of(平均)$500 out­ of­ pocket to buy classroom supplies(日常用品)every semester(学期). Some teachers even have to take on a4job at night to make a living. Teaching is a(n)5job. It's about much more than simply passing on knowledge. Teachers have to be caregivers, therapists(治疗师), nurses. In fact, nearly any6that a child might face might end up being solved by his or her teacher.

    Teachers spend years ­and lots of money­ earning an7of their own that will prepare them to become educators themselves.

    It's not8to raise their salaries, either. Countries like Switzerland, South Korea, and Ireland pay their teachers more than the US does. The US is the richest country in the world9money can't buy knowledge. If salaries stay low, fewer people will want to go into teaching ­and society will suffer(遭受损失)10it .

    A、role B、ball C、song
    A、produce B、lose C、earn
    A、look B、sound C、taste
    A、first B、second C、third
    A、hard B、easy C、interesting
    A、question B、problem C、project
    A、money B、respect C、education
    A、unnecessary B、unimportant C、impossible
    A、but B、and C、so
    A、instead of B、because of C、thanks to


  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Space tourism(太空旅游业) is no longer a thing of science fiction. There are lots of companies planning to send people into space in the next few years. Space X is one of the companies offering trips to space. So far, it has had over 100 customers. And in April, 2022, it sent 4 people into space. Now, what can space tourists do while in space? Here are some examples:

    See the Earth from Space

    Seeing the Earth from a distance has always been a dream. It gives most people a sense of both achievement and wonder(which is also why people climb the highest mountain and dive into the deepest sea on the earth).

    Stay in a Space Hotel

    Hotels are directly connected with tourism, right? So if there's space tourism, there might also be space hotels up soon. Orion Span has been planning to send tourists to stay in their "space hotel", which would hold up to 6 people at a time.

    Eat in Space

    Eating is not easy in space. Even drinking water is difficult. Oh, a quick fact! You aren't allowed to burp(打嗝) in space! Bubbles will come out of your mouth and it might be dangerous to leave them around.

    Visit the Moon and Other Planets

    Space tourism companies are racing to launch(发射) the first tourist flight to the moon. Although there might be a long way to go before common people can step on the moon, we will probably see it in our lifetime. And who knows, maybe we'll even see hotels on the moon.

    With the industry rapidly developing, space tourism is around the corner, and it might come much faster than we think. Who knows what the future might be like? Will you be the next person to travel to space?

    (1)、How many people did Space X send into space in April, 2022?
    A、Three. B、Four. C、Five. D、Six.
    (2)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、Orion Span has built six space hotels. B、Eating in space is as easy as it is on the earth. C、Seeing the earth from space is meaningless for most people. D、It is possible for common people to visit the moon in the future.
    (3)、The underlined words "around the corner" in the last paragraph probably mean "   ".
    A、very slow B、very near C、very difficult D、very traditional
    (4)、What we shouldn't do in space?
    A、See the Earth from Space B、Stay in a Space Hotel C、Drink water D、burp(打嗝) when eating
    (5)、The text is probably from the column(栏目) of             in a magazine. 
    A、Travel B、Health C、Sports D、Education
  • 3. 阅读理解

        If you have only three minutes to get something that you can take from your home, and the other things are lost forever, what will you take? The following information will help you.


    B.O.B. is short for Bug-out Bag (求生背包). It's a bag with a collection of things that are needed for life in it.

    Reasons to use a B.O.B.

    When disasters like earthquakes and heavy rainstorms happen, many people will have to run away from their homes and they may not return for a long time. They need to continue to live without food, water or a shelter in some unexpected situations.

    Things in a B.O.B.

    A sleeping bag, or at least a thin quilt.

    Drinking water.

    High-calorie foods, such as chocolate and biscuits.

    Necessary medicines.

    Something for making a fire, and a small pot to boil water or cook A few basic tools like a knife and some ropes.

    A flashlight.


    A copy of all your important papers.

    (Be sure to make a B.O.B. as light as possible.)

    Places to keep a B.O.B.

    You should put a B. O. B at a place where you can get it conveniently when disasters happen. Your home, your car, or your office can be a good place to put it.

        A B.O.B. is very helpful to the people in need. You'd better prepare more than one B.O.B. if possible. Then think of the difference a B.O.B. will make if those disasters happen. So prepare one now.

    (1)、A B.O.B. has a collection of things ___________in it.
    A、for research B、for traffic C、for life D、for study
    (2)、Many people run away from their homes with a B.O.B. because___________.
    A、they have to save many people's lives B、they have no other useful things to take C、they will be able to return in a short time D、they need to continue to live after disasters happen
    (3)、People should make a B.O.B. as___________ as they can.
    A、huge B、light C、common D、heavy
    (4)、People had better NOT put a B.O.B___________.
    A、at home B、in the car C、at the office D、on the road
    (5)、According to the passage, "___________" is right.
    A、Expensive things should be put in a B.O.B. safely. B、People should take a B.O.B. with them everywhere. C、It's better to prepare more than one B.O.B. if possible. D、People are advised to put some more clothes in a B.O.B.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Vienna, the capital of Austria (奥地利) is known as the city of music. It is also the top city in the world for overall quality of living (全面的生活品质) according to the survey of 231 cities around the world. Vienna has held the title (头衔) for 8 years.

        On March 23, Yu Dabao helped China beat South Korea in the 2018 World Cup qualifying match (资格赛) in Changsha, Hunan. He was called "China's Lucky Star" since he saved his team many times in important games.

        In March, more than 80 bushfires (森林大火) were burning at the same time in New South Wales, Australia. 42 farms were burnt to the ground because of the fires. Many of the farms cover more than 1,000 sqkm (平方公里), while the biggest is larger than 20,000 sqkm.

        On April 26, a big Chinese ship, China's first homemade aircraft carrier (航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian, Liaoning. It is the largest and best ship China has ever built. The new carrier was designed (设计) in China and the building of it began in 2013. The ship now must be completed at sea.

    (1)、On March 23, Yu Dabao helped China beat __________.
    A、New South Wales B、Australia C、South Korea D、Austria
    (2)、The biggest farm burnt in New South Wales is over__________ sqkm.
    A、20,000 B、1,000 C、80 D、42
    (3)、On April 26, China's first homemade aircraft carrier__________.
    A、was built B、was designed C、was burnt D、hit the water in Dalian
    (4)、According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Vienna is the top city among 200 cities. B、Yu Dabao made the aircraft in Liaoning. C、Bushfires burnt 42 farms to the ground in New South Wales, Australia. D、In 2013, China's first homemade aircraft was completed.
    (5)、The passage is probably from__________.
    A、a storybook B、a newspaper C、a novel D、a science magazine
  • 5. 阅读理解

        Where were dominoes (多米诺骨牌) from? Modern dominoes first showed up in Italy during the 18th century. But it is believed that the earliest dominoes were Chinese playing cards. Italian missionaries (传教士) in China may have brought the game to Europe. Do you think so?

        Do you like to play with dominoes? Dominoes are small rectangular (长方形的) pieces made of wood or plastic (塑料). People can place dominoes in different shapes. Then, they push one domino down and the rest of the dominoes fall one by one. It is interesting to watch.

        But placing dominoes is hard. To make sure the dominoes fall smoothly, the space between each domino is important. According to domino—play. com, if a domino is about 4 cm long, then the space between two dominoes should be1—2 cm. If the space is too big, the dominoes will stop falling halfway. If the space is too small, the dominoes will fall too quickly and won't look interesting.

        Beginners can start by putting dominoes in a straight line. This is the easiest shape. Professional (专业的) players can place dominoes in many other shapes, including big circles, beautiful flowers and even famous paintings.

    (1)、Modern dominoes first appeared in _________during the 18th century.
    A、China B、Italy C、the US D、the UK
    (2)、Some dominoes are made of_________.
    A、wood B、silk C、gold D、steel
    (3)、If a domino is about 4cm long, the space between two dominoes may be _________.
    A、less than1cm B、more than 2cm C、about 1.5cm D、about 4cm
    (4)、It's interesting to watch dominoes falling_________.
    A、halfway B、together C、too quickly D、one by one
    (5)、Dominoes are usually put in the shape of _________by beginners.
    A、straight lines B、big circles C、beautiful flowers D、famous paintings
  • 6. 阅读理解

        Have you ever considered starting a fitness program? Since exercise can reduce the risk of diseases, improve balance, help lose weight, better sleep habits and even make you confident, you should start a fitness program in the following steps.

        Test your fitness level

    How many meters can you walk or run in one minute? How much time does it take you to swim 50 meters? What is your heart rate (心率)? The data (数据) of your fitness level can help you know what activities you need.

        Design your fitness program

    You may have begun your daily exercise. But a personal plan helps more. First, you should have your fitness goals (目标). For example, what do you want to look like, to be slimmer or quicker? A balanced plan will help you start low, progress slowly, do right activities and even allow you to recover (康复) if you get hurt.

        Prepare things needed for sports

    You need something practical, enjoyable and easy to use. It could be a pair of trainers, a volleyball or a bicycle. You can also download fitness apps (应用程序) on your mobile phone to measure distances, calories burned or your heart rate.

        Take action

    Now you're ready for action. When you begin, don't always try tough tasks. Listen to your body and reduce exercise time if necessary.

        Monitor your progress

    Test your fitness level again six weeks later. If you have achieved your goals, increase exercise time to continue improving.

    Starting an exercise program is an important decision. By planning carefully and acting step by step, you can have good health.

    (1)、How many steps are mentioned in this passage to start a fitness program?
    A、3. B、4. C、5. D、6.
    (2)、You'd better test your fitness level first to__________.
    A、lose weight B、make you more confident C、reduce your exercise time D、decide what activities you need
    (3)、The underlined word "Monitor" in this passage means "__________".
    A、Watch B、Keep C、Take D、Make
    (4)、What should you do if you start a fitness program?
    A、Always do the same activity. B、Start low and progress slowly. C、Test your fitness level every week. D、Take exercise as much as you can.
    (5)、This passage is mainly about__________.
    A、how to start a fitness program B、how to design a fitness program C、the importance of good health D、the importance of a fitness program


  • 7. 根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。

        These days people are crazy about Wu Dajing. He broke his own world record in men's 500m short—track speed skating (短道速滑)!

        When he was young, he noticed two Chinese speed skaters on TV and then he decided to take up this sport. Wu started to learn to skate in 2004, and six years later he became a member of the national team.

        On February 22, 2018, Wu won the men's 500m short-track speed skating with a time of 39.584 seconds and became the first Chinese to win an Olympic short track gold. " I'm happy to win China's first gold here and I look forward to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics," Wu said.

        In fact, it is not the first time Wu has shown his talent in skating. He has won many medals at many world championships (锦标赛). Wu believes that as long as he works hard, he will succeed.

    A. Many people think he is really the "pride of China".

    B. I did my best in the event.

    C. He won second place in the same competition four years ago in Sochi.

    D. The young man won China's first gold medal at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games.

    E. Wu was born on July 24, 1994 in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province, China.


  • 8. 配对阅读: 左栏是五个人的情况简介,右栏是七种发明,请将这五个人与他们所使用的发明配对。

     Rocky keeps a dog that has long hair. He loves it very much and washes its hair twice a week. After washing it, he will use a kind of equipment to dry its hair.  

     Tina watches TV every night, so do her parents. But there is only one television in her home and she and her parents watch different programs. Most of the time, she watches TV shows online.  

     John is a shop worker. He is always busy, and he hardly has time to cook. Usually, he buys some instant (即食的) food after work and heats it at home.  

     Edward is a little overweight. He hates hot summer days. On these days, he will use a kind of equipment to keep himself cool. What's more, he can also use it on cold winter days.  

     Judy has a big family, and she has to cook a lot of food for her husband and children every day. However, on summer days, food easily goes bad, so she uses a kind of equipment to keep it fresh.  

    A. Fridge

    It is a kind of cooling equipment and a modern invention used in kitchens. It's used to keep food fresh for a longer time.

    B. Television

    The television shows moving pictures with sounds. It is common in people's homes because it is an interesting way to learn about the world and look for pleasure.

    C. Personal Computer

    In some rich countries, almost everyone has a personal computer. You can enjoy a lot on a computer connected to the Internet, such as sending and receiving e-mails, talking with friends and watching TV programs.

    D. Air-conditioner

    It is designed to change the air temperature inside the building, usually used for cooling. But during cold days, people also use it for heating.

    E. Microwave Oven (微波炉)

    It looks like a box and people usually use it in the kitchen. Today people's life becomes much busier and a microwave oven helps a lot. It can cook a meal very soon.

    F. Hair Dryer

    It is designed to blow cool or hot wind over wet hair in order to dry it in a short time. It also allows people to make different shapes and styles of hair.

    G. Electric Fan

    People often use it on hot summer days. It produces wind to make people feel cool.


  • 9. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

    A better town for teenagers

        I believe there are many things that we can do to make life in our town a lot better for teenagers.

        First of all, I think more bike lanes should(build). A lot of teenagers in my town ride bikes everywhere, but it's very(danger) because there is a lot of traffic. If there are more bike lanes in the future, it will be much (safe) for us.

        (two), I believe that we need more places for teenagers to go opinion, teenagers won't cause problems in the street if there are more places for us to go to. So we need more(club) and other places where we can meet.

        Thirdly, teenagers here need more sports facilities. There(be) places to play ball games so far like tennis and basketball, but what about other sports,skating and rollerblading?

        Finally, I'm sure we'll make the town betterwe don't drop litter. If we all do something(help) now, our town will be much better for everyone in the future.


  • 10. 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Jack来信说对”中国红“很感兴趣,想了解”中国红”在中国人日常生后中的体现。请你根据以下表格信息写一封回信介绍"中国红”。















    受欢迎的 popular      代表 stand for    幸福 happiness    好运 good luck

    春节 the Spring Festival    剪纸 paper-cuts   灯笼 lanterns    红包 red packets

    Dear Jack,

    It's great to receive your letter. Knowing that you're interested in Chinese red. I'm writing to tell you something about it.

    I truly hope my letter can help you understand Chinese red better.


    Li Hua