高中英语人教版(2019)选修三Unit 3 Environmental Protection单元基础全覆盖检测

试卷更新日期:2023-04-11 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. They have sent some books to the countryside because children there are starving knowledge.
  • 2. There is a lot of controversy over whether or not wolves should be released the park.
  • 3. The roof is unable (sustain) the weight of all the snow.
  • 4. The concert will (broadcast) live tomorrow evening.
  • 5. He is self-employed because he finds working for other people too (restrict).
  • 6. By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more and more (frequent).
  • 7. The students were doing a (comprehension) review of the term's work.
  • 8. (sustain) development of society and environment is closely related to human culture.
  • 9. Mary studied hard, (aim) to pass the College Entrance Examination.
  • 10. The project is part of an effort to save the animals extinction.
  • 11. We will have a (far) discussion before we draw a final conclusion.
  • 12. There are several ways to create and maintain a (harmony) dormitory life.
  • 13. Start by doing something simple, such as (make) a quick breakfast each day.
  • 14. People around the world should work together (protect) the plants and animals.
  • 15. I don't have Tom's address, so I wondered if by any chance you know he lives.
  • 16. If you are (sense) to other people's needs, problems, or feelings, you show understanding and awareness of them.
  • 17. Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect (fine) heavily.
  • 18. Many people are concerned about animals and wildlife (conserve).
  • 19. He discovered, on closer (inspect), that the rocks contained gold.
  • 20. As a new graduate, he doesn't know it takes to start a business here.
  • 21. It is reported that the new safety (regulate) will be in force next month.
  • 22. These measures are aimed at (restore) public confidence in the education system.
  • 23. You've failed to do what you (expect) to and I'm afraid the teacher will blame you.
  • 24. It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they (do) for me.


  • 25. 短语填空

    in search of, die out, known as, bring about,

     on behalf of, lead to, as well as, link...to

    (1)、As we can see, some theme parks are amusing educational.
    (2)、As we all know, it is human activities that the global warming.
    (3)、Dr.Banding and his assistant are a cure for diabetes at present.
    (4)、Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle have been an increased risk of heart disease.
    (5)、The invention and the use of cell phones have great changes in our daily life.
    (6)、Since human beings presented in the world, thousands of kinds of animals have .
    (7)、 China's largest nature reserve, Changbaishan is a wonderful tourist attraction.
    (8)、The teacher accepted the award the whole class.
  • 26. 短语填空

    carry out, end up, in effect, dozens of, take notes of,

    make use of, contribute to, be harmful to

    (1)、Noise is a kind of pollution and it our ears.
    (2)、Please the key points while you are reading.
    (3)、With your permission, I will have the project as soon as possible.
    (4)、Later, he realized if he went on like that, he would achieving nothing.
    (5)、You should these materials to understand the background of the poems.
    (6)、Most importantly, I met nice people there and made many excellent friends.
    (7)、The decision was taken yesterday and will remain until further government instructions.
    (8)、I'm firmly convinced of the significance of honesty, which will building a warm and harmonious society.


  • 27. At present, cycling, (和……一起) jogging and swimming, is regarded as one of the best all-round forms of exercise.
  • 28. Miss Jack believes her experiment could (对……有影响) the environment.
  • 29. When John meet with difficulties, he usually chooses to (参考) relevant learning materials.
  • 30. The planets' strong force of gravity holds (大量的) hydrogen and helium gas.
  • 31. As far as I'm concerned, concentration on your studies will (导致) good grades.
  • 32. The country is trying to (采取措施) to prevent and control pollution.
  • 33. Government will need to (制定政策) to encourage private companies.
  • 34. If I were you, I should (抓住这次机遇) to improve myself.
  • 35. 这无疑是我一生所经历的最重要的个人经历。
    (1)、This is the most significant personal experience I have been through.(介词短语) 
    (2)、this is the most significant personal experience I have been through.(同位语从句) 
  • 36. 打乒乓球不仅能增强你的体质,而且能塑造你的性格。
    (1)、Playing ping-pong can build up your body it can shape your character.(并列连词) 
    (2)、playing ping-pong build up your body but it also can shape your character.(倒装句) 
  • 37. 挪威北极岛斯瓦尔巴岛发现了一只死北极熊的新闻照片使人们震惊。
    (1)、People were shocked by a news photo of a dead polar bear on Norway's Arctic island of Svalbard.(定语从句) 
    (2)、People were shocked by a news photo of a dead polar bear Norway's Arctic island of Svalbard.(过去分词作定语) 
  • 38. 他当时所记得的是,他滑了一下,倒在了地上。
    (1)、at the moment was that he slipped and fell to the ground.
    (2)、at the moment was that he slipped and fell to the ground.
  • 39. 我们认为对环境做出贡献是我们的责任。
    (1)、We think to make contributions to the environment.(形式主语) 
    (2)、We think to make contributions to the environment.(形式宾语) 
  • 40. In primary school, our teacher told us that (地球围着太阳转).
  • 41. My brother asked me (我到什么地方去过).
  • 42. My friend wanted to know (我是否愿意) go on a holiday with her.
  • 43. My parents asked me (我要做什么) after graduation.
  • 44. Can you give me some advice on (我如何才能学好英语口语)? 
  • 45. Obviously, they don't want to spend too much money.(升级为it作形式主语的句子)

    they don't want to spend too much money.

  • 46. We all know that China is a great country with a long history.(升级为as引导的非限制性定语从句)

    , China is a great country with a long history.

  • 47. Without doubt she will come to your birthday party this Friday.(升级为there be句型)

    she will come to your birthday party this Friday.

  • 48. There are 50 students in our class and many of them come from the countryside.(升级为"不定代词+介词+关系代词"引导的定语从句)

    →There are 50 students in our class, come from the countryside.

  • 49. Our bus was going very fast and was heading toward the city.(升级为动词-ing形式作伴随状语的句子)

    →Our bus was going very fast, the city.