2023年高二英语语法配套练习:16 固定搭配

试卷更新日期:2023-04-11 类型:同步测试


  • 1. When I came out of the theatre, I noticed a group of children __________ musical instruments across the stress.
    A、play B、played C、playing D、being played
  • 2. They spent ______________ money on the new hospital.
    A、a great deal B、a great deal of C、a good many D、a large number of
  • 3. I always complain ________ my mother __________ my old bike.
    A、about, to B、to, about C、of, about D、for, against 
  • 4.       good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Tianjin dishes.
    A、Instead of B、Apart from C、Far from D、Regardless of
  • 5. At BRICS summit in Xiamen, China and member countries continued to enhance the development and cooperation ______ economy, trade, science, technology and etc.
    A、as a result of B、result in C、in regard to D、in response to
  • 6. In my opinion, the topic is too difficult to understand. Try to simplify your speech ______ it goes beyond the children.
    A、even if B、as if C、in fact D、in case
  • 7. Studies into art preferences ______ the 1930s — most of them examining the degree to which people like or dislike different paintings.
    A、dated back to B、date from C、dating back to D、were dated from
  • 8. We still haven't got the sponsor________ the fact that we've written to dozens of companies.
    A、regardless of B、in view of C、in spite of D、on account of
  • 9. The discovery of the new drug is       great significance.
    A、for B、of C、in
  • 10. The competition is specially designed to test your ability ________ theory with practice.
    A、combined B、combining C、to combine D、to be combined
  • 11. Do you think she'll notice if I switch my glass ______hers?
    A、with B、into C、off D、over
  • 12. The company lost $7 million this quarter ________ a profit of $6. 2 million a year earlier.
    A、in contrast to B、with regard to C、in favor of D、at the sacrifice of
  • 13. He had ______ to go, but on second thoughts, he gave up the idea.
    A、intended B、managed C、tried D、pretended
  • 14. My mother didn't_______ us leaving Beijing at once, so we had to stay there for _______ three days.
    A、approve; other B、approve of ;more C、approve of ; another D、approve; the other
  • 15. Running a company calls for intelligence, patience and a lot of experience. _______, it's not an easy thing.
    A、In conclusion B、On the other hand C、First of all D、On the contrary
  • 16. Tom is going to compete_____ five other athletes ______ the first prize in a race.
    A、with; in B、against; for C、of; for D、with; against
  • 17. Did he determine ________ an early start? 
    A、in B、to C、on D、at
  • 18. He is senior______ me, though he is younger.
    A、than B、in C、to D、for
  • 19. We should protect wild animals from being harmed and live in _______harmony with them.
    A、/ B、a C、the D、an
  • 20. Walking is ________to your body shape.
    A、beneficially B、of benefit C、benefit D、benefited


  • 21. 另一方面,黑色令人压抑。

    , black is depressing. 

  • 22. 这个书包和我昨天丢失的一样。

    This is I lost yesterday. 

  • 23. 我们不是通过关联来找书,也就是说,我们不是通过其内容来查找。

    We don't find the book by association. , we don't find the book by referring to its contents. 

  • 24. 如果没有新的政府政策,预计到2050年死亡人数将翻一番。

    deaths is expected to double by 2050 without new government policies. 

  • 25. 李娜结束职业生涯的真正原因是她的伤痛。

    The realLi Na to end her professional career is her painful injuries. 

  • 26. I (对法语感兴趣) and I am good at communication in French. 
  • 27. 你真聪明,能在工作和家庭生活中保持平衡。

    It is clever of you to between your work and your family life.

  • 28. 不要让学生整天学习。

    Don't all day.

  • 29. 吉姆不仅擅长篮球,而且擅长网球。

    Jim is good at   basketball   tennis.

  • 30. 他主动为我们俩付钱,真是大方。

        him  offer to pay for us both.

  • 31. 我没有足够的勇气告诉她我对她的看法。

    I wasn't what I thought of her.

  • 32. 图书馆里有各种各样的书供我们选择,像历史书、科学书等。(variety)
  • 33. 山脚下似乎有人在伐树。(cut down)
  • 34. 不能给他安排这项任务。一则他年纪大了,二则他身体弱。

    Don't set him the task. , he's old; , he's in poor health.

  • 35. 一大群蚂蚁浩浩荡荡地穿过小径。

    marched across the path.

  • 36. 它们肯定需要吸收大量液体。(take in)
  • 37. 我感谢那些困难的日子,因为我得到了成长。

    I the difficult times because I have grown up from those times.

  • 38. 这比我预料的要多。

    This is I have expected.

  • 39. 我在我的手提包底部找到了几枚硬币。

    I found several coins .


  • 40. The reason the failure of the experiment was that they lacked necessary experience. 
  • 41. The boy became addicted computer games and didn't want to study. 
  • 42. Why get stressed? It will just make things worse. 
  • 43. No matter when the enemies come, they will be wiped clean. 
  • 44. It is high time that we did something to protect those endangered animals before they die
  • 45. I have arranged for Tom to pickthe experts at the airport. 
  • 46. Do we want to get somewhere or do we want to get stuck the rut (车辙)? 
  • 47. It is impolite to speak with your mouth fullfood. 
  • 48. These two events were relatedeach other. 
  • 49. Insteadshouting empty slogans (口号), it is more meaningful to donate books and sports goods to children in need. 
  • 50. Jack was staring out of the window, (lose) in thought.
  • 51. In addition her research, she has been whole-heartedly committed to environmental protection.
  • 52. The escaped prisoner kept (eat) leaves in the forest.
  • 53. Blues is closely (relate) to the music of West Africa.
  • 54. These birds escaped (kill) by the hunter.
  • 55. They all wanted to get (involve) in a project on green living.
  • 56. What (contribute) does Roots & Shoots make to society?
  • 57. He came up a good idea when he saw these flowers.
  • 58. They are busy (work) on this motorway, finding people for speeding.
  • 59. Climate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs (solve).
  • 60. One should be generous  his time in assisting others.
  • 61. I want to thank you in person for the impact you've had my life.
  • 62. Large amounts of money (collect) from all over the country in the past two weeks.
  • 63. Kids tend (be) more motivated to learn organization skills if they see organization as a challenge to overcome. rather than a fault to repair.
  • 64. They are only concerned whether the application can assist them in pursuit of their goals.
  • 65. Luck and opportunity go hand in hand hard work and knowledge.
  • 66. By visiting schools, the actors hoped to inspire children (put) on their own productions.
  • 67. Parents of the victims have protested her early release.
  • 68. Recently, we have been greatly disturbed by the noise from the factory near our school, which has given rise many complaints.
  • 69. With the wind and waves, we were going the direction of the whirlpool.


  • 70. 18、单句改错


    增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其右面的横线上写出该加的词。

    删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,并在其右面的横线上写出多余的词,并用斜线(\)划掉。

    修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词右面横线上面写出修改后的词。


    (1)、They live in a society where there is a serious competition for a place at university.
    (2)、The normal secondary school day, as in most other countries, last eight hours.
    (3)、When the school day ends, the children are not allowed relax and enjoy themselves.
    (4)、Study for up to 17 hours a day is a fact of life for South Korean secondary school pupils.
    (5)、But after that most parents make their children to stay at school for extra     classes.
    (6)、In the course of this journey they are provided with experience in Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade.
    (7)、Getting a good degree from a top university is the only way to be sure of get a professional well-paid job.
    (8)、Most of them have to study all evening in libraries, with private tutor or at private academies.
    (9)、I've never had a boyfriend and neither has my friends.
    (10)、After school she has to study for other four hours.