外研版(三起点)六年级下学期Module4 单元测试卷

试卷更新日期:2023-03-31 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 判断每组单词画线部分发音是否相同。
    (1)、balloon   book
    (2)、stair   pair
    (3)、fall   ball
    (4)、mess   get
    (5)、fly   party


  • 2. 一段时间没有打扫卫生了,房间乱糟糟的,你会说:
    A、Be careful! B、What a mess! C、Good idea.
  • 3. 你在搬运一个很重的箱子,想要寻求别人的帮助,你会说:
    A、I can carry it. B、I can help you. C、Who can help me?
  • 4. 你想知道小明正在做什么,你会问小明:
    A、What are you doing? B、He is eating. C、What is he doing?
  • 5. A bus is coming. Be ___________!
    A、carefully B、care C、careful
  • 6. My brother is _________ the supermarket now.
    A、on B、at C、from
  • 7. My books are ________________.
    A、fall B、falling C、fell
  • 8. The eggs are ______.
    A、broke B、broken C、break
  • 9. 你在公园玩耍,看见空中有一个风筝向下落,你会说:
    A、A kite is flying. B、A kite is falling. C、A kite is flying away.
  • 10. 你的生日马上到了,你想知道妈妈是否会为你举办一个生日聚会,你会说:
    A、Yes, you are. B、Am I going to have a birthday party? C、I'm going to have a birthday party.
  • 11. My kite is ________. I can't fly it.
    A、well B、broken C、good



  • 16. 根据提示补全短文。

    It's eight o'clock in the evening. Jack and his family (be) at home. Mr Green is (sit) in a sofa. He's reading a newspaper. He (not like) watching TV. Mrs Green is standing near the window. She's giving some food (介词)a bird. (疑问词)is Jack? He's doing his homework in the study. They are all very busy.

  • 17. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    Look at the man. What is he doing? He's carrying a very big box. The box is full of apples. He wants to put the box on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don't think so. Why? Because the box is too heavy. Look! The box is bro-ken. And the apples are falling. What a poor(可怜的)man! Then he asks for help. Some people run to him and help him. How friendly the people are!

    (1)、The man is _________.
    A、riding a bike B、carrying a box C、eating apples
    (2)、What's in the box?
    A、Apples. B、Bananas. C、Oranges.
    (3)、Can the man put the box on the bike at first?
    A、Yes, he can. B、No, he can't. C、Yes, he does.
    (4)、Is the box heavy or light?
    A、Light. B、Heavy. C、Yes, it is.
    (5)、What happens at last?
    A、The man falls. B、Nobody helps him. C、Sone people help him.


  • 18. 选词填空。

    down  away  on  of  for

    (1)、She's buying things your birthday.
    (2)、My mother is the phone.
    (3)、The oranges are falling the stairs.
    (4)、The balloons are flying .
    (5)、Can another bus come and take half us?


  • 19. 选择合适的选项补全对话。

    A. The balloons are flying away.

    B. Where is your mother?

    C. Thank you.

    D. Yes, I am.

    E. I want a big birthday cake and some balloons.


    Lingling: She is buying things at the supermarket.

    Nancy: Are you going to have a birthday party?

    Lingling: My mother is buying things for me.

    Nancy: What do you want?


    Nancy: Can she carry everything?

    Lingling: No, she can't. Look!

    Let's go and help her.

    Nancy: OK. Hurry up!



  • 20. 按要求完成下列各题。
    (4)、fall down(英译汉)
    (5)、get on(反义词)



  • 22. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    It's Tuesday tomorrow. It's Children's Day. Zhuangzhuang's class is going to have a Children's Day party in the classroom.

    Everyone is busy now. Zhuangzhuang is making some cards for his friends. Yuanyuan is drawing some pictures on the blackboard.

    She is drawing some flowers and balloons. They are very beautiful. Chengcheng is cleaning the classroom. Caicai is buying some things for the party. Lulu is helping him. Their teacher, Ms Smart is coming. She is making a big cake for the party. She is going to sing an English song at the party. They are going to have a lovely time.

    (1)、It's ________ tomorrow.
    A、Mid-Autumn Day B、Children's Day C、Teachers' Day
    (2)、Zhuangzhuang's class is going to have a party ________.
    A、in the classroom B、at Ms Smart's home C、at his home
    (3)、Yuanyuan is ________ .
    A、making some cards B、drawing some pictures C、buying some things
    (4)、________ is cleaning the classroom.
    A、Chengcheng B、Caicai C、Ms Smart
    (5)、Ms Smart is going to ________ at the party.
    A、make a cake B、play the flute C、sing an English song