外研版(三起点)六年级下学期Module4 Unit1 同步测试卷

试卷更新日期:2023-03-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. The little girl can't ________ this box.
    A、carries B、carry C、carrying
  • 2. Look at the balloon. It__________, "Happy Birthday!"
    A、writes B、says C、say
  • 3. Peter can help ________.
    A、us B、we C、I
  • 4. — What's the weather like today?


    A、My name is Tom. B、It's rainy here. C、It's red.
  • 5. — Is it warm today?


    A、No, she isn't. B、Yes, it is. C、Yes, she is.



  • 9. 将Ⅰ栏和Ⅱ栏内容连线组成短语,再连接Ⅲ栏正确的汉语意思。

    Ⅰ            Ⅱ                                    Ⅲ

    on       careful                          在通话中

    at       the phone                     飞走

    fly       the supermarket          在超市

    have       away                         举办一个生日聚会

    be       a birthday party            当心
