外研版(三起点)五年级下学期 Module 2 Unit 1 She learnt English.单元测试卷

试卷更新日期:2023-03-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 选出下列单词中不同类的一项。
    A、writer B、grandma C、dancer
    A、radio B、read C、ruler
    A、did B、bread C、danced
    A、Chinese B、English C、China
    A、who B、how C、was


  • 2. Yesterday I_____ a cake.
    A、make B、made C、making
  • 3. 你想告诉朋友,你奶奶以前是老师,你应说:
    A、My grandma was a dancer. B、She danced in lots of cities. C、My grandma was an English teacher.
  • 4. 你想知道埃米昨天是不是做作业了,你应问:
    A、Did Amy go to the park yesterday? B、Did Amy do her homework yesterday? C、Did Amy make a cake yesterday?
  • 5. —Did they____ English?

    —Yes, they____ English.

    A、learn, learnt B、learnt, learn C、learnt, learnt
  • 6. Did your mum learn ______foreign languages?
    A、little B、any C、many
  • 7. I ____a doctor many years ago.
    A、is B、were C、was
  • 8. 你想知道小刚的爸爸是不是司机,你会说:
    A、Is your grandpa a driver? B、Is your father a doctor? C、Is your father a driver?
  • 9. Mary is ______to music now.
    A、listened B、listening C、listen
  • 10. —_____________are they?

    —They're my grandparents, Tommy and Tina.

    A、Where B、What C、Who
  • 11. 我的阿姨在许多中国城市工作过。
    A、My aunt worked in lots of Chinese cities. B、My aunt worked in a few Chinese cities. C、My uncle worked in a lot of foreign citiese.


  • 12. 写出下列单词的过去式


  • 13. 从方框中选择适当的词语填空。

     to have ;  having;  has;   had;  have

    (1)、What did she ?   

    (2)、  She   a tomato. 

    (3)、I' m dinner.

    (4)、He  lunch at twelve every day. 

    (5)、I' m going chicken for dinner.


  • 14. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。

    Where is My Cat? Mr Black likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes them home for supper. His wife, Mrs Black often asks her friends to their home to have lunch and eat fish. one day, when Mr Black comes home in the evening, he cannot find his fish. And Mrs Black says their cat has eaten the fish. Mr Black is very angry. He takes the cat to the shop near their house to weigh the cat. He says, "You see, my fish is one kilo, and this cat is one kilo, too. My fish is here. Then where is my cat?"

    (1)、Mr Black likes to eat cat very much.
    (2)、Mrs Black often eats fish with her friend.
    (3)、The cat is one kilo.
    (4)、The cat ate the fish.
    (5)、Mr Black is very happy.