外研版(三起点)三年级下学期 Module 3 单元测试卷

试卷更新日期:2023-03-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. I don't like ______.
    A、swim B、swiming C、swimming
  • 2. My father and mother like me. I like ______ too.
    A、they B、them C、he
  • 3. I ______ like riding my bike.
    A、not B、don't C、isn't
  • 4. Elephants are ______ and ______.
    A、big; small B、tall; short C、big; tall
  • 5. 当你不小心被篮球打到而感到很疼时,你会说:
    A、Ouch! B、OK! C、Ha ha...
  • 6. 当你想对对方说你不喜欢游泳时,可以这样说:
    A、I like swimming. B、I don't like swimming.
  • 7. 小朋友快来选一选。


    A、street B、ski
  • 8. 选出不同类的一项(   )
    A、swim B、skip C、fat
  • 9. They __________like swimming.
    A、don't B、does C、not  
  • 10. 如果你不喜欢打兵乓球,你可以说:
    A、I don't like table tennis. B、I don't like football.



  • 17. 根据图片提示,给下列词语分类。

    A. tiger B. black C. football D. swim E. elephant F. skip G. table tennis

    H. ride a bike I. monkey J. yellow K. green L. lion M. basketball


  • 18. 补全对话。

    A. I don't like football.

    B. It's a football.

    C. Hi, Amy.

    D. All right.

    E. I like basketball beat (最)

    A: Hello, Lili.

    B: What's this?

    A: Let's play football, OK.

    B: Sorry,

    A: Oh, what's your favourite?


    A: Let's play basketball, OK?

    B: Let's go.


  • 19. 按照字母表顺序,在四线三格上写出所缺字母的大小写。

    Bb Ee


  • 20. 根据图片提示,选词补全句子。

    A. like basketball B. football C. table tennis D. swimming E. don't like

    (1)、I'm Tom. I like . I skipping.
    (2)、My name is Jack. I . But I don't like .
    (3)、Hello, I'm Lily. My favourite sport(运动) is .


  • 21. 根据某班学生运动喜好的统计图,判断句子正误。

    (1)、It's about(关于) sport.
    (2)、25 students(学生)like basketball.
    (3)、All the students like skipping.
    (4)、20 students don't like swimming.
    (5)、Ten students don't like football.


  • 22. Read and match.

    1 How does your father go to work?       A. 我五点回家。

    2  What do you do at the weekend?        B. 艾米喜欢糖果吗?

    3  She goes swimming on Sundays.         C. 你爸爸怎样去上班?

    4 Does Amy like sweets?                           D. 她周日去游泳。

    5  I go home at                                          E. 你周末做什么?


  • 23. 找出错误并改正

    Read and choose the wrong one.

    Do you like t-shirts?

     A            B       C