备战2023年中考英语(2轮)·归纳与变式 分数

试卷更新日期:2023-03-31 类型:二轮复习


  • 1.           of the students in our class _____going to the summer camp in Beijing next week.
    A、Two fifths, is B、Second fifths, are C、Second fifths, is D、Two fifths, are
  • 2. Nowadays, ________ people like HUAWEI phones better, and about ________ of them are adults.
    A、the number of; four-fifths B、a number of; four-fifth C、a number of; four-fifths D、the number of; four-five
  • 3. — Nowadays China has about 25,000 kilometers of high-speed railways.

    — That's           of the world's total.

    A、two third B、two-third C、two thirds D、two three
  • 4. — Dad, about ________ of our classmates wear glasses.

    —Oh, that's terrible. You all should take good care of your eyes.

    A、three fourth B、third fourth C、third fourths D、three quarters
  • 5. Nowadays, ______ of the old people in the area _____ used to dancing on the square after supper.
    A、two third; is B、two thirds; is C、two thirds; are
  • 6. About ______ of the land ______ covered with trees and grass.
    A、three fifths; is B、three fifths; are C、three fifth; are
  • 7.       of the students in Class 6 have lunch at school.
    A、Two fifth B、One thirds C、Three fifth D、Three quarters
  • 8. —What do you think of the environment here?

    —Wonderful! ______ of the land ______ covered with trees and grass.

    A、Two fifths; is B、Two fifth; is C、Two fifths; are D、Two fifth; are


  • 9. Nearly _______ of the students in your class took part in the English competition.
    A、one-third B、one-three C、one-thirds D、first-three
  • 10.  About ____ of the teachers in our school were born in the ____.
    A、first four; 1990s B、one fourth; 1990 C、one fourth; 1990s
  • 11. __________ of the students in our class __________ going to summer camp in Beijing next week.
    A、Two fifths, is B、Second fifths, are C、Second fifths, is D、Two fifths, are
  • 12. About ______ of the workers in the factory were born in the ______.
    A、two-thirds;1970 B、two-thirds; 1970s C、two-third; 1970 D、two-third; 1970s
  • 13. —What do you think of the articles in your exam?

    —Oh, I think_____ of the materials I read in the exam______ quite meaningful.

    A、two thirds, is B、two thirds, are C、two third, are
  • 14. —One of the biggest causes of wildlife loss is human activities.

    —It's reposed that ______ of the world's land has been seriously influenced by human activities.

    A、three-quarter B、third quarters C、three quarters
  • 15. It is said that _____ of the students like to talk with their friends online.
    A、two thirds B、two three C、two third D、two threes
  • 16. _______ of the area _______ covered by trees.
    A、Two-third; is B、Two thirds; is C、Two-third; are
  • 17. There are fifty students in our class, _____ of us _____table tennis.
    A、two third; likes B、two three; like C、two thirds; like
  • 18. The number of the cars in our neighborhood                     about eight hundred; two thirds of them                           new.
    A、is; are B、am; is C、was; were D、are; is
  • 19. The teacher said that ___________of the boys would take part in the talent show.
    A、three five B、three fives C、thirds fifths D、three fifths
  • 20. This is a foreign language bookstore, and___________ of the books are English books.
    A、third four B、fourth three C、three quarters D、three four
  • 21. There are           teachers in our school,           of them are women teachers.
    A、two hundred; two fifth B、two hundreds; two fifths C、two hundred; two fifths D、two hundreds; two fifths
  • 22. —We have thirty-five students in our class.           of them are girls. How many boys are there, do you know?

    —There are twenty boys.

    A、One seventh B、Two sevenths C、Three sevenths D、Four sevenths
  • 23. ____________students is more than 1, 000 in our school, and about ____________ students of them are girls.
    A、The number of; two fifths B、A number of; two-fifth C、A number of; two-fifths D、The number of; two-five
  • 24. According to a survey, four out of five women do housework at home, but only _________of men would do it.
    A、four fifth B、four fifths C、two fifth D、two fifths
  • 25. ________ of the students in our class ________ going to the summer camp in Beijing next week.
    A、Two fifths; is B、Second fifths; are C、Second fifths; is D、Two fifths; are
  • 26. __________________ of the land in that town__________________ covered with trees and grass.
    A、Two fifth; is B、Two fifth; are C、Two fifths; is D、Two fifths; are
  • 27. About ________________ of the students like keeping diaries in English in my school.
    A、two fifth B、two fifths C、second five D、two five
  • 28. __________ of the water __________ dirty.
    A、Two fifths, is B、Second fifths, are C、Second fifths, is D、Two fifths, are