备战2023年中考英语(2轮)·归纳与变式 序数词

试卷更新日期:2023-03-31 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —I like the number"9"best, because I think it stands for "long lasting".

    — Me too. So I choose _____________ floor to live on.

    A、nine B、ninth C、the nine D、the ninth
  • 2. September is the _____month of a year.
    A、seventh B、eighth C、ninth D、tenth
  • 3. —We'll celebrate the       National Day this year.

    —That's really exciting.

    A、seventy B、seventeen C、seventieth
  • 4. Our country is nearly      years old. We'll celebrate its      birthday on October 1, 2019 around the country.
    A、seventy, seventy B、seventy, seventieth C、seventieth, seventy D、seventieth, seventieth
  • 5. We are proud of our country. The year 2019 is her ____ birthday.
    A、seventy B、the seventy C、the seventieth D、seventieth
  • 6. —Which month of the year do you like best?

    — July, the _________ month, because summer vacation begin in this month.

    A、seven B、six C、seventh D、sixth
  • 7. Please pass me ___book on the right.
    A、four B、fourth C、the four D、the fourth
  • 8. There are 24 solar terms in a year. Grain Rain often starts in April, the ________ month of the year.
    A、Third B、fourth C、fifth
  • 9. Our country is 70 years old this year. We will celebrate her _____ birthday on Oct. 1.
    A、the seventieth B、seventieth C、the seventy D、seventy
  • 10. — Is Dongjin High-speed Railway Station the      largest in Hubei Province?

    — Yes, of course. It's just a little smaller than the largest one in Wuhan.

    A、first B、second C、third D、fourth


  • 11. —What date is it today?

    —It's          of April.

    A、twelfth B、the 12th C、12th
  • 12. Sunday is the       day of a week.
    A、one B、first C、second
  • 13. My cousin's birthday is on the         of October.
    A、three B、first C、the second
  • 14. —How was your day off yesterday?

    —Perfect! It was _________birthday of my grandma's. We had a big family celebration.

    A、eighty B、the eightieth C、eightieth D、eighteenth
  • 15. Father's Day is on the ____Sunday in June.
    A、first B、second C、third
  • 16. Now, please turn to Page______ and look at the_______ picture.
    A、Fifth; five B、Five; fifth C、Fifth; fifth D、Five; five
  • 17. —Excuse me, which is the way to the park?

    —Sorry, I don't know. This is my _____time here.

    A、first B、second C、third
  • 18. Millie lives on _______floor in a tall building.
    A、five B、the fifth C、fifth D、the five
  • 19. —Our school is going to hold its _____ Culture Festival.

    —I see. And we can take part in the activity again.

    A、fifth B、five C、the fifth
  • 20. The school building has_________, our classroom is on________.
    A、five floors; the three floors B、the fifth floor; the third floor C、the fifth floor; the three floors D、five floors; the third floor
  • 21. Jack is ________ years old now and today is his ________ birthday.
    A、nine; nineth B、ninth; nine C、nine; ninth
  • 22. —How was your day off yesterday?

    —Great! It was my grandma's ______ birthday. We had a big family dinner.

    A、eighty B、eightieth C、the eighty D、the eightieth
  • 23. I live in a tall building and my house is on _____ floor.
    A、twenty B、the twenty C、twentieth D、the twentieth
  • 24. My parents bought me a nice mobile phone for my _____ birthday.
    A、twenty B、the twenty C、twentieth D、the twentieth
  • 25. —When is your birthday? —It's May ________.
    A、four B、fourteen C、fourth D、forty
  • 26. —It is my______ time to Harbin. it's so cold here.

    —You should wear warm clothes.

    A、first B、the first C、firstly
  • 27. Boys and girls, please turn to Page ________ and look at the ________ picture in Unit 4.
    A、Twentieth; four B、Twenty; fourth C、Twentieth; fourth D、Twenty; four
  • 28. — Which floor do you ______?

    — The ______ floor.

    A、live; nineth B、live on; ninth C、live on; nineth D、live; ninth
  • 29. — How old is your grandpa?

    — ______. We had a special party for his ______ birthday last Sunday.

    A、Ninety; ninety B、Ninetieth; ninetieth C、Ninety; ninetieth D、Ninetieth; ninety
  • 30. The girl's name is Maria Schwartz, so her _________ name's Maria.
    A、first B、family C、last D、mother