
试卷更新日期:2023-03-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. The guard of the meeting insisted that everybody_______ the rules.
    A、obeys B、would obey C、will obey D、obey
  • 2. I wish I ________ at my sister's Wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business trip in New York then.
    A、were B、am C、had been D、was
  • 3. The voluntary service saved you a sum of money that you otherwise _____on the agency responsible for finding your pets.
    A、need have spent B、would have spent C、must have spent D、can have spent
  • 4. The old man insisted that I      his wallet.
    A、has taken B、took C、should take D、had taken
  • 5. Mr Wang    at 8 p.m. for the party, but he didn't show up.
    A、should have arrived B、should arrive C、should have had arrived D、should be arriving
  • 6. Had my son known it was going to rain, he    his umbrella to work.
    A、shouldn't have taken B、would have taken C、must have taken D、couldn't have taken
  • 7. David    have won the computer competition easily yesterday, but he gave up.
    A、could B、might C、should D、must
  • 8. It was proposed that the house ________ as it had been when Lu Xun lived in it.
    A、be preserved B、be preseving C、would be preserved D、could preserve
  • 9. _______ the global pollution, he recommended everybody _______ the environmental protection cause.
    A、In terms of; be devoted to B、As for; devoted to C、Concerning; would be devoted to D、Apart from; should devote to
  • 10. _______ the severe air pollution, it's time we _______ measures to arouse people's awareness of environmental protection.
    A、On account of; take B、Despite; should take C、Account for; should take D、Due to; took
  • 11. The manager's order was that the names______ to in his report _______ to Mr Brown immediately.
    A、referred; be e-mailed B、referring; should be e-mailed C、referred; were e-mailed D、was referred; must be e-mailed
  • 12. It is requested that a lecture ________ on this subject.
    A、should be given B、should give C、should be giving D、gives
  • 13. The workers requested that their working conditions ____________.
    A、must be improved B、be improved C、would be improved D、were improved
  • 14. He looked as if he ________________ ill for a long time.
    A、was B、Were C、has been D、had been
  • 15. If only he ____________ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.
    A、lies B、lay C、had lain D、should lie
  • 16. —"Where have you been?"

    —"I got caught in traffic; otherwise _______________ sooner."

    A、I would be here B、I have been here C、I had been here D、I would have been here
  • 17. —This is the first time I _____my first picture with my own hands.

    —It is time that you ______a picture for me.

    A、took; took B、have taken; took C、took; will take D、will take; have taken
  • 18. It is strongly recommended that the machines ______every year.
    A、check B、be checked C、checked D、checking
  • 19. My adviser recommended that I ________   the advanced literature.
    A、would sign up for B、sign up for C、signed up for D、could sign up for
  • 20. The man in prison insisted that he ______ nothing wrong and ______ set free.
    A、had done; should be B、had done; had been C、should do; should be D、should do; had been


  • 21. (Have) you taken my advice last time you would not have been in trouble.
  • 22. It is suggested that all the children  (receive) higher education.
  • 23. The little boy takes good care of his grandpa as if he (be) an adult.
  • 24. If I (be) you, I would buy that flat now.
  • 25. He would have recovered sooner if he(not hide) his condition from his doctor for so long.
  • 26. I recommend that he (see) a lawyer.
  • 27. If it (be) not for his help, I wouldn't pass the driving test.
  • 28. Without electricity, our life (be) much different from what it is today.
  • 29. He put forward a proposal that the wounded (send) to the hospital at as quickly as possible.
  • 30. Finally, I recommend that you (watch) more live broadcasts of international matches at the following website.


  • 31. We didn't know his telephone number;  we  him.


  • 32. Some people usually waste energy and resources .


  • 33. 我希望你能加入我们的俱乐部,因为这是保持健康的好方式,也是放松自我的好机会。(desire)

    a. I  our club, as it is a great way to keep fit and a good chance to relax ourselves.
    b. I our club, as it is a great way to keep fit and a good chance to relax ourselves.

  • 34. 我父母借给我一些钱。要不然,我可负担不起这趟旅行。(otherwise; afford)
  • 35. 得知你要访问一个中国家庭,我十分高兴。对你来说,了解一些中国的餐桌礼仪非常必要。

    I'm very delighted to know that you're going to visit a Chinese family. something about Chinese table manners.

  • 36. 如果昨天我知道了你的电话号码,我就会给你打电话了。

    If I had known your telephone number yesterday, I .

  • 37. 这个年轻的女士看起来好像要说点什么。
    (1)、The young woman seems as if say something. (虚拟语气)
    (2)、The young woman seems as if say something. (状语从句的省略)
  • 38. 医生要求他在手术后休息几天,但他充耳不闻。(demand)
  • 39. 我们宁愿女儿留在家里和我们在一起,但这是她的选择,她不再是一个孩子了。

    We our daughter stayed at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer.

  • 40. If only I (可以出席) the meeting yesterday!