备战2023年中考英语(2轮)·归纳与变式 指示代词

试卷更新日期:2023-03-30 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —This dress is too long, please give me _______ one.

    —Sure, madam. Give _______ back to me and try on this one

    A、other; one B、other; it C、another; it D、another; one
  • 2. April 15 was a sad day for France. A large fire __________at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame.
    A、broke out B、carried out C、gave out D、ran out
  • 3. —May I help you with some jeans, sir?

    —Yes, I'd like to try on those blue _______.

    A、pair B、one C、two D、ones
  • 4. The dishes cooked by my mother are more delicious than _______ cooked by my father.
    A、ones B、them C、those


  • 5.  Hello, Lingling. ____ Tony speaking. 
    A、That's B、This is C、I'm
  • 6.        is important        different countries' customs.
    A、It; to know B、That; to know C、It; know
  • 7. —Could you tell me what time the train leaves Wuhan for Beijing?

    —I am afraid you need to _______ on the Internet.

    A、look it at B、look at it C、look it up D、look up it
  • 8. Are _______ Amy's _______?
    A、this; books B、that book C、these; books
  • 9. ______ is my family photo and ________are my parents.
    A、This; these B、These; that C、That; this D、Those; these
  • 10. The houses in the countryside are shorter than _______ in the city.
    A、this B、that C、these D、those
  • 11. Your new shirt looks ________ with ________ pink trousers.
    A、well, that B、good, those C、good, that D、well, those
  • 12. ________ is my brother. ________ is my sister over there (那边).
    A、This; That B、That; This C、These; Those D、Those; These
  • 13. Hi, _____ is my mother and _______ are my friends.
    A、this, that B、these, these C、this, these D、that, that
  • 14. ____________are Bill's books.
    A、Those B、This C、That D、It
  • 15. —Look! Do you know ________man under the tree?

    —Sorry. It's too far to see ________clearly.

    A、this; him B、that; this C、this; her D、that; him
  • 16. ________ is my brother and ________ name is Jeff Brown.
    A、This, his B、This, her C、she, his D、He, her
  • 17. The weather in China ________ different from ________ in America.
    A、is; it B、is; that C、are; that D、are; this
  • 18. —Who are         girls?

    —They're my friends, Helen and Lucy.

    A、that two B、two these C、this two D、those two
  • 19. th__s
    A、i B、a C、o
  • 20. —Excuse me, I want some books, but I can't find a bookshop here.

    —I know _________on my way home. Come with me, please.

    A、one B、this C、it D、that
  • 21. I find _______hard to learn English well.
    A、this B、it C、that
  • 22. After the new high-speed railway line began to work, the time on the trip from Lianyungang to Qingdao now is much less than__________ in the past.
    A、one B、this C、that D、it
  • 23. —Is that your pencil?

    —Yes, ________.

    A、it isn't B、it is C、it's D、this is
  • 24. Come here. Look at_________ tape recorder.
    A、these B、those C、this D、that
  • 25. Tom, __________ my friends, Dale and Helen.
    A、they are B、these are C、this is