备战2023年中考英语(2轮)·归纳与变式 形容词比较级

试卷更新日期:2023-03-30 类型:二轮复习

一、比较级的运用:两个事物或人的比较用比较级,比较级后面一般带有单词than。比较级前面可以用more, a little来修饰表示程度。than后的人称代词用主格(口语中可用宾格)。

  • 1. The air in Huaihua is _______ than before.
    A、good B、better C、best
  • 2. — Which country has a        population, China or Canada?

    — China. Canada is a lot        crowded than China.

    A、bigger; less B、bigger; more C、smaller; less D、smaller; more
  • 3. If we are interested in something, our brain is        and it is also easier for us to pay attention to it for a long time.
    A、active B、more active C、the most active
  • 4. —We should always consider how much we have done for our society. 

    —I quite agree. It is ____ for us to give than to receive. 

    A、less important B、more important C、the most important D、important
  • 5. John is _______ than the other members in his study group.
    A、funny B、funnier C、the funnier D、the funniest
  • 6. — If there are _______________ people driving, there will be _______________ air pollution.

    — Yes, the air will be fresher.

    A、fewer; less B、less; fewer C、fewer; fewer D、less; less
  • 7. — Why do many people buy things online on the 11th of November every year?

    —Because there are many sales. The prices are________.

    A、much cheaper B、much lower C、more expensive D、much higher
  • 8. My brother is             than me. He makes people laugh a lot.
    A、funny B、funnier C、the funniest D、fun


  • 9. David's responses were _____ than anyone else's and he won the competition.
    A、quick B、quicker C、quickest D、the quickest
  • 10. — Do you enjoy yourself at the concert?

    — Yes, I have never been to _________ one before.

    A、a better B、the best C、a worse D、the worst
  • 11. Qomolangma is ______ than any other mountain. I hope to climb it one day.  
    A、high B、higher C、highest D、the highest
  • 12. It is said this summer holiday      later than ever.
    A、began B、begin C、will begin D、has began
  • 13. The surface of Mars is       like the surface of the Earth than that of                   planet in our solar system (太阳系).
    A、much; the other B、more; any other C、more; the other D、much; any other
  • 14. Tom is ____________ than any other player in the school team.
    A、tall B、taller C、tallest D、the tallest
  • 15. —What do you think of the movie Operation Red Sea?

    —Wonderful. I've never seen a movie ___________.

    A、more excited B、more exciting C、most excited D、most exciting
  • 16. —What do you think of the Navy Parade(海军阅兵式)in Qingdao?

    — __________ wonderful! I've never watched a __________ one before.

    A、What; good B、How; good C、What; better D、How; better


  • 17. Elsa has ________ rice than Daniel.
    A、few B、fewer C、little D、less
  • 18. This street is much ________ than that one.
    A、wide B、wider C、widest D、the widest
  • 19. — Paul, do you prefer weekdays or weekends?

    — Weekdays, of course. I'm      on weekends.

    A、busy B、much busier C、more busier D、the busiest
  • 20. Lions are          than tigers.
    A、more stronger B、much stronger C、much strong
  • 21. If there are_______ people driving, there will be_______ air pollution.
    A、less, less B、less; fewer C、fewer; fewer D、fewer; less
  • 22. Kate is ___this year than last year.
    A、more healthy B、more healthier C、much healthier D、much more healthy
  • 23. —Do you know that China is one of ________ countries in the world?

    —Yes, I do. It's much ________ than the US.

    A、the oldest; older B、old; older C、older; older D、old; old
  • 24. It's ______to send an e-mail than a regular mail.
    A、more quickly B、much quickly C、much quicker D、quick

四、表示越来越:形容词比较级 + and + 重复该形容词比较级

  • 25. The more ________ you drive, the ________ you are.
    A、careful; safer B、carefully; safer C、carefully; safely D、careful; safely
  • 26. It's unbelievable that mountains can grow. According to a recent survey, Qomolangma has risen __________ than before.
    A、low B、lower C、high D、higher
  • 27. Wild animals have      living areas. As a result, their numbers are getting      .
    A、less and less; larger and larger B、fewer and fewer; more and more C、less and less; smaller and smaller D、fewer and fewer; smaller and smaller
  • 28. The price of cars is getting_____ now, and more and more people can afford them.
    A、cheaper and cheaper B、lower and lower C、higher and higher
  • 29. —How was your test the day before yesterday?

    —Hooray! I couldn't feel       . I made few mistakes in it.

    A、better B、worst C、worse D、best
  • 30. With the effort of Chinese government, the life of Tibetans becomes ________.
    A、good and good B、well and well C、better and better D、worse and worse
  • 31. The price of cars is getting ____ now, so more and more people can afford to buy them.
    A、cheaper and cheaper B、lower and lower C、higher and higher D、more expensive

五、表示越…就越…:The+ 形容词比较级+主语+谓语, the+ 形容词比较级+主语+谓语

  • 32. —Could you tell me why you learn English so well?

    —It's very simple. _____you study, __________ grades you will get.

    A、The harder; better B、The harder; the better C、Harder; better D、Harder; the better
  • 33. The       we do for other people, the    we will be
    A、much; happier B、more; happy C、more; happier D、most; happiest
  • 34. —You have made such a great progress on your English.

    —Thanks. I believe ______you work, _____you will be.

    A、the less; the better     B、the harder; the better    C、the better; the worse
  • 35. ________ you are, ________ mistakes you'll make.
    A、The more carefully; the less B、The more careful; the fewer C、The more careful; the less D、The more carefully; the fewer
  • 36. —What should I do to improve my English, Mr. Green?

    —The _______ you work, the _______ progress you will make.

    A、hard; great B、hardest; greatest C、harder; greatest D、harder; greater
  • 37. —There was thick haze(雾霾)in our city this spring. What do you think of it?

    —I think ______ cars we drive, ______ pollution our city will have.

    A、the fewer; the fewer B、the fewer; the less C、the more; the fewer D、the more; the less
  • 38. —             of wild animals is getting            because their living areas are becoming farmland.

    —It is time for us to do something right now.

    A、A number, less and less B、A number, fewer and fewer C、The number, smaller and smaller D、The number, fewer and fewer
  • 39. —The more efforts you put into your work, ____ your work seems.

    —I agree with you. Only hard work brings achievement.

    A、the easiest B、the easier C、the more easily

六、同级比较:as + 形容词的原级 + as

  • 40. I like skiing better than climbing because I think climbing is         skiing.
    A、not as exciting as B、not as more exciting as C、not as most exciting as D、more exciting than
  • 41. —Is your father strict with you?

    —Yes. He takes my grades as ______ as my teachers do.

    A、serious B、more serious C、seriously D、more seriously
  • 42. Nick is as          as his brother. We all like them.
    A、outgoing B、more outgoing C、the most outgoing
  • 43. Nowadays CD-ROM or DVD-ROM isn't as _________ as cloud storage.
    A、popular B、more popular C、less popular D、the most popular
  • 44. Some dinosaurs were _____ chickens.
    A、so small as B、as small as C、so smaller as D、as smaller as
  • 45. —Which do you like better, math or physics?

    —Both of them are my favorite subjects. I think math is as _________ as physics.

    A、interesting B、more interesting C、less interesting D、most interesting
  • 46. __________ I know, the computer can never take the place of (代替) the human brain.
    A、As for B、As long as C、So far for D、As far as