
试卷更新日期:2023-03-29 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 你赞叹学校很美,可以说:___________
    A、How beautiful! B、What beautiful! C、How a beautiful school!
  • 2. 你想表达"欢迎来到我们学校",可以说:___________
    A、Welcome our school! B、Welcome to our school! C、Hello to our school!
  • 3. 你问妈妈是否允许你去外面玩,可以说:___________
    A、Do I go outside? B、Can I go outside? C、Can I outside go?
  • 4. 你催促别人赶快做事,可以说:___________
    A、Just a minute. B、Be careful! C、Hurry up!
  • 5. 周末在家,你把屋子收拾得很干净,妈妈会这样表扬你:________
    A、You're a good girl. B、What a mess! C、Put away your things!
  • 6. 你去商场买东西,服务员会对你说:________
    A、Can I help you? B、Can you help me? C、I can help you.
  • 7. 你认为地上的书包是汤姆的,你会这样说:________
    A、I can't remember. B、Whose pen is it? C、I think it's Tom's bag.
  • 8. 你想知道新朋友Lucy和Eve是几班的,你会这样问别人:________
    A、Are they in Grade Four? B、What class are they in? C、What grade are you in?
  • 9. 班里来了位新同学,你想知道他来自哪里,你会问:________
    A、How old are you? B、Where are you from? C、Nice to meet you.
  • 10. 给下列情景选择相应的内容。

    ⑴它在一楼,你可以说:                             A. It's cool today.
    ⑵该上体育课了,你可以说:                      B. How about New York?  
    ⑶你们的计算机房很大,你可以说:            C. Time for PE class.
    ⑷想知道他是否在伦敦,你可以问:            D. Is he in London?
    ⑸想知道纽约情况如何,你可以问:            E. It's on the first floor.
    ⑹今天天气凉爽,你可以说:                      F. Our computer room is big.

  • 11. 从B栏中找出A栏的答语。

    A栏                                                                            B栏

    ⑴Is Big Ben old?                            A. Yes, it will.

    ⑵We are going to have a picnic.      B. Yes, it is.

    ⑶Will it be windy tomorrow?       C. It's my sister.

    ⑷What's this?                              D. Great!

    ⑸Who's that?                              E. It's a robot.

  • 12. 情景交际

     —In Beijing, it's.

    —What is it in Seattle, Malina?

    —It's . It's time for .

    —Good night, Lingling.

     Good night. What about you, Mark?

    —It's 6:30 in London. It's time to .

    —See you, Lingling.

  • 13. 从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏正确的答语

    ⑴Who are they?   

    ⑵Can I have a friend?   

    ⑶Whose bottle is it?   

    ⑷Are they near the bed?   

    ⑸Here you are.   

    A. No, they aren't.

    B. It's Eve's.

    C. Yes, you can.

    D. Thank you.

    E. They are Bill and Jill.

  • 14. 根据问句,选出正确的答语

    ⑴What time is it now?   

    ⑵Is it cold in Shaoguan?   

    ⑶Can I eat breakfast?   

    ⑷Do you have a pen?   

    ⑸Where is the computer room?   

    A. Yes, it is.

    B. It is nine o'clock.

    C. Sorry, you can't.

    D. It's on the second floor.

    E. Yes, I do.

  • 15. 给下列句子选择正确的答语。

    ⑴Where is the teachers' office?        A. Yes, we do.

    ⑶Is it windy in Shanghai?              B. It's snowy and cold.

    ⑶Have some breakfast John.          C. It's on the first floor.

    ⑷Do you have a computer room?     D. Yes, it is.

    ⑸What's the weather like?          E. OK. Thank you.

  • 16. 情景交际


    ⑴What are those?   

    ⑵Is this your book?   

    ⑶Where are you from?   

    ⑷Are you in Grade Four?   

    ⑸Are they in the box?   


    A. Yes, they are.

    B. Yes, I am.

    C. We are from Nan yang.

    D. They are tigers.

    E. No, it isn't.

  • 17. 搭配题。选择相应的答句

    ⑴Welcome back to school.   

    ⑵I like Music and Science.   

    ⑶Can you make a cake?   

    ⑷Do you have a Music lesson today?   

    ⑸How many cakes would you like?   

    ⑹Look at these pictures.   

    ⑺What time do you get up every day?   

    ⑻I'm hungry now.   

    A. Yes.

    B. Five.

    C. Thank you.

    D. Have some cakes.

    E. Me too.

    F. How nice!

    G. Sure, it's easy.

    H. At six.

  • 18. 问答句连线。

    ⑴What do you want to do in Sanya?    

    ⑵How old are you?    

    ⑶Where do you want to go?    

    ⑷How do you go to Hainan?    

    ⑸Is there a bank in your city?    

    A. By plane.

    B. Yes, there is.

    C. I want to see the sea.

    D. Dunhuang.

    E. Eleven.

  • 19. 句子匹配

    A. It's me.

    B. He's in Shenzhen.

    C. She will visit her grandma.

    D. No, I wasn't.

    E. Yes, I will.

    (1)、—Will you take your kite tomorrow?

    (2)、—What will she do?

    (3)、—Who is that little girl?

    (4)、—Were you at home yesterday?

    (5)、—Where is he?

  • 20. 读一读,根据左栏的句子在右栏中找到合适的应答语。

    ⑴Where's the computer room?         A. It's on the second floor.

    ⑵What time is it?                              B. It's snowy.

    ⑶Can I go outside?                           C. It's nine o'clock.

    ⑷What's the weather like there?      D. No, we don't.

    ⑸Do you have a library?                     E. Yes, you can.