
试卷更新日期:2023-03-29 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 选词填空,选出适当的短语,完成对话,注意大小写

    is;    rises;    or;    thick;    how;    taste;    goes down;    does;    feel;    is;    playground;

    (1)、A: The sun in the morning.

    B: Yes, it in the evening.

    (2)、A: How it ?

    B: It is sweet.

    (3)、A: does it ?

    B: It's soft.

    (4)、A: it soft hard?

    B: It is soft. And it is not hard

    (5)、A: it a toy duck?

    B: Yes, it can run and cry.

    (6)、A: Let's play on the .

    B: Sure(好的).

    (7)、A:How does this book feel?

    B: It is .

  • 2. 根据图示选择相应的单词写在四线三格里

    pear     strawberry     lemon     pineapple     watermelon

  • 3. 根据首字母发音给下列单词分组

    A. birds   B. ten    C. zero    D. small    E. deer    F. baby

    G. pineapple    H. panda    I. two   J. zipper   K. seven   L. desk

  • 4. 选择正确的单词并规范抄写在相应的四线格上

    long    grandma   teacher   Canada    friends

    (1)、I have a new  . He is tall .
    (2)、Look at the   legs.
    (3)、My  is thin.
    (4)、She is from .
    (5)、They are good    
  • 5. 从方框中选择合适的单词补全对话。

    family     father     nine     mother     student

    Hello! My name is Amy. I'm a . I'm. I'm in Class 1,Grade 3. This is my photo. This is my She's a teacher This is my . He's a worker(工人). I love them very much.

  • 6. 根据句意从下面方框中选出合适的单词完成对话。

    A. What     B. Is      C. Would     D. Where     E. Are

    (1)、— you Yang Ling?

    —Yes, I am.

    (2)、— that your sweet?

    —No, it isn't.

    (3)、— is this?

    —It's a nice robot.

    (4)、— is my lunch box?

    —It's on the table.

    (5)、— you like a pie?

    —No, thank you.

  • 7. Is that(your/you)lunch box?
  • 8. Sit(up/down), please.
  • 9. Please(eat/drink)the milk.
  • 10. This(not/isn't)my schoolbag.
  • 11. Look! Liu Tao is(in/on)the tree.
  • 12. —Let's mix ____________ (orange/red) and white. What colour is it?

    —It's pink.

  • 13. It's a monster. ___________ (It's/Its) mouth is big.
  • 14. —Taste the orange. Its Its ___________ (How/What) is it?

    —It's sweet and sour.

  • 15. —What do you like?

    —I like ___________ (elephant/elephants).

  • 16. —Do you like monkeys?

    —Yes, I _________ (do/like).

  • 17. I have a (ten/ pen). 
  • 18. Look at that cute (elephant/ pig). 
  • 19. My sister is (fat/ thin).
  • 20. She is my (grandfather/ grandmother).