
试卷更新日期:2023-03-24 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Shakespeare's play Hamlet          into at least ten different films over the past few years.
    A、had been made B、was made C、has been made D、would be made
  • 2. —Have you finished your fashion design?

    —Not yet. I'll finish it if I         ten more minutes.

    A、am given B、give C、will give D、will be given
  • 3. —Are you waiting for a bus from the office of the City Government?

    —Yes. I arrived here at the bus stop ten minutes ago, but the bus      .

    A、hadn't come B、won't come C、didn't come D、hasn't come
  • 4. —How can I find your brother at the airport?

    —Don't worry. He________ a board with your name on it at that time.

    A、has held B、has been holding C、will be holding D、will have held
  • 5. — Excuse me, is the book Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell available now?

    — Sorry, but it ______ so well that we don't have any in store.

    A、sells B、is sold C、has sold D、has been sold
  • 6. Don't disturb me. I____________the letters all morning and__________ten so far.
    A、write; wrote B、am writing; have written C、was writing; wrote D、have been writing; have written
  • 7. —David, your sweeping robot ordered online will arrive this afternoon.

    —That's great. I can't wait to see how it _______ the floor.

    A、is mopping B、has been mopping C、will be mopping D、will have mopped
  • 8. She told me that she _______ by her friends at the bus stop.
    A、had been seen off B、have seen off C、have been seen off D、had seen off
  • 9. The children ______ when they realized that they were locked.
    A、panic B、panicked C、panicking D、to panic
  • 10. Amy, as well as her brothers_________ a warm welcome when returning village last week.
    A、were given B、was given C、gave D、gives
  • 11. —Shall we meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning?

    —Sorry, I ________ driving lessons then. How about 2:30 in the afternoon?

    A、take B、am taking C、will take D、will be taking
  • 12. Before the project in 2021, over 100 students ______ to stop using social media for seven days.
    A、persuaded B、were persuaded C、have persuaded D、had been persuaded
  • 13. — Shall we meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning?

    — Sorry, I ______ my driving test then. How about 3:30 in the afternoon?

    A、take B、am taking C、would take D、will be taking
  • 14. —How does Jane put on so much weight?

    —Large quantities of fat _____recently.

    A、are consumed B、is being consumed C、has been consumed D、have been consumed
  • 15. —Why was Professor Johnson unhappy those days?

    —The only reason was that the theory he stuck to _______wrong.

    A、prove B、proved C、proving D、being proved
  • 16. According to the information _____Tuesday morning, the fire had ______five people's lives.
    A、update; killed B、to update; taken C、updated; claimed D、updating; carried
  • 17. The church_____the 13th century.
    A、is dating from B、is dated from C、dates back to D、is dated back to
  • 18. Only then __________what she meant.
    A、did I understand B、do I understand C、I understood D、had I understood
  • 19. Now with the development of science and technology, more robots ________ to do the housework.
    A、are using B、are being used C、were used D、will be used
  • 20. We have to hold the meeting in the small hall because the meeting room where we planned to hold the meeting _____.
    A、is being decorated B、is decorating C、will be decorated D、will decorate


  • 21. It (使震惊) us when the bad news came.
  • 22. The man (带领) us around the place of interest.
  • 23. The sudden noise from the next room (打断) my thought.
  • 24. You (挽救) me from an embarrassing situation.
  • 25. Joan (评论) that it was a better play than usual, and I agreed.
  • 26. His house was de(毁坏) in the earthquake last year and he had to build a new one.
  • 27. She was too disappointed and (撕) the letter into pieces.
  • 28. Eventually, my sister is a into her ideal university.
  • 29. Nowadays, more importance has been a to the education of young generation since people's economic conditions became better.
  • 30. Symbols were c on animal bones and shells by ancient Chinese people.
  • 31. With her son's operation lasting longer, anxiety ther into pieces. (根据首字母单词拼写)
  • 32. Most buildings in my hometown were  (破坏) by the sudden earthquake last year.
  • 33. It remains to be seen whether we will  (以……替换) traditional classroom teaching with online teaching.
  • 34. The parents(挥手)goodbye to their children, hoping they would come back early.
  • 35. As a music lover, I really (钦佩,欣赏) her singing skills.
  • 36. Ancient Chinese people (雕刻) symbols onto turtle (壳) or bones of animals.
  • 37. The government, however, does not (打算) to stop the protection programmes, since the (威胁) to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.
  • 38. Experts (调查) the issue, (执行)several tests, and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved.
  • 39. To be honest, the journey to Paris last year (重新激起)my passion for travelling.
  • 40. The company (通知) me that my job application hadn't been successful last week.


  • 41. Teenagers' night owl habits (disappear) as they age, and the study says this may be why older adults are happier than younger ones.
  • 42. Large amounts of money (collect) from all over the country in the past two weeks.
  • 43. Then he heard "Help! I'm (trap)!" coming from the second floor balcony(阳台).
  • 44. Without oxygen, the brain (damage) quickly.
  • 45. In fact,one third of the country (make) up of national parks,which (be) full of hiking trails and beautiful campsites.
  • 46. Jane is the only one of the students who (know) a little Chinese and is one of my friends who are studying in China now.
  • 47. Good books (have) an effect on me since my childhood.
  • 48. She burst into tears and then (explode) with anger in front of him.
  • 49. The research (confirm) that the risk of infecting the disease is higher for women so far.
  • 50. The girl stormed out of the room and (crash) the door shut behind her.
  • 51. Unfortunately, she (injure) her arm in the accident last weekend.
  • 52. Almost without thinking, I bent down and (hug) her tightly.
  • 53. Fortunately, the little girl (rescue) from the burning building.
  • 54. Hearing the news, tears slowly (roll) down her cheeks.
  • 55. The company (locate) its branch office in the suburbs last year.
  • 56. No one can break the rules. If you(do), you will surely be punished.
  • 57. Pollution is (threaten) marine life.
  • 58. He (grab) hold of me and wouldn't let go.
  • 59. She seems to have (know) the secrets between Lucy and Lisa.
  • 60. The scientists said the world's population  (slow) down in future.


  • 61. He must have sensed that I was to look at him.
  • 62. He went to the library after breakfast and wrote his essay there ever since.
  • 63. The boy promised that he will repay his aunt for her kindness when he grew up.
  • 64. When I arrived at the station, he would leave for Beijing.
  • 65. I was about to swim this morning, but I overslept.
  • 66. I had just finished my homework and was to watch TV when she dropped in.
  • 67. I went to the village to see how the development plan was being carried out in the next few years.
  • 68. He was to leave for London in two hours when his friends dropped by.
  • 69. As you go through this book, you would find that each of the millions of people who lived through World War II had a different experience.
  • 70. It is reported that a space station would be built on the moon in years to come.
  • 71. The farmers were worried about the crops because a storm was to come.
  • 72. —Look where you're going! Anything wrong?

    —Oh, I thought about the accident I saw in the morning. I was terrified when two cars collided.

  • 73. I was wondering when we were about to have a holiday in Hawaii.
  • 74. He refused my offer so that he was about to finish the task on his own.
  • 75. 下列句子中各有一处语言错误,请把错误改正,其他部分不得改动。每处错误仅涉及一个 单词的增加、删除或修改。




    (1)、Hurry up! All of us are wait for you.
    (2)、It is convenient for us to use such a wonderfully library.
    (3)、Personally,it is not good habit to use the Web language.
    (4)、With his help, we've learned what to solve the problems.
    (5)、I had no money, so I had to walk to home.


  • 76. 选词填空

    on the rocks,  hang out,  out of one's sight,  pick up the pieces,  make it,  espond to,  at a loss,  in the wrong,  in any case,  let go of

    (1)、He me soon after receiving my letter.
    (2)、When fear takes control of the mind, most of us will be and don't know what to do.
    (3)、At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was .
    (4)、It suddenly came to her that she had been all along.
    (5)、You cannot live your children's lives for them; you can only be there to when things go wrong.
    (6)、Frank was very ill, and the doctors didn't think he'd .
    (7)、You must the idea that to be single is to be unhappy and unfulfilled.
    (8)、Having stayed indoors for long, she was eager to with friends.
    (9)、, if I could do it again, I'd still make the same choice.
    (10)、The company has been since the internet bubble was exploded.
  • 77. The job (call on /call for) a lot of time and effort.
  • 78. The girl (get up/get off) the bus and walked to the station.
  • 79. She (give up/give in)her job to join her husband's activities.
  • 80. I (agree with/agree to) you on the plan to visit the old in the nursing home.
  • 81. The girl (get up/get on) early every morning and goes to bed on time at night.
  • 82. Tom's novel  yet.(has not published/has not been published)
  • 83. It's the first time that the old computer  since I bought it. (has checked/has been checked)
  • 84. Since the earthquake happened, many soldiers  there. (were sent/have been sent)
  • 85. He his hat and bowed politely as he passed. (take off / take up)
  • 86. When did you playing basketball? (take off / take up)