
试卷更新日期:2023-03-24 类型:期末考试

一、Listen and choose. (听录音,选出句子中所包含的单词。)

  • 1. 听录音,选出句子中所包含的单词(   )
    A、art room B、music room
  • 2. 听录音,选出句子中所包含的单词(   )
    A、cool B、cold
  • 3. 听录音,选出句子中所包含的单词(   )
    A、first floor B、second floor
  • 4. 听录音,选出句子中所包含的单词(   )
    A、potatoes B、tomatoes
  • 5. 听录音,选出句子中所包含的单词(   )
    A、expensive B、pretty

二、Listen and tick. (听录音,判断你所听到的内容是否与图片相符。)

三、Listen and circle. (听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出合适的图片。)

四、Listen and write. (听录音,根据图片和听到的内容补全单词,将句子补充完整。)

五、Read and find. (找出不同类的一项。)

  • 21. 找出不同类的一项。
    A、blue B、dress C、pants
    A、windy B、weather C、rainy
    A、get up B、have lunch C、PE class
    A、onions B、horses C、cows
    A、mine B、these C、yours

六、Read and choose. (选择最佳答案。)

  • 22. It's 8:00. It's time for _________.
    A、go to school B、go to bed C、English class
  • 23. —Whose skirt is it?


    A、me B、my C、mine
  • 24. —          is the art room?

    —It is on the first floor.

    A、What B、Where C、How
  • 25. Harbin is very ___________. It's only 1 degrees.
    A、cool B、cold C、warm
  • 26. —How much is this dress?

    —It's _________.

    A、pretty B、too expensive C、99 yuan
  • 27. —_________?

    —Yes, I want a white jacket.

    A、Can I help you B、What's this C、Whose is it
  • 28. —Are they sheep?

    —________. They're horses.

    A、Yes, they are B、No, they aren't C、No, it isn't
  • 29. —Let's go to the __________ and play football.
    A、art room B、library C、playground
  • 30. How many __________ are there on the farm?
    A、tomatoes B、tomato C、sheeps
  • 31. —It's hot today. __________ your coat.
    A、Put on B、Take off C、Put away

七、Read and match. (找出相应的答语。)

  • 32. 找出相应的答语。

    ⑴Do you have an art room?   A. It's pretty.

    ⑵How do you like this jacket?   B. No, it's warm.

    ⑶Is it cold in Beijing?   C. Yes, we do.

    ⑷What's the weather like today?   D. They are Mike's.

    ⑸Whose pants are those?   E. It's hot and sunny.

八、Read and choose. (根据下面句子内容选出相应的图片。)

  • 33. 根据下面句子内容选出相应的图片。

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.

    (1)、—Look! This is our playground.

    —Oh! It's beautiful.

    (2)、—Can I help you?

    —I want some bananas.

    (3)、—It's cold today. Can I wear my coat?

    —Yes, you can.

    (4)、—This farm is big. Are they hens?

    —No, they aren't. They are sheep.

    (5)、It's 10:30. It's time for English class.

九、Make sentences. (连词组句。)

十、Read and choose. (选择正确的句子,补全对话。)

  • 39. 选择正确的句子,补全对话。

    A. Can I help you?

    B. How much is it?

    C. What time is it?

    D. Can I try it on?

    E. It's just right.

    Mum: Amy, hurry up.


    Mum: It's 9:00. Let's go shopping.


    Amy: yes, this dress is pretty.

    Salesman: Of course. Here you are.

    Mum: Is it OK?

    Amy: Yes.


    Saleswoman: It's 60 yuan.

    Mum: OK. I'll take it.

十一、Read and write. (选择合适的单词,写在四线三格上,补全短文。)

  • 40. 选择合适的单词,写在四线三格上,补全短文。

    first  socks  sunny  umbrella  tomatoes

    It's today. I go shopping with my mother.

    The supermarket is on the (第一) floor. We buy some , some and an .

十二、Reading comprehension. (阅读理解。)

  • 41. 阅读短文,回答下列问题。

    Hello, I am Jim. I'm in Sydney now. It's 1 degree today. I wear my black sweater and blue pants. In the morning, I have a Chinese class in our classroom. I have a PE class, too. At 12: 00, I have beef, vegetables and soup for lunch. In the afternoon, I visit(参观) a beautiful farm. There are many cows, hens and goats on the farm. I see big carrots and brown potatoes. I try some yellow tomatoes, too. I go home at 5 o'clock. What a great day!

    (1)、It's _________ in Sydney today.
    A、cool B、cold C、hot
    (2)、Jim wears his blue_________ and black_________.
    A、sweater, pants B、pants, sweater C、coat, shoes
    (3)、Jim has a_________ class and a_________ class in the morning.
    A、music, maths B、Chinese, maths C、PE, Chinese
    (4)、Jim has beef, _________ and, ________ for lunch.
    A、vegetables, soup B、rice, milk C、soup, bread
    (5)、Jim goes home at_________.
    A、5: 00 B、12: 00 C、9: 00
  • 42. 阅读理解

    Mum: Hi, Amy! This is Mum. I'm in Sydney.

    Amy: Really? What's the weather like in Sydney?

    Mum: Well. It's cold and cloudy. It's 3 degrees. What about Shanghai?

    Amy: It's hot and sunny.

    Mum: Well. Your birthday is coming. I bought(买了) a pink skirt and a white shirt for you.

    Amy: Thank you, Mum. I like pink best.

    Mum: Good. Oh, it's 11:30 a. m. It's time to have lunch.

    Amy: 11:30? No, it's 9:30 a. m. in Shanghai.

    Mum: Yes. There is 2 hours' time differences(时差).

    (1)、It's cold and cloudy in Sydney.
    (2)、Mum bought a sweater and a skirt for Amy.
    (3)、It's 9:30 a. m. in Sydney, and it's 11:30a. m. in Shanghai.
    (4)、根据Shanghai 和 Sydney的天气,请为 Amy和妈妈选择合适的衣服。



    A.   B.