
试卷更新日期:2023-03-23 类型:期末考试

一、Read and write. 按照字母表顺序写出下列字母的左邻右舍,注意大小写。(5分

  • 1. 按照字母表顺序写出下列字母的左邻右舍,注意大小写。
    (1)、 Bb
    (2)、 Ff
    (3)、 Jj
    (4)、 Pp
    (5)、 Uu

二、Read and choose. 单项选择。(5分

  • 2. —I have a pencil.


    A、Great! B、Me, too! C、OK!
  • 3. —Nice to meet you!


    A、Fine, thank you. B、Hello! C、Nice to meet you, too!
  • 4. —Let's go to school!   


    A、OK! B、Thanks. C、Good morning!
  • 5. —Have some fish, please.


    A、Thank you. B、I'm hungry. C、Here you are!
  • 6. —How many erasers?


    A、I'm four. B、Four erasers. C、This one, please!

三、Read and write. 看图,写出单词首字母。(5分

  • 7. 看图,写出单词首字母。
    (1)、 lephant
    (2)、 eep
    (3)、 ilk
    (4)、 mbrella
    (5)、 ig

四、Read and choose. 读一读,选择正确的句子,填写编号。(12分)

五、Read and judge. 看图,判断。(5分

  • 13. 看图,判断。

    (1)、I see eight balloons.
    (2)、—How many monkeys?


    (3)、—How many candles(蜡烛)?


    (4)、—How many pencil boxes?


    (5)、I see two books .

六、Read and choose. 读对话,选择正确的句子,填写编号。(8分

  • 14. 读对话,选择正确的句子,填写编号。

    They are having a picnic today.

    Sarah: I'm thirsty.  Mum: Sure.  Sarah: Thanks.

    Mum:  Chen Jie: Have some cake.


    A. Here you are.

    B. You're welcome.

    C. Thanks.

    D. Can I have some milk?

七、Tasking reading. 任务型阅读。(10分

  • 15. 任务型阅读。

    Assistant(服务员): Welcome to my restaurant(饭店).

    Mr. Dog: Hi, I'd like some rice and juice.

    Mr. Tiger: Hello, can I have 2 eggs, please?

    Miss Cat: Can I have some fish and rice, please?

    Mr. Monkey: Can I have some bread?

    Mr. Elephant: I'd like some bread and water.
    Assistant: OK. Wait a minute! 


    Read and calculate.参考示例,计算填写各动物的就餐价格。
    Mr Dog: ¥  8.00           Mr Tiger: 1. ¥   Miss Cat: 2. ¥

    Mr Monkey: 3. ¥   Mr Elephant: 4. ¥

    (2)、Mr Tiger would like an egg. 
    (3)、Miss Cat would like some rice and fish.
    (4)、There are five animals(动物) in the restaurant.