牛津版(深圳·广州)九年级下学期Unit 6 Caring for your health 同步作业练习(优选整合)

试卷更新日期:2023-03-21 类型:同步测试


  • 1. He asked ________.
    A、how was the weather today B、where Grace rides a bike C、when Wang Yaping returned to the earth D、that Bryan played soccer well
  • 2. —Excuse me, could you tell me ________?

    —You can take No. 6 bus there. It's about 15 minutes' ride.

    A、how far is the Slender West Lake B、how far the Slender West Lake is C、how can I get to the Slender West Lake D、how I can get to the Slender West Lake
  • 3. —Could you please tell me ________ when they meet for the first time in China?

    —They usually shake hands.

    A、what do people usually do B、what people usually do C、where do people usually go D、where people usually go
  • 4. —Hi, Tom. Could you tell me ________?

    —I'll go there next Sunday.

    A、how you will go to Beiling Park B、when you will go to Beiling Park C、how will you go to Beiling Park D、when will you go to Beiling Park
  • 5. The best way of solving the problem is by asking the teacher for help.

    Which of the following has the closest meaning of the underlined word?

    A、Dealing with. B、Agreeing with. C、Looking up. D、Giving up.
  • 6. — Do you know ________?

    — Of course. At the National Stadium.

    A、when did the Beijing Winter Olympic Games close B、where did the Beijing Winter Olympic Games close C、when the Beijing Winter Olympic Games closed D、where the Beijing Winter Olympic Games closed
  • 7. —Do you know _________ the new national park?

    —Yes, I do. To protect wildlife and benefit the local people.

    A、why did China set up B、why China set up C、when did China set up D、when China set up
  • 8. —Could you tell me ________ pay the bills?

    —You can pay your bills through Alipay (支付宝) online.

    A、how much I'll B、how many I'll C、how can I D、how I can
  • 9. —Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school, Clara?

    —Mr. Lee. He is always______ with me in math class.

    A、careful B、patient C、busy
  • 10. —Kate, do you know______?

    —In the school hall.

    A、when we'll have the English party B、why we'll have the English party C、where we'll have the English party
  • 11. —The 2022 Winter Olympics was held in China. Do you know ______?

    —Yes. In Beijing and Zhangjiakou.

    A、when it was held B、when was it held C、which cities was it held in D、which cities it was held in
  • 12. I don't know if it _________ tomorrow, but if it _________, I'll stay at home.
    A、will rain; rains B、will rain; will rain C、rains; will rain D、rains; rains
  • 13. Mike only ________ work that excites him, even if it means turning down a lot of money.
    A、takes off B、takes on C、takes out D、takes up
  • 14. I'm not sure if Lily________ me. If I ________, I will go with you.
    A、will invite; will be invited B、invites; invite C、invites; will invite D、will invite; am invited
  • 15. Our school is planning to________ a band to give the students a chance to show their musical talent.
    A、take up B、set up C、pick up
  • 16. — Do you think ________ she has taken the book on your table?

    — ________ I'm mistaken.

    A、that; Unless B、whether; Unless C、that; If D、whether; If
  • 17. —I don't know when Susan ________.

    —Don't worry. When she ________, I will tell you.

    A、comes; will come B、will come; comes C、come; comes
  • 18. —Jenny, do you know ________?

    —Er, next Tuesday.

    A、when the sports meeting will take place B、when will the sports meeting take place C、where the sports meeting will take place D、where will the sports meeting take place