牛津版(深圳·广州)九年级下学期Unit 5 Sport 同步课时练习(培优篇)

试卷更新日期:2023-03-21 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —May I speak to Wang Li?

    —Sorry, she is not at home. She ________ since last month.

    A、left B、has left C、has been away D、went away
  • 2. I won't go to the party unless my best friend Mary ________ too.
    A、will invite B、invites C、is invited D、will be invite
  • 3. Li Lei ______ the school bus last Friday.
    A、misses B、missed C、was missing D、has missed
  • 4. A very strong bridge is           the Changjiang River.
    A、over B、on C、at D、under
  • 5. Don't lose heart. If you keep working hard, you _________ some day.
    A、will succeed B、succeed C、succeeded D、have succeeded
  • 6. English is spoken ________ a second language ________ many people all ________ the world.
    A、as; for; over B、as; by; of C、for; by; over D、as; by; over
  • 7. Sorry, I ________ a mistake. Let me correct it.
    A、will make B、am making C、was making D、have made
  • 8. Either the boys or Mr. Smith ________ a walk in the park in the evening.
    A、take B、taking C、to take D、takes
  • 9. Paper ________ in ancient China more than 2, 000 years ago.
    A、invented B、was invented C、invent D、is invented
  • 10. So far, red tourism (旅游业) ______ quickly and it's becoming more and more popular.
    A、developed B、will develop C、has developed
  • 11. In the Wolong Panda Reserve, visitors ________ to get closer to pandas.
    A、allow B、allowed C、are allowing D、are allowed
  • 12. Now Chinese couples ________ to have three children to reduce the pressure of an aging population.
    A、encourage B、encouraged C、are encouraged D、were encouraged
  • 13. —You look tired!

    —My husband _______ football matches all night. That was too noisy!

    A、watches B、has watched C、was watching D、will watch
  • 14. COVID-19(新冠肺炎) ________ the world, and many people's life changes a lot.
    A、influenced B、is influencing C、is influenced D、was influenced
  • 15. John is waiting for me. We ________ to the bookstore together.
    A、went B、have gone C、will go D、were going
  • 16. How many Chinese astronauts _______ into space since 2003?

    A、were sent B、sent C、have been sent D、have sent
  • 17. —What are you going to do in the summer vacation?

    —I ________ a volunteer in the hospital.

    A、was B、am C、will be
  • 18. Tony will play ice-hockey with his friends if he ________ free time next Saturday.
    A、will have B、have C、has D、had