牛津版(深圳·广州)九年级下学期Module 3 Sport and health(基础篇)

试卷更新日期:2023-03-21 类型:同步测试


  • 1. — As far as I know, there _____ a high-speed train from Yulin to Shenzhen in 2023.

    — Yeah! It will be more convenient for the people in Yulin.

    A、will be B、has C、is D、will have
  • 2. During the Tang dynasty(唐朝), nearly everything produced in the world __________ on the streets of Chang'an.
    A、is found B、has been found C、will be found D、could be found
  • 3. —I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.

    —I __________. It's not safe.

    A、agree B、agreed C、will agree D、had agreed
  • 4. —Kate, do you know______?

    —In the school hall.

    A、when we'll have the English party B、why we'll have the English party C、where we'll have the English party
  • 5. The chief engineer announced that they ________ a space lab on the space station around the end of 2022.
    A、have built B、had built C、will build D、would build
  • 6. The 24th Winter Olympics ________ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in 2022, from February 4th to 20th.
    A、held B、was held C、will be held D、has been held
  • 7. I have three pen pals. One is ________, and the other two are ________.
    A、Japanese; America B、Russian; Germen C、Canada; Australian D、English; Frenchmen
  • 8. Don't leave your toys on the table, or I ________ them away.
    A、threw B、will throw C、have thrown D、was throwing
  • 9. Sorry, I ________ a mistake. Let me correct it.
    A、will make B、am making C、was making D、have made
  • 10. —I wonder if he ________ us in the dancing tonight.

    —I believe if he ________ his homework, he will join us.

    A、will join; will finish B、will join; finishes C、joins; finishes D、joins; will finish
  • 11. —Who ________ the way ________ the hotel?

    —The boy in red. He is warm-hearted.

    A、lead; to B、led; to C、will lead; into D、has led; into
  • 12. —Everything he does is __________ to what is considered normal.

    —Although he looks a little different, he has achieved a lot in the math field.

    A、similar B、relative C、opposite D、close
  • 13. —Congratulations! You __________ big progress in the last three years.

    —Thank you, Mr. Li. I'll never forget the good times in Junior High.

    A、make B、made C、have made D、will make
  • 14. This business company ________ by a famous actor in 1924. Now it has a history of nearly 100 years.
    A、found B、has founded C、was founded D、founded
  • 15. How many Chinese astronauts _______ into space since 2003?

    A、were sent B、sent C、have been sent D、have sent
  • 16. The corn ________ better than before because we used the machine to help us.
    A、grew B、grow C、planted D、plant
  • 17. —Dad, do you remember ________ for the first time?

    —In 2006.

    A、when you will visit Beijing B、when you visited Beijing C、when will you visit Beijing D、when did you visit Beijing
  • 18. —Oh, your room is too dirty, Anna!

    —Sorry, Mum. It ________ yesterday. I forgot to do it.

    A、didn't clean B、isn't cleaned C、wasn't cleaning D、wasn't cleaned