牛津版(深圳·广州)八年级下学期Module 3 Animals Unit 6 Pets 达标测试卷

试卷更新日期:2023-03-15 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 听对话,选答案(   )
    A、Playing the piano. B、Dancing. C、Reading.
  • 2. 听对话,选答案(   )
    A、By bike. B、By car. C、By bus.
  • 3. 听对话,选答案(   )
    A、An elephant. B、A rabbit. C、A cat.
  • 4. 听对话,选答案(   )
    A、She reads books. B、She takes her pet dog for a walk. C、She feeds her pet.
  • 5. 听对话,选答案(   )
    A、Fat. B、Short. C、Thin.
  • 6. 听对话,选答案(   )
    A、At 7:00. B、At 8:00. C、At 9:00.
  • 7. 听对话,选答案(   )
    A、A pet. B、A cake. C、A new computer.
  • 8. 听对话,选答案(   )
    A、He had a party. B、He visited the old people. C、He went shopping.
  • 9. 听对话,选答案(   )
    A、She should clean the birdcage. B、She should put the bird safely in another cage. C、She should close the birdcage tightly.
  • 10. 听对话,选答案(   )
    A、Because it is enjoyable to watch her swim in water. B、Because she is great. C、Both A and B
  • 11. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Where does Mike's grandma live?
    A、In a city. B、On a farm. C、On an island.
    (2)、What do the dogs often help Mike's grandma do?
    A、Watch doors. B、Protect the sheep. C、Protect chickens.
  • 12. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What animal did Ben use to keep as a pet?
    A、A rabbit. B、A cat. C、A dog.
    (2)、Which of the following is not the reason why Ben has given up keeping a dog as a pet?
    A、Because it's not easy to keep it. B、Because it's too noisy. C、Because it's not friendly to strangers.
    (3)、Who likes dogs better than cats?
    A、Ben. B、The girl. C、We don't know.


  • 13. 听独白,填信息。
    (1)、I am years old.
    (2)、I have short and hair.
    (3)、I have a popular Facebook page and photo books.
    (4)、I have more than 16 million "likes" on Facebook up to 2020.
    (5)、Now I am regarded as the dog on the planet.


  • 14. 完形填空

    Jake has a pet shop. There are all kinds of dogs, cats, birds and fish in his shop.

    Last week, Mrs. Hinson 1 into Jake's shop. She wanted to have a pet 2 she didn't like living alone. Jake showed her 3parrot.

    "Her name's Zoe," Jake told Mrs. Hinson. "And she's very good at learning new languages. She can talk 4you so you won't feel lonely. "

    Mrs. Hinson left happily with Zoe. This morning, however, she brought Zoe back to Jake's shop and shouted, "I 5stand(忍受)her anymore! Take her back!"

    "What is wrong?" Jake asked and looked at Zoe. The bird stayed 6and didn't say anything. Mrs. Hinson was still very angry. "Zoe is not polite," she told Jake. "She always talks 7 than me. And she loves swearing(骂人)!"

    "Would you mind not 8 that?" Zoe said at the moment. "I was polite before you brought me home. It's all because of you!"

    Mrs. Hinson got really 9 at these words. She argued (争吵)with Zoe right away and Zoe fought back. They argued with one 10and didn't stop.

    "It's really a bad idea to let Mrs. Hinson keep a parrot," Jake thought.

    A、comes B、coming C、has come D、came
    A、until B、but C、because D、although
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
    A、for B、with C、at D、towards
    A、can't B、needn't C、mustn't D、shouldn't
    A、quiet B、quietly C、quieter D、more quietly
    A、loud B、loudly C、most loudly D、more loudly
    A、say B、to say C、saying D、said
    A、happy B、angry C、excited D、kind
    A、others B、the other C、another D、each other
  • 15. 完形填空

    Keeping pets is nothing strange nowadays. Is it good for people to keep pets in their house? People have different1.

    Quite a number of people think that it's good to keep pets in the house, especially for the old. The pets can keep them from being 2 as well as make them feel safe. If children keep pets, they will become more caring and3, because they need to look after their pets as 4 as they can to keep them healthy. So keeping pets is quite a good way for young parents to5 their children to care for others. What's more, your house can be6care of by pets when there's no one at home.

    However, some people think7from those pet owners do. These people think keeping pets is not 8, because pets may have some viruses(病毒). Besides, carrying pets with you when you are taking public transportation(交通工具) is not convenient, because others might feel uncomfortable.

    As for me, if one keeps pets, he or she should treat them in the right way. For example, they should wash pets often to keep them9. And never forget to 10some time with pets every day.

    A、symbols B、reasons C、opinions D、gestures
    A、lonely B、happy C、excited D、surprised
    A、beautiful B、responsible C、lovely D、common
    A、slowly B、separately C、quickly D、carefully
    A、warn B、organize C、teach D、describe
    A、taken B、made C、turned D、looked
    A、differently B、happily C、likely D、badly
    A、easy B、simple C、healthy D、difficult
    A、funny B、clean C、special D、similar
    A、spend B、cost C、take D、pay


  • 16. 阅读理解

    Dear Sandy,

    In my opinion, animals like cats or dogs are good for old and lonely people. In the past dogs were good helpers for hunters. They protected the house, ran after small animals and so on. The cats on the farms helped the farmers to kill mice. I agree with Mike about the danger of keeping animals in big cities and giving them plastic bones and bad food. I hope we can give them the old life again so they can not only live in a natural environment but also be close to people.

    Yours sincerely,


    Dear Sandy,

    We are some pupils. We disagree with Mike because we think that children have a lot of fun with pets. And they learn how to get on well with animals. Many old people usually live alone and they love to talk to pets. They depend on them.

    And what will happen if you let pets go free? Very soon there may be more cats and dogs on the streets. The animals may die because they can't get used to living a life on their own. If Mike has a pet himself, we are sure he will understand better.

    Yours sincerely,

    Pupils from a primary school

    (1)、What's Lee's opinion on keeping pets?
    A、Only old and lonely people need pets. B、Dogs are more helpful than cats. C、They are not dangerous for people. D、People should let pets get the old life back.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "they" refer to?
    A、The pupils. B、The children. C、The pets. D、The old people.
    (3)、What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A、How to keep pets. B、Why people keep pets. C、If(是否) pets should be kept. D、What pets can bring us.
  • 17. 阅读理解

    Pets are popular all over the world. In fact, there are many reasons why people keep pets. They give people joy and love, look after peopled homes and make people feel good! Animals are fun to be with every day.

    Before you keep a pet, it's wise of you to think carefully which animal is the best choice. You can start by collecting enough information and advice. It won't take a long time and it will be useful and fun. Don't choose a pet only by yourself. Choosing a pet should be a family plan. You should know what kind of animals you want, the amount of free time you have and the amount of responsibility each family member should take on. It's helpful for you to ask vets(兽医) for advice. A pet will become your responsibility if you have one, so be smart when you are choosing a pet!

    There is one more thing for you to know. Thousands of pets die every year. Many people buy pets as gifts for friends. But some people don't know how to look after their pets, or they don't like them at all, so it makes some pets die. Spend time thinking clearly if you are ready to keep a pet. Choose the animal you love most as a pet and take on the responsibility.

    (1)、What should you NOT do before having a pet?
    A、Ask for our family's advice. B、Ask vets for advice. C、Choose a pet on our own. D、Understand what we should do for our pet.
    (2)、Which can be the best title of the passage?
    A、Who can keep pets. B、Think over before keeping a pet. C、What animals can be pets. D、How people love pets.
    (3)、The passage may be written for ____.
    A、pet shops  B、people who want to keep a pet C、vets  D、parents
    (4)、A pet can do all the following except ____.
    A、bring joy and love  B、look after your home C、make you feel good  D、make you think wise
  • 18. 阅读理解

    "Well, we're in our new house. Let's get a new pet to get along with it," Mrs Brown said to her husband.

    "That sounds like a pretty good idea," he answered. "Do you want to see the ads in the newspaper?"

    "Let's go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we can both go, "she said.

    Next morning the Browns met Mr Snow at the animal shelter. "We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes," Mr Snow said. "So I need to ask you some questions."

    After they talked for a while, the Browns decided to get a small dog. It wouldn't need a big house or a big yard. A small dog would bark and warn him or her if someone tried to break into their house. After Mr Snow gave the Browns a book on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take her home right away. But the animal doctor hadn't checked her yet. So Mr Snow told them to return on Sunday.

    On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter. The animal doctor said, "Shadow has had all of her shots(预防针). She will be healthy." The Browns thanked the doctor and took Shadow home.

    (1)、The underlined word "shelter" in the reading means ____.
    A、a place to sell small dogs  B、a place to keep homeless animals C、a place to study animals  D、a place to sell books on pet care
    (2)、Mr Snow asked the Browns some questions to ____.
    A、see if they had moved to a new house  B、find out how rich the Browns were C、know where they'd keep their new pet  D、make sure they'd take care of pets
    (3)、It's clear that ____.
    A、Shadow will not be easy to get ill  B、the Browns were not satisfied with Shadow C、Mr Snow didn't check Shadow at all  D、Shadow likes barking a lot
  • 19. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    You say you plan to have a pet. In the USA, keeping pets is very popular. More than half of the families have their pets. Most of them keep dogs as their pets. There are about 65 million pet dogs in the country.

    People are always kind to their pets. They think pets are members of their family and give them the best food. Some pets are too fat. Isn't it interesting? And of course they also have hospitals for pets. And being a doctor there is many people's dream.

    But you should be sure to love your pet when you get one. Pets are our friends. They will bring us much fun if we love them.

    A. They need to lose their weight!

    B. We can make friends with pets.

    C. I think it's a good idea.

    D. It is interesting to have a pet.

    E. People think pets are members of their family.

    F. It means that at least 40% of the American families keep pet dogs.

    G. They keep many different kinds of animals.


  • 20. 我们应该学习如何照顾他人。

    We should learn others.

  • 21. 学校操场是一个学生们课后可以自由奔跑的地方。

    The school playground is a place where students can after class.

  • 22. 这场大雨阻碍了保罗去参加玛丽的生日会。

    The heavy rain Paul to Mary's birthday party.

  • 23. 他们别无选择,只好放弃。

    They to give up.

  • 24. 对我们的国家忠诚是我们的责任。

    It's our responsibility our country.


  • 25. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词。)

    work, friend, comfortable, rest , feed, wide, sofa, free, of, repeat

    Feng Zikai was a famous Chinese painter, writer, educator and translator. He is known as the father of modern Chinese comics. He published a number essays about literature, painting, music and calligraphy. He taught art and music. He translated Russian and Japanese of literature into Chinese. Feng Zikai not only raised a lot of cats, but also made cats as themes in his essays and comics.

    Mee was a very active cat. Apart from sleeping, she did not for even one moment. If human beings showed the slightest interest in her, she greeted them in a way at once.

    Cat Uncle was a yellow cat favoured by his daughter. Once when Feng Zikai was receiving an important guest, Cat Uncle jumped onto the back of the , climbed along the back of the guest, and sat steadily on his neck. Surprisingly, the guest did not push it away angrily. Instead, he lowered his head to make Cat Uncle sit . In Feng Zikai's hometown, his father also had a favourite cat. When his father drank, the cat always sat quietly beside the wine bottle, waiting some snacks.

    From his essays and cartoons, we can see Feng Zikai let the pet cats run and really enjoyed the fun they brought.


  • 26. 任务型阅读

    People who abandon(遗弃) dogs or cats in Hubei Province may face fines(罚款) of between 1, 000 yuan and 5, 000 yuan, according to recently­made rules on animal protection.

    According to the rules, governments are responsible for providing care for abandoned pet dogs and cats, as well as the environmentally friendly disposal(处置) of animals that die of illness.

    Du Fan, the director of the Small Animal Protection Association(协会) in Wuhan, praised the government for fining pet owners who abandon their pets.

    "It shows great progress in animal protection," he said. "In our work, we have often found pet owners abandoning animals, but there were no good ways to deal with that because there were no fit laws. "

    Du said the association saved over 700 lost, abandoned and injured dogs and cats last year.

    "There were kinds of reasons for abandonment. Owners would move to other places, or their owners simply didn't want to keep them anymore, " he said. "Problems of homeless dogs and cats are never caused by the animals, but by people. "

    Du said the policy is meant to make sure pets aren't abandoned, but carrying out the rule may be difficult.

    To help deal with that problem, he has suggested the government that digital IDs should be made for pets to help know about the conditions of the animals.

    (1)、What will a pet owner face if he/she abandons his/her pet?

    He/ She will face .

    (2)、What should the government do for pet animals?

    They should besides disposing dead animals.

    (3)、What does Du Fan think of the recently­made rules on animal protection?

    He thinks it is in animal protection.

    (4)、Why didn't there use to be good ways to deal with animal abandonment?

    Because there were no .

    (5)、What does the passage tell us?

    It tells us some good rules against .


  • 27. 根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。

    A: Hello, Dad, this is Alice.

    B: I'm reading a newspaper.


    B: She is at the supermarket. She is buying fruit and vegetables. She will make delicious food for you when you come back on May Day (五一劳动节).

    A: I'm really happy to have such a good mom. I can't wait to(迫不及待) be back.

    B: Oh, by the way, I get you a new pet cat. I like him a lot.


    B: Because he is really cute and friendly. And he is so smart that he can do many things.


    B: Well, let me see. He can say "meow, meow…". He can scare the mice(老鼠) away. What's more, he can walk on two legs.

    A: He is really great. Why don't we find a good name for him when I come back?

    B: .


  • 28. 班里最近开展"最佳宠物"的话题讨论,你认为养兔子最好。请根据提示写一篇80词左右的英语短文来阐述你的观点。标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数。





    Rabbits make the best pets

    In my opinion, rabbits make the best pets.