新版—牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级下学期Unit 1 You and me 单元检测卷

试卷更新日期:2023-03-14 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 补全单词
    (4)、迷,爱好者 fn
    (5)、更高的  tall
    (6)、剧院  thtre



  • 7. There _____a lot of tall buildings in the city.
    A、is B、am C、are
  • 8. How____do you weigh?
    A、much B、tall C、old
  • 9. —How ____are you?

    —I'm 160 centimetres tall.

    A、much B、tall C、old
  • 10. He usually____football after school.
    A、play B、plays C、playing
  • 11. How____ does your father weigh?
    A、tall B、much C、many  
  • 12. —Are you ________ England?

    —Yes, we are.

    A、come from B、from C、at
  • 13. There       no river near my home.
    A、am B、is C、are
  • 14. —We will go climbing next week.


    A、How exciting! B、That's right. C、That's all right.
  • 15. I live in the        . I can't plant many crops. But my sister      .
    A、city; can B、city; doesn't C、country; can
  • 16. We enjoy      on Children's Day. I enjoy      .
    A、yourself; does B、ourselves; fishing C、ourself ; to fish


  • 17. 根据要求填空。
    (6)、do (动词第三人称单数)

五、根据提示,填入句中所缺的词(请优先选择Unit 1中的单词)。


  • 23. 完形填空

    Hi! I'm Joe. I live1the city. There are a lot of tall buildings in the city. There2 a lot of shops and restaurants too. People go to work by car, bus or underground. At the weekend, some people enjoy 3 at the cinema or theatre. Some people visit museums or parks.

          Hi! I'm George. I live in the countryside. There are a lot of houses4 gardens in the countryside. There are hills, rivers, lakesand a lot of trees. There aren't many cars. The air is fresh. People here like to 5 their bikes. Farmers plant crops in spring. Then in autumn, they get the crops in.

    A、at B、in C、by
    A、is B、are C、was
    A、themselves B、themself C、oneself
    A、by B、in C、with
    A、walking and ride B、walk and riding C、walk or ride


  • 24. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

    Vivian is a girl. She is a good student. She likes reading and writing. She goes to the library every week. Usually, she goes by bike. Sometimes she goes on foot because the library is not far from her home. She always pays attention(注意,留心) to the traffic lights(交通灯). They are the same in other countries. Red means "Stop and wait." Yellow means "Slow down and stop." Green means "Go." But some traffic rules are not the same in different countries. For example, in the UK, people drive on the left side. In China, people drive on the right side.

    (1)、Vivian's hobbies are_______
    A、reading B、writing C、A and B
    (2)、Vivian goes to the library_______
    A、every weekend B、every week C、every day
    (3)、The library is      Vivian's home.
    A、near B、far C、far from
    (4)、We must       when the traffic light is red.
    A、slow down and stop B、stop and wait C、go
    (5)、In China, people drive on         the side of the road.
    A、left B、each C、right