牛津版(深圳·广州)七年级下学期Module 3 Unit 6 Electricity 语法篇同步练习

试卷更新日期:2023-03-13 类型:同步测试

一、 单项选择

  • 1. My aunt ______ French as well as Chinese.
    A、can speaks B、can speak C、can't speaks D、can't to speak
  • 2. —Can you play the computer game?

    —Yes, I _______.

    A、must B、need C、may D、can
  • 3. _______ call me MiMi! It's my cat's name.
    A、Not B、Can't C、Doesn't D、Don't
  • 4. —Can you playvolleyball?

    —Sorry, I ______.

    A、can't B、don't C、isn't D、aren't
  • 5. —______ can he do?

    —He can ______ Chinese Kung fu.

    A、How; play B、What; do C、Where; see D、What; to do
  • 6. —Can you play the guitar?

    —No, I ______ , but I ______ play the violin.

    A、can; can B、can't; can't C、can't ; can D、can; can't
  • 7. Susan is good at English and she _______ sing English songs.
    A、need B、may C、can D、must
  • 8. —_____ you swim?

    —Yes, but I'm not a good swimmer.

    A、Can B、May C、Need D、Must
  • 9. —_______ you help me with my English?

    —My pleasure.

    A、Must B、May C、Can D、need
  • 10. —Must I clean the classroom now?

    —No, you _____.

    A、mustn't B、can't C、needn't


  • 11. 语法选择

    Although some overweight children try hard to reduce their weight, the result is not very good. Now a great invention by a British student will help overweight children1 this problem. It will also reduce 2 hours of television they watch every day. 3 invention is also called  "Square-Eyes". It is a small computerized sensor (感应器)4 children's shoes. It measures how many steps a child 5 during the day and sends the information to the family computer.   6 software then tells the child how many hours of TV he or she7 watch that evening. One hundred steps equals (等于) one minute of TV. 8 children use up all of their watching time, they must do 9 walking.

    The designer Gillian Swan says 10 will help children to like exercise in 11 daily life from an early age. Ten years ago children were 12 because they played outside with their friends. But today's children spend too much time in front of TV and don't exercise. This means children have 13 problems and become fat.

    "Square-Eyes"14 the beginning to make computers part of our clothes. What we wear will 15 monitor(监控) our health. 

    A、on B、in C、with D、at
    A、numbers of B、the number of C、the number D、a number
    A、A B、An C、The D、/
    A、on B、through C、over D、in
    A、take B、takes C、to take D、taking
    A、It B、Its C、Itself D、It's
    A、must B、should C、may D、can
    A、Although B、Because C、If D、Before
    A、much B、many C、more D、most
    A、this B、they C、these D、those
    A、they B、their C、them D、themselves
    A、healthy B、healthier C、healthily D、more healthily
    A、weigh B、weighs C、weight D、weighing
    A、is B、are C、being D、to be
    A、possible B、possibility C、possibly D、impossibly


  • 12. 请根据提示,以"Electricity in our daily life"为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文。


    electrical appliances;enjoyable and convenient;dangerous; properly; an electric shock;   make good use of

    Electricity in our daily life