
试卷更新日期:2023-03-13 类型:开学考试


  • 1. —Simon, I have _________ apple in my bag. You can eat it.

    —Thanks, Peter.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 2. —Mom, the math lessons are too difficult.

    —You can _________ your teacher for help after class.

    A、let B、tell C、ask D、thank
  • 3. —Do you have ping-pong bats in your store?

    —_________. But we have ping-pong balls.

    A、Yes, we have B、No, we haven't C、Yes, we do D、No, we don't
  • 4. We eat some ______and some _____after dinner.
    A、ice-cream; strawberry B、ice-creams; strawberry C、ice-cream; strawberries D、ice-creams; strawberries
  • 5. —Is this your classroom, Jack?

    —No, it isn't. It's___________.

    A、they B、them C、their D、theirs
  • 6. —_________is Jay Chou's online concert(线上音乐会)?

    —It's at 2: 00 in the afternoon.

    A、Why B、What C、When D、Who
  • 7. —_________ are the red hat and the blue sweater? They look really good on you.

    —128 yuan. Things in the store are at good prices.

    A、How much B、How many C、How long D、How often
  • 8. There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in _________.
    A、January B、February C、March D、September
  • 9. —Are you _____this Saturday morning?

    —No, I'm not. I'm very busy on that day.

    A、cool B、free C、right D、old.
  • 10. —I really like watching First Tiangong Class. I think science is so interesting.

    —_________. Science is also my favorite subject.

    A、I don't know B、I don't think so C、That's for sure D、That's OK


  • 11. 根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。

    A. How old are you?

    B. Have a good time.

    C. What's your name?

    D. See you!

    E. What about you?

    F. That sounds great.

    Mike: Hi! I'm Mike.

    Judy: My name is Judy. Nice to meet you.

    Mike: Nice to meet you, too.

    Judy: I'm twelve.

    Mike: I'm eleven. When is your birthday?

    Judy: Tomorrow(明天).

    Mike: Wow. My birthday is tomorrow, too.

    Judy: Well, how about having a birthday party together(一起)in my home tomorrow evening?

    Mike: See you tomorrow.



  • 12. 阅读短文、掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Children's Day is coming and Mrs. White is reading a newspaper story (报纸的报道) to1class. The story says: The doctors in Children's Hospital2some books and model planes for the children in hospital. The model planes let the sick(生病的)children feel 3.

    After Mrs. White reads the story, the boys and girls in 4say: "We can make some model planes for the children in hospital." Mrs. White says: "Do you5you can make model planes?" "Yes, we do." all the students answer. 6Mrs. White and her students make model planes after class.

    It is Children's Day. Mrs. White7the students of her class to the hospital8the model planes. The children in hospital feel very happy.

    Some9later(后), Mrs. White read another(另一个) newspaper story to the class: The students of Class 10 in Green Street School made(做)model planes and brought (带来)11to Children's Hospital on 121st. The doctor says, "Our children like 13with the toys. It's 14 happy day. Thank you, Class Three. "

    The whole class smile(微笑) happily, "We are happy, too. We do a (an)15thing."

    A、his B、her C、him D、she
    A、play B、know C、sell D、buy
    A、busy B、free C、happy D、old
    A、room B、class C、library D、sofa
    A、help B、look C、think D、like
    A、But B、So C、Because D、When
    A、has B、spells C、takes D、gets
    A、on B、from C、under D、with
    A、months B、years C、days D、weeks
    A、the third B、the second C、Three D、Two
    A、it B、them C、their D、this
    A、July B、June C、May D、October
    A、helping B、eating C、buying D、playing
    A、his B、her C、their D、it
    A、difficult B、easy C、good D、healthy


  • 13. 根据图表内容,选择最佳答案。

    What do students do on Saturdays and Sundays? Here are four weekend blogs (周末的博客). Let's see.

    Hello! Welcome back to my blog! On weekends, I get up at 6: 30. I often do morning exercises(早操). On Saturday afternoon, I always do my homework first. I have music lessons on Sundays.

    This is my lovely weekend! On Saturday morning, I get up at 10: 00. It's late, but I really need a rest(休息). On Saturday afternoon, I always go swimming with my friends. On Sundays, I always do my homework and read books.

    On Saturday morning, I get up at 7: 30 and I often help my mother make breakfast for the family. On Saturday afternoon, I often watch some films. On Sundays, I play the piano all day.

    It's my weekend. I get up at six o'clock. On Saturdays, I go camping(露营) with my classmates. On Sundays, we go rock climbing(攀岩).

    (1)、When does Robert get up on weekends?
    A、At 6: 00. B、At 6:30. C、At 7: 00. D、At 10:00.
    (2)、On Sundays, Mark always _________.
    A、goes swimming B、does homework and reads books C、watches films D、plays the piano
    (3)、Who helps to make breakfast on weekends?
    A、Robert. B、Mark. C、Amy. D、Tina.
    (4)、When does Tina go camping with her classmates?
    A、On Mondays B、On Saturdays C、On Sundays D、On Tuesdays
    (5)、How many(多少) students get up after 8:00?
    A、Four B、Three C、Two D、One
  • 14. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

    Mary is a middle school student. She doesn't have good looks and she is short and fat. Because of that, she is not happy. But after going to a place, she feels delighted now. Where does she go?

    Mary visits an old people's home with her mother. She has a good time there. An old woman sits in a chair in the room. Mary helps the old woman pick up(捡起) a hat. "My girl, you are so beautiful." the old woman says to her.

    Then Mary meets an old man. Mary talks with him. The old man tells stories to her. The stories are not funny, but she smiles(微笑), "My girl, you are so beautiful" " he says to Mary.

    They say Mary is beautiful. Mary is happy. She doesn't do anything special(特别的事)in that old people's home, but she thinks she gets something special. Give your love to others (其他人), and you will feel you are born to sparkle(自带光芒).

    (1)、What does the underlined word "delighted" in Paragraph 1 mean?(第一段里的划线单词"delighted"什么意思?)
    A、healthy B、happy C、free D、difficult
    (2)、What does Mary look like?
    A、She is short and thin. B、She is tall and thin. C、She is short and fat. D、She is tall and heavy.
    (3)、Who does Mary go to the old people's home with?
    A、Her mother. B、Her grandma. C、Her father. D、Her grandpa.
    (4)、Why do the old woman and the old man say Mary is beautiful?
    A、Because she smiles a lot. B、Because she dresses well. C、Because she has good looks. D、Because she gives love to them.
    (5)、Which is the right order(顺序)of these things?

    ①Mary helps an old man

    ②Mary is happy now

    ③Mary visits an old people's home.

    ④Mary helps an old woman.

    A、④②③① B、④②①③ C、③④①② D、③①④②
  • 15. 根据短文内容,判断正误。

    It's October 16th. It's Jeff's fifteenth birthday. In the morning, Jeff gets up early.

    He goes to London with his parents. They are going to stay(停留)there for a week. London is the capital(首都)of England. It's very nice. They can see many parks in London. Jeff likes London very much.

    They are in Green Hotel(宾馆). It's very big and clean. Oh, in the hotel Jeff meets his old friend Lisa. The two kids(年轻人)are very happy. In the evening Jeff's father has a birthday party for Jeff in the hotel. Lisa and her parents also come to Jeff's birthday party. They have a good time. At the party Lisa sings an English song for Jeff. At about twelve o'clock, Jeff doesn't go to bed. He still plays games with Lisa.

    (1)、Jeff's 15th birthday is on October 16th.
    (2)、Jeff and his parents are going to stay in London for a week.
    (3)、Only Lisa and Jeff's parents have a birthday party for Jeff in the hotel.
    (4)、Jeff and Lisa sing an English song.
    (5)、At about twelve o'clock, Jeff goes to bed.
  • 16. 阅读文章并根据上下文用下面方框内的适当选项补全短文。

    Do you have an English name? I find there is one thing in China: I think the names are very interesting.

    One of my Chinese friends calls herself (她自己) Big Bird, like the girl from the children's TV show(节目) Sesame Street(《芝麻街》). She has students with the names Tomato and Potato. Before I come to China, I don't know anyone(任何人) with these names.

    Sometimes they have the names from someone(某人) they like. But sometimes they only want their names to have the same meaning(意义) as their Chinese names.

    I know a girl named Shmily. It stands for(代表)"see how much I love you". It's interesing. And it is my favorite English name. Tell (告诉) me,

    A. People have these special (特别的) English names for different reasons (原因).

    B. Lots of people have special English names.

    C. Another (另一) one of my friends is an English teacher.

    D. So what is your English name?

    E. It can be fun to have a special and interesting English name.

  • 17. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    Jimmy is good at drawing cartoons(擅长画卡通画). Do you know his book A Fish with a Smile (微笑)?

    The book is about a man and a fish. The man is very lonely(孤独的). One day, when he walks by a pet shop, he sees a lovely fish. The fish always smiles at him. He buys the fish and takes her home. The man looks after(照顾)the fish very well. One night, the man has a dream(梦). He and the fish go to the sea. They are happy. Suddenly(突然), the man finds that he is in a glass ball(玻璃球)underwater(在水下). He cannot get out(出去). How can he be free? The man wakes up(醒来), he looks at the fish again. The lovely fish still smiles, but he knows she is not free or happy in his home. Then the man puts the fish into the sea!

    If we love someone, let it be free!

    (1)、What is the name of Jimmy's book?
    (2)、How is the man in the book?
    (3)、Where do the man and fish go?
    (4)、What's the matter(出什么事)with the man in his dream?
    (5)、What can you learn(学会) from the passage(文章)?

五、短文填空(10 分)

  • 18. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。

    Ms. Lin is my music teacher. She is a 30-year-old (China) woman. She is my favorite teacher we only have two music lessons a week. The first one is Monday and the (two) one is on Friday morning. I want to have more(更多的)music lessons.

    Ms. Lin teaches music for four (hour) a day. When she (finish) her classes, she helps us in the school music club(俱乐部). Ms. Lin teaches us to play the guitar (吉他).

    What does she do in (she) free time? On Saturday or Sunday, she likes going to some village(乡村) schools. She takes some music books. She thinks they are (use) to the students. The students love Ms. Lin and her music. They want (play) cool music like Ms. Lin.

    does Ms. Lin go to the village school? Because She loves the village students and wants them to like music and be happy.

六、书面表达(共20 分)

  • 19. 写一封电子邮件,邀请你的朋友Tom在周日下午5: 00来你家参加Football Party,共同观看卡塔尔世界杯决赛( the final of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022)。你们可以一起吃晚饭、做游戏、观看足球赛,共度美好时光。

    要求:1)不少于30 词;




    提示词: come to my Football Party; have dinner together(共同, 一起); have a good time

    Dear Tom,


    Guo Feng

  • 20. 假设这是你的好朋友李玲在网课期间周一的课表,请你向大家介绍一下你的好朋友李玲及她在上网课期间一天的学习和生活情况。


    Time (A. M.)


    Time (P. M.)


    8: 00—8: 45


    1: 00—1: 45


    9: 00-9: 45


    2: 00—2: 45


    10: 00-10: 45


    3: 00—3: 45


    11: 00-11: 45


    4: 00—4: 45

    P. E.




