
试卷更新日期:2023-03-10 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 读一读,选出下列单词中不同类的一项。
    A、skirt B、coat C、term
    A、colour B、red C、black
    A、singing B、rabbits C、dancing
    A、run B、jump C、Japan
    A、Beijing B、London C、from 


  • 2. 根据音标或汉语意思写出单词
    (1)、/ ′taɪɡə /
    (2)、/ɑ:sk /


  • 3.          it like?
    A、What's B、How C、What
  • 4. — I think you're good at fishing.

    — Yes, I like         .

    A、swim B、make C、fishing
  • 5. —        . Is this your book?

    — Oh, yes. It's my book.

    A、Sorry B、Hello C、Excuse me
  • 6. The glasses          on your nose. 
    A、am B、are C、is
  • 7. My          are         .
    A、orange, oranges B、oranges, orange C、oranges, oranges


  • 8. 从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏正确的答语

    ⑴Who are they?   

    ⑵Can I have a friend?   

    ⑶Whose bottle is it?   

    ⑷Are they near the bed?   

    ⑸Here you are.   

    A. No, they aren't.

    B. It's Eve's.

    C. Yes, you can.

    D. Thank you.

    E. They are Bill and Jill.


  • 9. 你认为地上的书包是汤姆的,你会这样说:________
    A、I can't remember. B、Whose pen is it? C、I think it's Tom's bag.
  • 10. 周末在家,你把屋子收拾得很干净,妈妈会这样表扬你:________
    A、You're a good girl. B、What a mess! C、Put away your things!
  • 11. 你想知道新朋友Lucy和Eve是几班的,你会这样问别人:________
    A、Are they in Grade Four? B、What class are they in? C、What grade are you in?
  • 12. 你去商场买东西,服务员会对你说:________
    A、Can I help you? B、Can you help me? C、I can help you.
  • 13. 班里来了位新同学,你想知道他来自哪里,你会问:________
    A、How old are you? B、Where are you from? C、Nice to meet you.


  • 14. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案

    Tongtong is a Chinese girl. She is in Grade Four now. Jane is her good friend and she is from the UK. They are in the same (相同的) grade. Miss Gao is their English teacher. Tongtong is good at Chinese and Jane is good at English. Tongtong has a red sweater and Jane has a pair of red shorts. They like red very much.

    (1)、Tongtong is from         .
    A、the UK B、the USA C、China 
    (2)、Tongtong is good at          and Jane is good at         .
    A、English, Chinese B、Chinese, English C、English, English
    (3)、Jane has a pair of red         .
    A、shoes B、socks C、shorts
    (4)、Tongtong and Jane like          very much.
    A、red B、blue C、green
    (5)、Tongtong and Jane are         .
    A、sisters B、friends C、brothers