2023年高二英语语法配套练习:06 形容词

试卷更新日期:2023-03-10 类型:同步测试


  • 1. All the drivers had a______expression because of the policeman's______traffic directions.
    A、confused; confusing B、confusing; confusing C、confused; confused D、confusing; confused
  • 2. There is a___________increase in students' creativity since they have been greatly encouraged to develop their own ways of doing things in recent years.
    A、slight B、tight C、significant D、various
  • 3. We had a(an)______couple of days waiting for the test results.
    A、outgoing B、anxious C、frightened D、curious
  • 4. President Xi Jinping appeared at Saturday's state dinner hosted by the Dutch royal family in a_________traditional Chinese suit, which displayed the leader's national pride and confidence in Chinese culture.
    A、capable B、casual C、formal D、authentic
  • 5. The church which is easily ________ from my home is being rebuilt.
    A、accessible B、available C、acceptable D、responsible
  • 6. ________ use of electricity can create a dangerous situation for other residents.
    A、Irresponsible B、Irregular C、Irrelevant D、responsible
  • 7. He says he is unable to give up smoking. He is completely_________.
    A、addicted B、addictive C、addiction D、addicting
  • 8. The _________ expression on her face suggested she was ________when she heard the news.
    A、amazed,amazed B、amazing,amazed    C、amazing,amazing D、amazed,amazing
  • 9. Edison is very satisfied with his job as a clown doctor, who can help people by them.
    A、examing B、entertanin C、impressing D、instructing
  • 10. College graduates are caught in an ___________ situation between a lack of jobs if they leave and a ___________on higher education if they stay.
    A、annoying; promise B、annoying; squeeze C、annoyed; burden D、annoyed; passion
  • 11. I feel sure that in terms of qualification, ability and experience, you are perfectly_________ to the position we have in mind.
    A、fit B、proper C、suited D、suitable
  • 12. Don't be too _____about other people's private affairs: the privacy right is protected by law.
    A、crazy B、concerned C、alarmed D、creative
  • 13. Some people were _____ at performing a particular task than others, so they began to specialize in what they were good at doing.
    A、poorer B、best C、better D、good
  • 14. Little will improve until everyone is ____ of the bad effects of light pollution.
    A、short B、tired C、ashamed D、aware
  • 15. We were all rather ________(筋疲力尽的) when we got to the top of the mountain.
    A、explained B、expected C、experienced D、exhausted
  • 16. These countries are being swept by an _________(经济的) crisis.
    A、embarrass B、efficient C、economic D、element
  • 17. The words are _______(重要的) for everyone to learn English.
    A、estimate B、essential C、erupt D、establish
  • 18. Shanghai is easily _________ by road, train or air so that it has become a large international city.
    A、accessible B、available C、abnormal D、abstract
  • 19. The professor could tell by the _________ look in Maria's eyes that she didn't understand a single word of his lecture.
    A、cold B、blank C、innocent D、fresh
  • 20. It is ______ that the flood disaster has had a powerful impact on people's life.
    A、regular B、current C、obvious D、powerful
  • 21. He is ______ to go home to see his parents.
    A、determine B、determined C、determining D、to determine
  • 22. Little children ask lots of questions because they are ______ about the world.
    A、curious B、confident C、intelligent D、frightened
  • 23. I really enjoyed seeing all the ______ faces after all these years.
    A、individual B、familiar C、comfortable D、anxious
  • 24. The shopkeeper usually gives a ______ customer a better discount.
    A、professional B、responsible C、individual D、regular
  • 25. My parents are very         to allow me to go swimming.
    A、possible B、probable C、likely D、probably
  • 26. To give a clear picture of something or somebody, you have to be careful with your wording. That is, every word you choose must come with a(n) _________ meaning.
    A、unusual B、specific C、scientific D、popular
  • 27. Some say the meaning of Mona Lisa's smile is_______ clouded by da Vinci who used perspective and shadows to create a________ expression.
    A、purposefully; confused B、dramatically; confused  C、purposefully; confusing D、dramatically; confusing 
  • 28. She remained_______ for a while after the movie ended, which made others_____.
    A、sitting; puzzling B、sat; puzzled C、seated; puzzling D、seated; puzzled
  • 29. Bill works harder than ________ in his class. He is the most excellent student I have met.
    A、the other boys B、other boys C、any other boy D、another boy
  • 30. 请选出下面一组中划线元音字母发音与其他不同的单词。
    A、experiment B、frightened C、impress D、confident
  • 31. Since the manager was    from the meeting, the proposed plan would be discussed at the next meeting.
    A、absent B、present C、available D、distant
  • 32. It's a _______ idea to build cabin hospitals (方舱医院) to receive patients during the outbreak of the Covid-19.
    A、cheerful B、classical C、creative D、curious
  • 33. — Do you have any sales going on today?

    — Sure, we have the __________ smartphones on sale.

    A、worst B、largest C、latest D、fewest
  • 34. In the reading room, we found her ________ at a desk, with her attention ________ on a book.
    A、sitting; to be fixed B、to sit; fixed C、seating; fixing D、seated; fixed
  • 35. —I think it's necessary to learn how to work in groups.

    —I agree. Sometimes it's even _________ than grades.

    A、important B、less important C、more important D、the most important
  • 36. After taking tennis classes, Tim is much_____ than last year.
    A、strong B、stronger C、strongest D、the strongest
  • 37. Helen is the ________ person in her family. Her two elder sisters are both married.
    A、older B、oldest C、younger D、youngest
  • 38. When Henry first came to Nanjing in 2010, it was all ________ to him, but he soon learnt his way around.
    A、smooth B、slight C、strange D、successful
  • 39. I am thirsty. Could you let me have ________ coke?
    A、little B、any C、some D、other
  • 40. —You've changed a lot, Michael! You used to be         than you are now.

    —Yeah. I haven't done sports for a long time, so I've put on 20 pounds.

    A、heavier B、thinner C、the thinnest D、the heaviest
  • 41. In those days, our ______ concern was to provide the victims of the floods with food and health care.
    A、primary B、constant C、frequent D、permanent
  • 42. —How do you like the song Chengdu sung by the singer?

    — Oh, I have never enjoyed a ______one before.

    A、worst B、best C、worse D、better
  • 43. In order to be exact, some _________ data have been omitted from the example.
    A、ancient B、irrelevant C、practical
  • 44. The situation was ____________. People were ____________.
    A、danger; in danger B、dangerous; dangerous C、dangerous; in danger D、in danger; dangerous
  • 45. He is a man of ________ideas and he often makes a careful plan _________.
    A、advanced; before advance B、advancing; in advance C、advanced: in advance D、advancing: in advance of
  • 46. —You look unhappy. Why?

    —I'm always ________when I don't get any mail.

    A、confused B、fearful C、upset D、doubtful
  • 47. Usually the traffic is quite busy in the morning, so you need to allow _______ time to get there.
    A、sufficient B、limited C、reduced D、convenient
  • 48. The Tang emperors were very fond of horses, which meant that the animal was a _______ subject for artists.
    A、boring B、humourous C、passive D、frequent
  • 49. The professor could tell by the ______ look in Maria's eyes that she didn't understand a single word of his lecture.
    A、cold B、innocent C、blank D、fresh
  • 50. China is ________ than any other country in Asia.
    A、large B、largest C、larger D、big


  • 51. The football match is challenged enough to arouse our interest.
  • 52. Tiring from work, he wants to do nothing but watch TV.
  • 53. You feel stressing out. Why not have a chat with our teachers?
  • 54. 下列句子中各有一处语言错误,请把错误改正,其他部分不得改动。每处错误仅涉及一个 单词的增加、删除或修改。




    (1)、Hurry up! All of us are wait for you.
    (2)、It is convenient for us to use such a wonderfully library.
    (3)、Personally,it is not good habit to use the Web language.
    (4)、With his help, we've learned what to solve the problems.
    (5)、I had no money, so I had to walk to home.
  • 55. I know you don't like Betty, but do you have to make it so obviously?



  • 67. The (shock) news made me realize we lost a great opportunity.
  • 68. Though my grandfather is over seventy, he is very  (energy).
  • 69. There's a lot of evidence that eating fruit and vegetables is  (benefit) to our health.
  • 70. We've developed the project from an  (origin) idea by Stephen.
  • 71. China is a most (attract) country and it has attracted a number of foreign visitors.
  • 72. She finds her new job very (stress) but she will never give it up.
  • 73. Because of the development of the Internet, it'swith our friends far away. (convenience) for us to keep in touch
  • 74. We were (disappoint) to find the museum closed.
  • 75. Television is an (effect)means of communication.
  • 76. Traffic lights are there to guide traffic in an (order) way.
  • 77. Be (care) not to damage other people's property.
  • 78. It is not easy to draw a conclusion without (suffice) evidence.
  • 79. I'm very (confidence) that this mission is going to be a great success.
  • 80. There will be displays taking place throughout the festival, which are (suit) for anyone aged ten and over.
  • 81. This story is  (suitable) for children. For one thing, it's too long; for another, it's too dull.
  • 82. What's more, teenagers should keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise to stay (energy) and fit. (所给词的适当形式填空)
  • 83. The (energy) professor gave us a wonderful lecture. (所给词的适当形式填空)
  • 84. Their contributions to our country are  (significance).
  • 85. The  (agriculture) labor is not as hard as before with the wide use of advanced technology.
  • 86. Imagine the  (amaze) life of the man who created the company which made such wonders as Toy Story, the Lion King and Snow White.
  • 87. It's (amaze) news that we will go on a research course (研学) next weekend.
  • 88. It's necessary to drink (boil) water every day, but few people can drink up (boil) water in one minute.
  • 89. It is (significance) for us to consume less energy to protect the environment.
  • 90. I have a (horror) feeling that we're going to miss the plane.
  • 91. The children were looking at the gifts with (expect) expressions.
  • 92. As part of the exhibition, the (celebrate) publishing house (出版社) will be showing six books it has produced.
  • 93. Use a safe(refill) container and fill your own bottles right from your tap.

  • 94. We must take action to protect(danger) animals without delay.
  • 95. The online classroom provides an(innovation) and interactive learning environment.
  • 96. It is (appropriate) to judge a person from his appearance.