
试卷更新日期:2023-03-07 类型:期中考试


  • 1. How soon will the meeting begin?
    A、In 40 minutes. B、In 30 minutes. C、In 20 minutes.
  • 2. What sport is the girl doing lately?
    A、Tennis. B、Football. C、Badminton.
  • 3. Who is the man?
    A、A tailor. B、A hairdresser. C、A salesman.
  • 4. What did the woman think of her holiday?
    A、Disappointing. B、Inspiring. C、Exciting.
  • 5. What will the woman do this weekend?
    A、Go for a picnic. B、Go shopping. C、Go to the man's house.


  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、For what was the football match put off?
    A、The weather. B、Some players. C、The playground.
    (2)、What does the woman invite the man to do this evening?
    A、Eat out with her. B、Visit some football players. C、Meet her Chinese friends.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A、On a plane. B、At a camping site. C、In a supermarket.
    (2)、What did the speakers forget to bring?
    A、The frying pan. B、The plates. C、The cups.
  • 8. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What are the speakers talking about?
    A、Buying some works of art. B、Writing a paper on museums. C、Arranging a weekend trip.
    (2)、Which is the most famous art museum in the world?
    A、Musee d'Orsay. B、Musee du Louvre. C、Center Georges Pompidou.
    (3)、How much should the woman pay?
    A、$120. B、$200. C、$350.
  • 9. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、When is Steve going out with Jennifer?
    A、On Monday. B、On Friday. C、On Saturday.
    (2)、Where is the movie theater?
    A、On Pine Street. B、On 2nd Street. C、On 1st Street.
    (3)、What time does the restaurant close on Sundays?
    A、At 12:00 pm. B、At 11:30 pm. C、At 10:30 pm.
    (4)、What does Steve ask about at last?
    A、A church. B、A stadium. C、A flower shop.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答问题。
    (1)、What is the speaker?
    A、A reporter. B、A researcher. C、An official.
    (2)、How many pilots were surveyed?
    A、500. B、300. C、200.
    (3)、What are the air rule changes proposed by the European governments?
    A、Shortening the pilots' night flying time. B、Lengthening the working hours of the pilots. C、Punishing the pilots sleeping during work.
    (4)、How do most people find the changes?
    A、Unscientific. B、Useless. C、Wise.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    The following are some of the most famous amusement parks in New York.

    Seabreeze Amusement Park: Rochester

    It is a great destination for some family fun in the warmer months of the year. Ride the classic Jack Rabbit wooden coaster or cool off for the day at the Rivers Waterpark, which is included in the price of admission to Seabreeze. However, also keep in mind that children aged 17 and under must be accompanied by an adult on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the season.

    Victorian Gardens Amusement Park: Central Park, NYC

    The Victorian Gardens Amusement Park is a seasonal attraction that comes to New York City's Central Park every spring through fall. Set up on Wollman Rink near the southeast corner of the park, this small, free-admission park features rides designed mostly toward younger children. It also offers face painting, storytelling, and interactive games throughout the season.

    Darien Lake: Darien Center

    The major amusement park features the Ride of Steel hyper coaster, the launched Orange County Choppers Moto Coaster, and a good-sized water park that is included with admission. The destination resort includes a hotel, a huge campground, and a major performing arts center that welcomes major acts each summer.

    Lake George Expedition Park: Lake George

    Formerly known as Magic Forest, the Lake George Expedition Park is designed for the younger set. This modest park features kiddie rides, a petting zoo, and shows as well as the new-in-2019 Dino Roar Valley, which features several lifelike sculptures of the most well-known dinosaurs who wandered this land millions of years ago.

    (1)、What should a ten-year-old child keep in mind in Seabreeze?
    A、Spend Christmas there. B、Have an adult's company on weekends. C、Avoid going there on weekends. D、Ride Jack Rabbit at night.
    (2)、What can we learn about Victorian Gardens Amusement Park?
    A、It's open all the year round. B、Children can learn to paint. C、No adults are allowed to enter. D、Visitors enter it free of charge.
    (3)、Which of the following provides accommodations?
    A、Darien Lake: Darien Center. B、Victorian Gardens Amusement Park: Central Park, NYC. C、Seabreeze Amusement Park: Rochester. D、Seabreeze Amusement Park: Rochester.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Mary Lyon was a leader in women's education in the nineteenth century. It was a time when women's education was not considered important in the United States. The States did require each town to provide a school for children, but there were not enough teachers. Most young women were not able to continue their education. If they did, they often were not taught much except French, how to sew()clothing, and music.

    Mary Lyon felt that women's education was extremely important. She believed women were teachers both in the home and in the classroom. Mary opened a school for young women in Buckland. She suggested new ways of teaching, including holding discussion groups for students.

    Then, Mary began to raise money for her dream school for the higher education of women. This school would own its own property. Its finances would be the responsibility of the directors. It would not depend on any person to continue. And, the students would share in cleaning and cooking to keep costs down.

    In 1837, Mary Lyon founded Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. In 1893, 44 years after her death, under a state law, Mount Holyoke Female Seminary became the first college to offer women the same kind of education as men. Mary's efforts led to the spread of higher education for women in the United States. Her influence lasted as many students from her schools went out to teach others.

    (1)、What's the problem with women's education in the 19th century?
    A、They weren't supported by their family. B、They had no right to have education. C、They had little chance to be teachers. D、They had few choices of subjects.
    (2)、What can we know about Mary from paragraph 2?
    A、She suggested the traditional ways of teaching. B、She preferred women to be educated at home. C、She attached importance to women's education. D、She advised women to learn by themselves.
    (3)、What was Mary's dream school like?
    A、It would have very strict rules. B、It would be independent in finances. C、It would be owned by the government.
    (4)、What is the best title for the text?
    A、Mary Lyon: A Supporter of Higher Education B、Mary Lyon: A Leader in Women's Education C、Mary Lyon's Great Influence on Her Students D、Mary Lyon's Efforts to Pass a New Education Law
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Mirroring body language is a way to bond and to build understanding. It is a powerful tool that we use without even knowing it.

    The most obvious forms of mirroring are yawning and smiling. When you see someone yawn, you are likely to yawn immediately. Smiling is also pretty contagious-seeing a smile person makes you want to smile too.

    Mirroring body language is a nonverbal way to say "I am like you or I feel the same." Research shows that people who experience the same feelings are likely to trust, understand and accept each other. Women have the natural ability to pick up and understand body signals. Therefore, it is not surprising that a woman is more likely to mirror another woman than a man is to mirror another man. That's why women are regarded as better talkers, even if they might not really have more close friends.

    Mirroring body language is an excellent way to build trust and understanding quickly. If you want to set up a connection with others, mirror their gestures, sitting position, tone of voice and talking pace. This will make them feel that there is something about you that they like.

    While mirroring body language gains you acceptance, you still need to take into consideration your relationship with the person you are mirroring. If you are in a lower social position and are mirroring the body language of your boss, he will view you as rude. However, if you want to defeat those who are trying to prove superior to you, mirroring their body language will help defeat them and change their position.

    (1)、What does the underlined word "contagious" in paragraph 2 mean?
    A、Attractive to the others. B、Showing one's feelings. C、Affecting each other. D、Gentle to people around.
    (2)、What can we know about women from the research?
    A、They don't like mirroring others. B、They are naturally gifted in building trust. C、They tend to have more close friends. D、They are good at interpreting body language.
    (3)、What is the author's attitude to the behavior of mirroring the boss?
    A、Curious. B、Indifferent. C、Disapproving. D、Doubtful.
    (4)、What is the best title of the text?
    A、The Excellent Method of Mirroring B、The Common Forms of Mirroring C、Nonverbal Communication: A Special Bond D、Mirroring Body Language: A Useful Tool
  • 14. 阅读理解

    The idea of low material desire, low consumption and refusing to work, marry and have children, concluded as a "lying down" lifestyle, recently struck a chord with many young Chinese who are eager to take a pause to breathe in this fast-paced and highly-competitive society.

    Many millennials (千禧一代) and generation Zs complained to the Global Times that burdens, including work stress, family disputes (争端;纠纷) and financial strains, have pushed them "against the wall". They said they hate the "involution", joking that they would rather give up some of what they have than get trapped in an endless competition against peers.

    "Instead of always following the 'virtues'of struggle, endure and sacrifice to bear the stresses, they prefer a temporary lying down as catharsis (宣泄) and adjustment," said a scholar. "It is no wonder that some young people, under the growing pressures from child-raising to paying the mortgage (按揭) today, would try to live in a simple way and leave the worries behind."

    Interestingly, the majority of millennials and Gen Zs reached by the Global Times, who claim to be big fans of the lying down philosophy, acknowledged that they only accept a temporary lying down as a short rest. It is true that with the great improvement of living conditions, some Chinese youth have partially lost the spirit of hardship and are not willing to bear too much hard work. But in fact, lying down is not entirely comfortable. Young people who lie down always feel guilty about their constant loss of morale far beyond their reach.

    (1)、What does the underlined phrase in paragraph 1 mean?
    A、Warned. B、Touched. C、Criticized. D、Amused.
    (2)、What might have caused the "lying down" lifestyle among the young?
    A、Growing pressure from family and social life. B、Increasing material possessions from families. C、Temporary adjustment to failure in competitions. D、Improvements in living conditions.
    (3)、What's the scholar's attitude toward the "lying down" group?
    A、Intolerant. B、Understanding. C、Supportive. D、Unclear.
    (4)、What can be inferred about the young generation from the text?
    A、They would rather escape than take challenges. B、They really enjoy the "lying down" lifestyle. C、They find their dreams far beyond their reach. D、They never really drop their responsibilities.


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

    With the rapid development of science and technology, we don't know how different our life will be in the future..

    At first we think about human relationships. In the year 2050, we will use computers almost everyday. We will be making new friends through the Internet-even our husbands orwives will be met in this way.

    On the other hand, our relationship with people won't be as important as they are today- we will feel a little lonely.

    Computers will also help us in many other activities in 2050. For example, they will be used by the children at school to make their learning easier. In addition, there will be much more other machines which us.

    . Traveling to other planets or to the moon will also be available for everyone. Means of transport will, of course, change, too. We will be using solar-powered cars, which will be much more environmentally friendly.

    We could expect that the faster technological progress would lead to a more polluted environment. But it isn't true. . And, scientists will probably find cures for many dangerous diseases, like cancer or AIDS. Therefore, our surroundings as well as health will be in a better condition.

    Although we can't predict the exact changes which will be made in the world, we often think about them. We worry about our and our children's future; we have expectations, hopes as well as fears. But I think we should be rather confident about our future. .

    A.We can only imagine it

    B.We will pay more attention to protecting the environment

    C.We should be happy and believe good things will happen

    D.However, we are convinced of the following

    E.It will be much faster and easier for us

    F.Spending holidays will also be completely different

    G.Our environment will be more polluted


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Adventure is in my blood. And I had been considering how I was going to celebrate my high school graduation. I didn't just want a small1in the backyard, I started thinking about doing a solo (独自的)2somewhere out of the ordinary. I took out the map and drew a 1,500-mile3along which I would be 4from the northern most point in Norway to the southern most section of Sweden. When I5my plan with my dad, he6as I thought he would. Because I get my adventurous7from him, he was all for it.

    I had only been away from my home for three days, but there was an inner8going on. Part of me was homesick and doubting whether I really could9 it. The other part of me was ready to10to myself and my family that I could do it by myself.

    On the road, I met another bicyclist who was quite a bit older than I was. He started his journey alone by bike at the southern part of Norway and just finished. I could tell hehad a great sense of11. It encouraged me not to12.

    As I listened to my favourite artists on my MP4 player, I pedaled with my feet. There was nobody around me for miles. 13, that wasn't entirely true. There were mosquitoes millions of them. My arms were so dotted with 14that they looked like a topographical (地形的) map. But however15 it would be, nothing could stop my advance on the destination. As you know, adventure is in my blood.

    A、meeting B、party C、conversation D、game
    A、trip B、flight C、interview D、performance
    A、route B、magazine C、instruction D、newspaper
    A、flying B、cycling C、running D、walking
    A、shared B、changed C、prepared D、compared
    A、left B、cried C、sighed D、agreed
    A、story B、skill C、spirit D、hobby
    A、discussion B、activity C、request D、battle
    A、get B、put C、make D、take
    A、adopt B、adapt C、prove D、reply
    A、satisfaction B、direction C、balance D、humor
    A、speed up B、give up C、calm down D、break down
    A、Firstly B、Actually C、Eventually D、Fortunately
    A、cuts B、bites C、burns D、wounds
    A、boring B、confusing C、appealing D、challenging


  • 17. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Body language, one ofthe most powerful (mean) of communication, uses the movements of our body to show our feelings and thoughts. Some body languages are same throughout the world. For example, smiling shows happiness and puts people at ease, (nod) the head up and down is to say agreement, and shaking the head from side to side (suggest) refusal. others are totally different. Take greetings for example. English people do not usually stand very close to others, while the Canadians approach others closely and are more likely (touch) them. Most people now greet each other by shaking hands each other, but some cultures use other greetings as well, such as the Japanese, prefer to bow. (general) speaking, we ought to study international customs to avoid (misunderstand).


  • 18. 假定你是李华,现在在伦敦做交换生,学习电脑编程。你得知当地科技馆将举办国际智能机器人展览(International Intelligent Robot Exhibition)。请你给负责人Smith 先生写封信,申请当志愿者。






    3)所提供词汇:编程 (programming) 。

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Scout could clearly remember the night she had to leave her home in Poland. It was the beginning of World War II and her family had to escape as soon as possible. She quickly packed a suitcase with a few pieces of clothing, her diary, and her most prized treasure, a silk scarf. Scout and her best friend, Betty, had persuaded their parents to buy them matching scarves, which they took as a symbol of their friendship.

    Scout didn't know she was going to America and would not be returning. Scout kept that special silk scarf for many years. One day she decided to give it to her granddaughter, Eliza, to wear to her first job interview for good luck. Scout was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but the granddaughter promised, "Don't worry, Grandma. Nothing's going to happen to your scarf. You'll see that it's going to bring both of us luck." And with that, Eliza kissed her grandmother and left for the interview.

    Leaving the interview, Eliza felt confident that she had got the job so she decided to celebrate by going to a restaurant. Sitting at her table, Eliza felt an elderly woman staring at her for a long time.

    "I'm sorry. Do I know you?" Eliza asked.

    "I'm sorry, dear, but you remind me of my best friend," the old woman replied. "She looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like yours." Eliza listened carefully, with her eyes and mouth wide open. She had heard stories of her grandmother's best friend and knew the meaning of the scarf. Could this woman be Betty, her grandmother's childhood friend?




    Paragraph 1:

    Then the old woman introduced herself, "My name is_

    Paragraph 2:

    The old woman agreed.