
试卷更新日期:2023-03-02 类型:开学考试

一、Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)

  • 1. The boys are going to take part in the City Games_____ this coming Sunday.
    A、a B、an C、/ D、the
  • 2. Sylvia took _____Chinese painting as her hobby at the age of eight.
    A、off B、out C、away D、up
  • 3. During the hard time, the volunteer did _____best to help other people.
    A、he B、his C、him D、himself
  • 4. Mandy got up as _____as her father in order to see the sunrise with him.
    A、early B、earlier C、earliest D、the earliest
  • 5. In the labor education class, the students planted trees on _____sides of the main road.
    A、all B、either C、both D、every
  • 6. The music in the cafe sounded_____. It almost drove me mad.
    A、soft B、noisy C、terribly D、sadly
  • 7. Jeff _____Touching China on CCTV with his family from 8 to 9 last Saturday.
    A、was watching B、will watch C、watched D、has watched
  • 8. —_____is the trash and litter cleaned up in your neighbourhood?

    —Almost every day.

    A、How much B、How soon C、How fast D、How often
  • 9. I'd like to make something special for dinner. _____ I borrow your cookery book?
    A、Should B、Must C、Need D、May
  • 10. The research team _____great progress in fighting against cancer in the past few years.
    A、makes B、will make C、made D、has made
  • 11. New environmental protection materials are used _____houses in this area.
    A、build B、building C、to build D、built
  • 12. The office worker denied _____money secretly from his workmate's account.
    A、take B、taking C、to take D、took
  • 13. Parents should always keep an eye on their kids, _____they may easily get hurt.
    A、and B、or C、so D、but
  • 14. The young man keeps visiting his grandparents regularly _____he is too busy.
    A、unless B、because C、when D、if
  • 15. _____useful knowledge we have learnt from the astronaut in Tiangong- Classroom!
    A、How B、What C、How a D、What a

二、Choose the proper words in the box to complete the following passage. Each can be used only once(选择最恰当的选项填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)

  • 16. 选择最恰当的选项填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。

    A. offered       B. slowly        C. politely       D. parked       E. awarded

    Yesterday my parents were heading off on a little holidayand I took them to the train station. The moment we there, the rain waspouring down.

    I got their luggage out, helped them get to the elevator andsent them on their way. As I was walking back to the stopping place, I saw anelderly man walking towards the bus station. Obviously he had no umbrella.I walked over and asked him where he was going. It turned out that he washeading to the same town as I was, just a15- minute drive. I him a liftwhich he accepted delightedly.

  • 17. 选择最恰当的选项填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。

    A. failed         B. responsibility       C. public    D. thanked    E. forecast

    We had a chat on the way and I learned part of his. Hewas 87 and heading to the nursing home he had just put his beloved wife in lastweek. He had his driving license taken away last year so he had to taketransport every day. A tear fell down his creek as he told me about his wife. Itried to hold back my own tears but. As I' dropped him off at theentrance of the nursing home, I gave him the bunch of flowers I had in the car.Tears rolled down his cheeks and he me gratefully.

    At that moment, I felt that all the stars shone for somereason and I was meant to meet him and help him in some way today.

三、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词) 

  • 18. There are many or flowers inthe Botanical Gardens. (variety)
  • 19. When I an was, he achieved his dream of travelling by air. (twelfth)
  • 20. It's essential for Grade 9 students to learn to release stress by. (they)
  • 21. My teacher is quite with my performance in the competition. (pleasure)
  • 22. The Trojans celebrated by singing and dancing around the horse. (happy)
  • 23. It's raining cats and dogs. Iyou call a taxi home now. (suggestion)
  • 24. The 24th Winter Olympic Games held in Beijing was a great. (succeed)
  • 25. It was or the young reporter to hide the truth from the public. (honest)

四、Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。)

  • 26. We invited our classmates to perform and show their talents in the party. (改为一般疑问句)

    you your classmates to perform and show their talents in the party?

  • 27. The room on the top floor has a better view of the Huangpu River. (对划线部分提问)

    has a better view of the Huangpu River?

  • 28. We raised a lot of money for the Hope Schools in the west of China last year. (改为被动语态)

    A lot of money for the Hope Schools in the west of China last year.

  • 29. Maggie taught her little daughterhow she could behave well at table. (改为简单句)

    Maggie taught her little daughter behave well at table.

  • 30. Mrs. Jeans lost her temper because her husband refused to wash dishes. (保持句意基本不变)

    Mrs Jeans was her husband because he refused to wash dishes.

  • 31. "Will you take part in the drama show next month? Tina asked me. (改为间接引语)

    Tina asked me I take partin the drama show the next month.

  • 32. people around the world, social media, enables, eachother, to communicate with(连词成句)

五、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)

  • 33. Choosethe best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)  


    Operating Dates       Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays

    Operating Hours       11:00-18:55

    Ticket Price           Single Trip Ticket: RMB 15

    Free cruise admission   Kids under the age of 3:free

    Docking Locations      Blue Sky Road Dock—Shanghai Garden Village Dock


    Rules for Safe Travel

    1. Guests should stay in the cabin and are not allowed to enter the driver's cabin during the cruise.

    2. Please follow the instructions of onboard staff during the cruise.

    3. Guests mustn't smoke in all areas of the ferry.

    4. No metal, stone, glass, fuel or other hazardous materials to be brought on board.

    5. Guests are not allowed to operate the safety equipment on the ferry unless needed in a emergency.

    6. Guests under the age of 16 must be accompanied by adults to board the boat. Please in charge of your children at all times.

    7. In case of bad weather, the ferry will not operate.

    8. You are responsible for the security and protection of your personal belongings at a times.

    9. Feeding animals is not allowed (including birds and fish).

    10. Pets are not allowed (with the exception of service dogs) on the cruise. Service do must be under the control of the owner at all times.

    (1)、The cruise service may be available_______ on Friday.
    A、at 8:55 B、at 10:55 C、at 12:00 D、at 19:00
    (2)、A single trip for a mom and her two- year- old son costs_______.
    A、RMB15 B、RMB30 C、RMB45 D、RMB60
    (3)、What does the underlined word "hazardous" mean in the passage?
    A、useful B、precious C、dangerous D、natural
    (4)、Guests can use the safety equipment when_______.
    A、the weather is bad B、boarding the ferry C、feeding animals D、there is an emergency
    (5)、Which of the following signs may NOT be found on the ferry?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (6)、The purpose of this passage is_______ on the cruise.
    A、to provide information on service B、to introduce the service and rules C、to stop people from feeding animals D、to show the use of safety equipment
  • 34. Choosethe best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)

    The robots are here. They are becoming more common inpeople's home. Some people say robots are great but others1. that they could end up having a bad effect on our lives. What doyou think? Are home robots a good idea?

    Yes, they make everything easier.

    Nobody likes housework. It is boring but is something thathas to be done. So why not get a robot to do it? It won't get bored and can keepbusy working. 2, people can spend time doing things theyenjoy, such as going to the park, watching films or spend time with theirfriends and family. Robots can also make people feel3 in their homes. For example ,it can alert(使警觉) the owner if there is a water leak, an oven left on or a brokenwindow. It can keep an eye on pets or people so that the person who is notthere knows that they are all right. Robots can be our friends and can stoppeople from feeling lonely by providing them with company. They can also helpus stay in touch and be used to video-call other people.

    No, we should not4 robots.

    Robots in the home are a very bad idea. It is tempting toget them to do the housework. Gradually, people will slowly forget how to dothings and lose the skills to solve certain problems. If the robot breaks down,people could be left in5and unable to remember how to clean andcook. Lots of people already rely on phones for directions and can't read maps.Having robots with cameras and microphones in the house means they could6 lots of information about you,including your talks. If robots do everything for people, they will become lazy.Doing housework is good way to stay active and keeps you healthy.

    A、decide B、worry C、beg D、hope
    A、However B、Suddenly C、Therefore D、Actually
    A、upset B、afraid C、proud D、safe
    A、dependon B、complain about C、keep off D、get rid of
    A、danger B、memory C、trouble D、darkness
    A、reduce B、record C、remove D、return
  • 35. Read thepassage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

    What is a staycation? The clue is in the name. Staycationcomes from two words, "stay" and "vacation, "which meansstaying at home and spending holidays within driving distance of their home.

    There are d activities to choose from. You could be attendingan event or visiting a local nature spot. There could be a museum or a themepark in your area. Perhaps it's a spa or a countryside walk. Or maybe you havedecided not to lthe houseat all.

    Here are some of the most common reasons why people prefer astaycation nowadays.


    Many people chose to take a staycation because they couldnot afford to travel a. Peopleonly tend to go on holidays when they have the money to do so. If they areshort of money, going to other countries becomes the last choice.

    Ease of travel

    Some people do not want the inconvenience of travelling. Thesepeople may choose tourist activities close to home or to take a trip in an areathat does not ra lot oftravelling to reach. This is especially popular with people who are not able totravel far. For example, they may have young c, have a disability or have workclose to home.

    Taking a staycation is often thought to be easier thantravelling further afield. There is likely no language barrier(障碍), no need for moneyexchange and f cultural shocks between home and away.


    A staycation can often be better for the environment becausewe are travelling less. No flights and less transport means less CO2 emissions,which can only be a good thing.

    Community support

    Many people are now recognizing the i of supporting your local community. Instead oftravelling to another location, people prefer to spend their money locally, sothat the local area can get the rewards of the tourist spend. It is a good wayto help boost the local economy.

  • 36. Answerthe questions(根据短文内容回答问题) 

    "Look, "I said to my friend Mandy, holding up thebright-red paper. "There's a five-day art camp this summer. "

    Mandy took the paper and looked at it. "Tessa, youshould go. You're the artist. I am not. "

    "You can learn with me. "I said in an encouragingvoice. "I really didn't want to go alone."

    Mandy smiled, "I tried, but my little brother thoughtthe corns I painted were rockets."

    Late, I called my other friends, but none of them could gowith me. Disappointed, I decided to go outside to draw the Westons' pine tree. Drawingalways made me feel better. On the way, I thought about the art camp and wishedI felt a little braver. Mandy could make friends with others in 10 minutes, butI was embarrassed when there were no familiar faces around me. By the time Iarrived there, I had made myself believe that I was happy to give up going tothe camp.

    I took out my pencils and started drawing the strong trunkof the pine. Once I started, I didn't notice the fly buzzing around me. That'swhy I jumped when Mr. Weston talked behind me, "You've done a great jobshowing the strength of that tree. ""Thanks. "I smiled. Mr. Westoncontinued, "I've planted pine trees before. You have to spread out theroots near the surface so the tree can get enough water and grow tall. If youplant the root ball too deep, the tree dries up and dies. Roots grow out, notdown. "

    Now I noticed the roots all around the tree. I'd neverrealized how far a tree's roots stretch(延伸)outward. It made me think about the artcamp and my own roots. I was planting myself into one deep spot because it feltsafer. If I wanted to grow, I had to start reaching out too.

    That night, I made my final decision. I felt nervous butexcited. "I am stretching my roots out into new earth so I can grow",I thought. "I am the pine".

    (1)、How long would the art camp last?
    (2)、Who was good at art, the writer or her friend Mandy?
    (3)、Why did the writer decide to give up going to the art camp at first?
    (4)、How did the writer feel when Mr. Weston talked behind her?
    (5)、According to Mr. Weston's experience, what makes a pine -tree growtall?
    (6)、What is the implied(隐含的)meaning of theunderlined sentence? And what may the writer do later?


  • 37. Write at least 60 words accordingto the given situation。(根据以下情境写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)

