2023年小升初专项复习(真题卷): 语调

试卷更新日期:2023-02-28 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. —Why are you so happy today?

    —Because it is my birthday.

    对话中两个句子的末尾升降调符号应该是_____ 。

    A、 B、 C、 D、
  • 2. —Who is it for?

    —That girl in red.

    对话中两个句子的末尾升降调符号应该是              .

    A、↘;↗ B、↘;↘ C、↗;↘ D、↗;↗
  • 3. —Where are you going?

    — To the sweet shop.

    对话中两个句子的末尾升降调符号应该是      .

    A、↘;↗ B、↘;↘ C、↗;↘ D、↗;↗
  • 4. 下面哪一句使用升调↑?
    A、How nice the poster is! B、What are you going to do? C、We mustn't play on the road. D、Would you like some mangoes?
  • 5. —Do you throw rubbish in the bin?

    — Yes, I do.

    A、↓↑ B、↓↓ C、↑↓ D、↑↑
  • 6. 给句子标出正确的语调符号: Whose book is this?       .

    Is it your aunt's?        .

    A、↘,↘ B、↘,↗ C、↗,↘
  • 7. 下面哪一句使用声调↑?
    A、What a nice cake! B、What are going to do? C、Would you like some mangoes?
  • 8. 我们在读“Our teacher asked us about our dreams. ”这句话时,要注意
    A、辅音浊化; 降调 B、连读; 降调 C、连读; 升调


  • 9. 仿照例题,(1)—(3)题从括号中选出含有与句中单词画线部分相同读音的单词,第(4)题选出正确的语调。

    例:Mike, do you like the  five  (six/five.) tigers on the  kite (kite, hill)?

    (1)、Kate, don't (dance/skate) now. Come and make a (cake, sandwich).
    (2)、Look out of the (brown/yellow) window! Do you know why we have lovely (snow/cows)?
    (3)、Mrs Li shouts, "Get out!" There's a little (mouse/cousin) in the (country/house).
    (4)、—Is the man singing well?(↗/↘)

    —No. He's singing badly.(↗/↘)
