备战2023年中考英语(2轮)·归纳与变式 形容词辨析

试卷更新日期:2023-02-28 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —Laura is a ________ girl.

    —I think so. She is only 3, but she isn't afraid of singing in public.

    A、clever B、serious C、brave D、careful
  • 2. —I saw your hands shaking when you spoke on the 100th birthday of CYL(共青团).

    —As a new member, I felt very _________.

    A、surprised B、relaxed C、excited D、interested
  • 3. It's ________ of the boy to leave the tap running.
    A、endless B、homeless C、meaningless D、careless
  • 4. —Do you like the movie ___________is called The Battle at Lake Changjin?

    —Sure. I think no movie is ___________than it.

    A、that; more touching B、what; less touching C、that; more touched D、which; less touched
  • 5. —I always feel____ when speaking in front of others.

    —Take it easy and be brave.

    A、glad B、nervous C、proud D、relaxed
  • 6. —How ________ this question is! I've spent two hours on it.

    —Let me help you!

    A、practical B、general C、difficult D、natural
  • 7. What a _______ day! Luckily, I bring an umbrella to protect myself from the sunlight and heat.
    A、windy B、snowy C、sunny D、rainy
  • 8. — How's the new restaurant?

    — It's ________. We waited a long time for the food to arrive.

    A、wonderful B、exciting C、difficult D、awful
  • 9. —Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school, Clara?

    —Mr. Lee. He is always______ with me in math class.

    A、careful B、patient C、busy
  • 10. —How do you like mapo tofu?

    —Delicious! It's the ________ dish that I've ever eaten.

    A、saltiest B、best C、worst


  • 11.  — Look! Li Hui is a bit ____. 

    — Don't worry. This is his first time to speak English in public. 

    A、active B、nervous C、quiet D、brave
  • 12. My friend Lily is such a(n) ________ girl that everyone in our class likes her very much.
    A、proud B、nervous C、absent D、humorous
  • 13. —I made so many mistakes in the last exam.

    —No one is ____. The key is to learn from mistakes and never stop.

    A、careful B、perfect C、active D、famous
  • 14. —What shall we take with us for the trip, Mr Li?

    —It's _____ to take any food. Taking some money is OK.

    A、unnecessary B、uncertain C、incorrect D、impolite
  • 15. It's _____ to kill the birds. We should protect them.
    A、important B、unlucky C、incorrect D、interesting
  • 16. The roads in the town are as _____ as the ones in the city. Four cars can cross at the same time.
    A、clearly B、widely C、clear D、wide
  • 17. —Zhang Yuxuan wrote her popular song she in less than half an hour.

    —Wow! What a     girl she is!

    A、beautiful B、talented C、lucky D、hard-working
  • 18. —My brother and I watched an                   soccer game last night.

    —We were really                  .

    A、exciting; excited B、exciting; exciting C、excited; exciting D、excited; excited
  • 19. Don't forget to bring your umbrella, or you'll get ________.
    A、full B、wrong C、wet D、bad
  • 20. The boy used to ask __________ questions and they sounded _________ when talking to the elder.
    A、difficult; polite B、impolite; correct C、correct; impolite D、direct; impolite
  • 21. The ________ news makes him ________.
    A、excited; exciting B、exciting; excited C、excited; excited D、exciting; exciting
  • 22. Mr. Brown always makes his class _______ and keeps his students ______ in his class.
    A、alive; interesting B、lively; interesting C、alive; interested D、lively; interested
  • 23. —What's your favorite subject?

    —Music. It's _________and light music is very _________to me.

    A、relaxed; interesting B、relaxing; interested C、relaxing; interesting
  • 24. —There is ___________ milk at home. Please buy some on your way home.

    —All right.

    A、much B、few C、little D、a little
  • 25. Hangzhou is a          city. I'd like to work there after graduation (毕业).
    A、lively B、general C、central