备战2023年中考英语(2轮)·归纳与变式 介词

试卷更新日期:2023-02-28 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —Can you tell me something about Dazhou, Lin Hui?

    —No problem. It's ___________the northeast of Sichuan Province and it's famous ___________its natural gas.

    A、in; for B、in; as C、on; as D、to; for
  • 2. Vincent sometimes sits ________ the river and listens to music.
    A、on B、by C、over D、under
  • 3. Jim is a funny boy. He is good ________ telling jokes.
    A、with B、at C、for D、of
  • 4. We have history class ________ three o'clock every Friday afternoon.
    A、at B、on C、in D、to
  • 5. The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms. Xiaoman (a little full) usually falls _______ May.
    A、in B、at C、on D、to
  • 6. ________ my opinion, we should be proud of our country.
    A、For B、At C、In D、Of
  • 7. —Ms. Huang, what would you like ________ your afternoon tea?

    —Just a cup of coffee ________ any sugar or milk.

    A、for, without B、to; without C、for, with D、to; with
  • 8. Mingming will have a class meeting _______ 3:30 this afternoon.
    A、on B、in C、at
  • 9. —Why are you so excited?

    —All of us take pride        the successful coming back of the Shenzhou-13.

    A、in B、on C、at
  • 10. The woman stood ________ the window, watching the girls dancing outside.
    A、with B、on C、by


  • 11. —Why do you like summer best? It's very hot.

    —Don't you think it's great to enjoy ice cream ___________ a hot summer afternoon?

    A、in B、on C、at D、of
  • 12. —New Year's Day __________. What do you think you can buy_______ your grandpa?

    —A pair of sports shoes. They are comfortable.

    A、comes; to B、is coming; for C、will come; of D、is coming; to
  • 13. Please email me __________ 12345678@163. com if you have any question.
    A、of B、at C、to D、in
  • 14. You can call me          0517-81234567 or email me      Lily@163.com..
    A、on; at B、at; on C、by; on D、on; on
  • 15. —What was the weight of your daughter         birth?

    -—She         about 3.5 kg.

    A、in; weight B、at; weight C、at; weighed D、in; weighs
  • 16. Tom could see his mother doing some cooking ________ the kitchen's glass door.
    A、against B、above C、through D、beyond
  • 17. We must be strict ___________ourselves and strict ___________our work.
    A、in; with B、with; in C、in; in D、with; with
  • 18. All the students had a school trip to Dashu Mountain_____ Mary, for she had a bad cold.
    A、with B、besides C、except D、after
  • 19. —Everything depends on yourself.

    —Yeah. We must treat what we have_____ great care and make the best use of them.

    A、from B、to C、with
  • 20. Our country is becoming stronger and stronger. We all take pride_______ it.
    A、in B、of C、for

