备战2023年中考英语(2轮)·归纳与变式 动词的语态

试卷更新日期:2023-02-28 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. It's said that tea ________ for the first time about 5,000 years ago.
    A、drinks B、drank C、is drunk D、was drunk
  • 2. — People ________ to take their temperatures before they go into the supermarket during the COVID-19 pandemic (新冠疫情).

    — I think it's a good way to protect ourselves.

    A、are asking B、are asked C、asked D、ask
  • 3. On our farm, the tea leaves ________ by hand when they are ready.
    A、pick B、picked C、are picked D、were picked
  • 4. It's a long time! I can't remember when this picture _______ in Jinshan Park.
    A、was taken B、takes C、is taken D、took
  • 5. Tea _______ by accident about 5000 years ago.
    A、invented B、was invented C、is invented
  • 6. After the boy's homework ________, he went out to play.
    A、finished B、finishes C、was finished D、is finished
  • 7. Paper ________ in ancient China more than 2, 000 years ago.
    A、invented B、was invented C、invent D、is invented
  • 8. With double reduction policy (双减政策), students ________ less homework now so that they have enough time to take part in more activities.
    A、will give B、were given C、are given


  • 9.  Some new airports ____ in the west of our country. It will save our time to go there.
    A、build B、built C、will build D、will be built
  • 10. —Do you know _____________________?

    —Yes, in the 1990s.

    A、when the bridge built B、when the bridge was built C、when did the bridge build D、when was the bridge built
  • 11. —The streets of our city are beautiful!

    —Yes, it will be more beautiful if more trees and grass _____ by us.

    A、plant B、planted C、is planted D、are planted
  • 12. The bike is broken. It_______ next Monday.
    A、repaired B、will be repaired C、will repair D、was repaired
  • 13. — Jim, why are you so excited?

    — Well, I        to be a volunteer for the Tree Planting Day.

    A、choose B、is chosen C、was chosen D、chose
  • 14. —Can you take your phone to school?

    —No, it___________. That's one of the school rules.

    A、doesn't allow B、won't allow C、isn't allowed D、wasn't allowed
  • 15. I think if I__________ another chance, I'll do it better.
    A、give B、will be given C、will give D、am given
  • 16. We _____________ do sports at least one hour a day.
    A、encourage B、encouraged to C、are encouraged D、are encouraged to
  • 17. People must __________________dirty things into the river.
    A、stop throwing B、stop from throwing C、be stopped throwing D、be stopped from
  • 18. Liu Xiang ____________ to competitions around the world.
    A、invited B、was invited C、be invited D、was inviting
  • 19. _________ in the state of Missouri, in the US, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great story full of fun.
    A、Setting B、Setted C、Set D、Sets
  • 20. Sometimes even the facts about history ______________.
    A、are changing B、are changed C、has been changed D、has changed
  • 21. Their training was recorded and the information ___________ training methods better.
    A、was used to making B、was used to make C、used to make D、used to making
  • 22. The horse that I rode was lazy, so I ________ far behind the others.
    A、left B、was leaving C、was left D、had been left
  • 23. In ancient Thailand, white elephants    to be a gift from the gods.
    A、thinks B、thought C、are thought D、were thought
  • 24. I can finish the task better if I __________ five more minutes.
    A、give B、will give C、am given D、will be given
  • 25. —A 14-year-old girl, Quan Hongchan, won at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

    —Nothing _____ without hard work. It took much effort for Quan to learn skills.

    A、can achieve B、will achieve C、will be achieved
  • 26. Yesterday, some advice______ to the students on how to develop good habits.
    A、give B、gave C、was given
  • 27. —Did you and your sister go to Miss Brown's party yesterday?

    —No, neither of us________.

    A、invited B、is invited C、was invited
  • 28. Flowers ________along the road last year.
    A、planted B、are planted C、were planted
  • 29. Many trees________ on March 12th every year.
    A、were planted B、plant C、are planted
  • 30. —Why not go and plant trees on the hill next Saturday?

    —Good idea! I'm sure the hill _______with green trees in a few years.

    A、will be covered B、is covered C、was covered