高中英语译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2复习练习

试卷更新日期:2023-02-21 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. My father wanted me to attend the university in our (郡) and save money by continuing to live at home.
  • 2. Quite a few people used to believe that a (灾难) was sure to strike if a mirror was broken.
  • 3. The company (通知) me that my job application hadn't been successful last week.
  • 4. But these restrictions can be (引起破坏的) and further slow down the economy.
  • 5. The worker (发信号) wildly for help, but nobody noticed.
  • 6. There is a fire (通道) on each floor of the building.
  • 7. We had to carry the piano up three flights of (楼梯).
  • 8. Don't worry! If you are not satisfied with the quality, making a complaint is quite a simple (步骤).
  • 9. In my opinion, there's something (怪异的) about the man.
  • 10. I was at home with my parents when the (台风) hit.


  • 11. 用方框内短语的适当形式填空

    at large; safe and sound; occur to; keep one's head; hold on to;

    in case; to one's relief; a series of; at the same time

    (1)、Space travel can be so delightful but invisibly dangerous.
    (2)、Mobile phone users have developed symbols to show how they feel.
    (3)、, the accident caused little damage to his health.
    (4)、The old man the back of the chair to stop himself from falling.
    (5)、I took my driving license with me on holiday, I wanted to hire a car .
    (6)、Two days later, the missing children returned home .
    (7)、Faced with this situation, a good idea suddenly him.
    (8)、When you are faced with challenges, you should .
    (9)、I think the chances of getting reforms accepted by the community remain extremely remote.



  • 21. 当我第一次遇到杰克时他还只是个孩子。

    I met Jack, he was just a child.

  • 22. 我正在房间里睡觉,这时有人敲门。

    I in the room there was a knock at the door.

  • 23. 这位女士正要开门,这时她听到从里面传来一个奇怪的声音。

    The woman the door she heard a strange sound from inside.

  • 24. 她眼里噙着高兴的泪水,看着女儿结婚。

    , she saw her daughter get married.

  • 25. 上一年级的第一天,我站在门口,心里七上八下的。

    On the first day of my first grade, I stood by the door .

  • 26. 他突然想到第二天早上要参加一个重要会议。

    he had an important conference to attend the next morning.

  • 27. 英语老师坚决要求我们立刻上交试卷。

    Our English teacher insisted that we the paper at once.

  • 28. 去年,有数以百万计的人参加了国庆游行。

    Last year, there were millions of people the National Day parade.

  • 29. 我开车去停车场,却发现里面停满了各种各样的车辆。

    I drove to the parking lot it was fully parked with all kinds of vehicles.

  • 30. 他按完门铃后过了很长时间门才打开。

    the door opened in response to his ring.


  • 31. 令我大感宽慰的是,车并没有受损。 (to one's relief)
  • 32. 把她的电话号码记下来,以防你忘记。 (in case)
  • 33. 这些学生说着笑着走进了教室。 (现在分词短语作状语)
  • 34. 在我家里,妈妈总是第一个起床。 (不定式作定语)
  • 35. 他打电话说,他已经安全抵达伦敦。 (safe and sound)


  • 36. 课文语法填空

    Pupils' lives spared during Falmont earthquake

    On 17 March, 476 students and 36 teachers at Falmont Primary School escaped an earthquakehit the county. Only 5 students suffered slight injuries, despite the current figures of 7 killed and over 200(injure) in the disaster area at large.

    Alice Brown, head teacher at Falmont Primary School , was teachingthe floor began to shake. Her students'(react) was quick and correct they moved under their desks, head first, and(hold) on to the legs of the desks. At the same time. Miss Brown quickly opened the classroom door, in case it became damaged during the shaking and could not open. There were loud crashes of glass breaking and things falling to the ground, the student remained still and waited calmly and quietly.

    The moment the shaking stopped, Miss Brow sensed it wasbest time for the class to make their escape. She signalled to her students to exit the classroom in an(order) covering their heads with their hands. Within one minute and twenty seconds, the whole class went down the stairs and rushed to the playground. Soon students from other classes arrived too. After a roll call confirmed that were safe and sound, they relaxed,(hug) each other. "We practise earthquake safety procedures twice a year," said Miss Brown," so the kids were calm enough to protect  (they) during the earthquake.