高中英语译林版(2019) 必修第三册Unit 1 Nature in the balance同步练习

试卷更新日期:2023-02-21 类型:同步测试


  • 1. When(处于困境中), I always turn to her for help.(用省略形式)
  • 2. The little girl seldom, (如果曾经有的话), turned to her parents for help. (用省略形式)
  • 3. (必要时), you can send me an e-mail. (用省略形式)
  • 4. He opened his mouth(好像要说)something. (用省略形式)
  • 5. When(进入办公室), we found Winifred seated at a desk. (用省略形式)
  • 6. (当被邀请跳舞时), she refused. (用省略形式)




  • 23. He turned his head now and then as if he was looking for someone.(用省略形式进行同义句改写)

    He turned his head now and then for someone.

  • 24. Whether it is true or false, the story is really very interesting.(用省略形式进行同义句改写)

      , the story is really very interesting.

  • 25. Why don't you get some knowledge of first aid?(用省略形式进行同义句改写)

    Why   some knowledge of first aid?

  • 26. If it is necessary, send me an email with the details.(用省略形式进行同义句改写)

     , send me an email with the details.

  • 27. When he was asked why he was late for class, he remained silent.(用省略形式进行同义句改写)

     why he was late for class, he remained silent.

  • 28. If you don't want to come, you don't have to come.(用省略形式进行同义句改写)

    If you don't want to come, you don't   .

  • 29. When he was still a boy of fifteen, he had to make a living all by himself.(用省略形式进行同义句改写)

     a boy of fifteen, he had to make a living all by himself

  • 30. He never speaks to anyone unless he is forced to speak.(用省略形式进行同义句改写)

    He never speaks to anyone   .


  • 31. Li Ming often thinks of his hometown when (see) the picture.
  • 32. No one can break the rules. If you(do), you will surely be punished.
  • 33. All the dishes in this menu,  otherwise stated, will serve two to three people.
  • 34. I'm very sorry to have hurt your feelings, but I didn't mean  .
  • 35. I have my students    come early to clean the classroom.



  • 41. 尽管在他那个时代,达·芬奇的作品并不受欢迎,但他有许多像《蒙娜丽莎》一样的巨作。

    Although    in his times, Da Vinci had many great works of art like Mona Lisa.

  • 42. 在决定选择哪些学生时,雇主会寻找拥有多种技能的学生。

           to choose, employers look for students who have various skills.

  • 43. 若烫伤是在胳膊或腿上,如果可能的话,把它们抬得高于心脏。

    If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart,   .

  • 44. 除非由成年人陪伴,孩子不允许白天出校门。

    No child shall be allowed out of the school during the day,   .

  • 45. 汤姆举起右手好像要说什么。

    Tom raised his right hand something.


  • 46. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        There is some good news for the environment. The British government has banned the use of plastic particles (微粒) in cosmetics (化妆品) and other personal care products.

        Plastic microbeads or tiny solid plastic particles  (use) mostly in cosmetics production, face washes, toothpastes and other products. When we use these things, the plastic microbeads get into our pipes that carry water, and  (eventual) end up in the ocean. Plastic in the ocean puts fish and plants  danger, and even causes them to die.

         (official)say that the ban will prevent water pollution and in the meantime help with the (protect) of ocean life. "The ban will stop billions of pieces of plastic entering our ecosystem, thus  (help) to conserve our precious seas and oceans, "Former Prime Minister Theresa May ever wrote on Twitter.

        Therese Coffey, then the Environment Minister of the UK, said, "The world's seas and oceans are some of our most (value) natural things. And we do now is to deal with the plastic that causes great damage to our sea life. "He also added, "Actually,  amount of natural green things that we can take advantage of (make) personal care products is huge, and therefore the use of plastic microbeads should be abandoned.”


  • 47. 某英语报举行针对如何学习英语的征文活动,请根据提示,写一篇稿件:





