高中英语译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 1 Welcome to the unit and Reading基础过关练

试卷更新日期:2023-02-20 类型:同步测试


  • 1. How many species do you believe will be threatened with e when the reservoir is completed?
  • 2. Located at the foot of the (高耸的) Alps, the Austrian city of Innsbruck offers guests a chance to appreciate a blend of old and new.
  • 3. They found something buried (在……下面) a pile of leaves.
  • 4. If we don't stop cchange, many anima and plants in the world will be gone.
  • 5. Scientists say the c of south America and Africa separated millions of years ago.
  • 6. When we choose food, we must keep in mind that the food we choose should give us the (营养物) we need.
  • 7. The number of people employed in (农业) has fallen in the last decade.
  • 8. A breathtaking trick potentially left over from our ancestors might be found in us-the ability to sense (氧气) through our skin.
  • 9. They raised chickens for eggs, pigs and cfor meat and cows for milk and cream from which Grandma made butter and cheese.


  • 10. 用方框内短语的适当形式填空

    cut down; sound the alarm; be alive with; play a significant role; with an area of; be home to; feed on; in turn break down; breathe life into due to; take…away build up

    (1)、We can consider each aspect of a development environment .
    (2)、The pool goldfish.
    (3)、Just as spring awakens nature, it can be a great time the creative process.
    (4)、the significant progress made in Chinese education. China has become one of the most favored places for overseas students.
    (5)、The collection over the last seventeen years.
    (6)、The area 1, 600 threatened species including grizzly bears, elk and so on.
    (7)、Women's sports are the barriers in previously male-dominated domains.
    (8)、Ride a bicycle. This will on carbon emissions and the money you spend on a car.
    (9)、Press the button to in case of fire.
    (10)、Two men claiming to be police officers went to the pastor' s house and him.
    (11)、Confidence also in a game.
    (12)、We know that eagles usually small animals.
    (13)、The park about 3. 5 square miles is located in Maryland.


  • 11. I want to thank you in person for the impact you've had my life.
  • 12. Her popular book Silent Spring raised awareness of (harm) effects of chemicals on humans and on the world's lakes and oceans.
  • 13. Teenagers' night owl habits (disappear) as they age, and the study says this may be why older adults are happier than younger ones.
  • 14. To begin with, about 24% of the patients showed (damage) learning and 23% showed signs of poor memory when tested.
  • 15. The broadcasting system in Canada is famous and advanced and serves (variety) purposes.
  • 16. The application of new scientific discoveries has greatly increased (agriculture) efficiency in our country.
  • 17. While running regularly can't make you live forever the review says it is more effective in (lengthen) life than walking, cycling or swimming.
  • 18. Everyone is different and that is our world is so colorful.
  • 19. It's also hugely important for parents (know) which apps their children are using.


  • 20. 这比我预料的要多。

    This is I have expected.

  • 21. 被邀请参加晚会是极大的荣幸。

    a great honor to the evening party.

  • 22. 一大群蚂蚁浩浩荡荡地穿过小径。

    marched across the path.

  • 23. 我在我的手提包底部找到了几枚硬币。

    I found several coins .

  • 24. 我感谢那些困难的日子,因为我得到了成长。

    I the difficult times because I have grown up from those times.

  • 25. 不能给他安排这项任务。一则他年纪大了,二则他身体弱。

    Don't set him the task. , he's old; , he's in poor health.

  • 26. 这栋建筑物的损坏相当严重。

    the building was quite serious.

  • 27. 我没有足够的勇气告诉她我对她的看法。

    I wasn't what I thought of her.



  • 34. 课文语法填空

    The Amazon rainforest, the largest rainforest in the world, crosses into eight countries, including Brazil and Peru, and one overseas region of France all on the South American continent It coversarea of around 6 million square kilometres. It is named after the amazon riveris close to 6400 kilometres in length,(support) many different ecosystems, which give this area the richest biodiversity on the Earth, one tenth known species in the world living in it.

    There are(variety) of plants in the Amazon rainforest. Of the 390, 000 plant species known to us over 40. 000 can be found there The forest's different levels support an(believe) variety of wildlife. Each level of the forest forms its own little world, home to different kinds of living things.

    There are more than 1, 300 species of birds and over 400 species of mammals living there Among them(be) the jaguar, which can survive here.

    The Amazon rainforest is not only home to numerous species of animals and plants but also known as the "lungs of the planet", because it breathes lifethe planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earths oxygen. But over the past 50 years, 17 per cent of the rainforest(disappear) due to human activities. And some species are also in danger of(extinct ).  is time for us to do something to protect it.