高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 The world of science Unit 4 Period 3 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2023-02-16 类型:同步测试


  • 1. There were lots of kids in my (社区) when I was growing up.
  • 2. He told stories (生动地) and held his audience's attention.
  • 3. Julie looks beautiful and (优雅的) in her new dress.
  • 4. The Whitney Museum of American Art holds an excellent collection of (当代的) American painting and sculpture.
  • 5. We hope the project will (激发) students' interest in science.
  • 6. Chinese (书法) focuses not only on methods of writing but also on cultivating one's character.
  • 7. You'll have to (示范) it again before the students can perform the experiment by themselves.
  • 8. If she (缺乏) interest in her work, she won't do it well.
  • 9. They had to (刻) signs on the trees all the way so that they wouldn't get lost in the forest.
  • 10. I need a (缝衣针) and some thread to mend this shirt.


  • 11. The calligraphy and painting exhibition (vivid) shows the development course of contemporary China.
  • 12. (lack) courage made him lose the chance of winning.
  • 13. The (elegant) of Chinese literature had deep influence on my thinking.
  • 14. Many enjoy the mental (stimulate) of a challenging job now.
  • 15. Let me give you a (demonstrate) of how the camera works.


  • 16. So many things (do) to save the local wildlife, such as setting up reserves and making laws.
  • 17. The high­speed railway between the two cities (build) at present.
  • 18. Young people (encourage) to think carefully about their future plans from time to time by their parents and teachers.
  • 19. The bridge (repair) at present, so we will have to choose another route.
  • 20. It is said that laws (introduce) next year to protect ancient relics.
  • 21. Most of the wells in this village (pollute) up to now.


  • 22. 用动词的适当形式填空

    Do you think going to a museum is the only way to see art? Actually, art can (see) everywhere around us! For example, on some buildings in my city, beautiful pictures (paint) by young people. Some people don't like graffiti, but I think it's really colorful. Even trees can be art—trees (make) into different shapes so far by some people, like animals or clouds. Look, some impressive buildings (build) by construction workers in every neighbourhood. It's easy to see great art nowadays, because it(create) by people.


  • 23. 请临摹之后再利用课余时间背诵。

    提醒:①每个字母圆润饱满,压线书写;②宜用0.5或0.7 mm中性笔。


  • 24. 阅读短文,回答问题

    In 1988, after being diagnosed with kidney cancer, Fenn, a high­end gallery owner, came up with a crazy plan: He would bury some of his favorite artifacts somewhere in the Rocky Mountains and then die next to them. "My desire was to hide the treasure and let my body stay there and go back to the soil, " he explains.

    The contents are worth somewhere between $1 million and $5 million. Then he took his treasure chest out into the Rockies and hid it. He wanted it to be found. But he wasn't going to just give it away.

    In 2010, Fenn self­published a book, The Thrill of the Chase, which includes a 24­line poem that Fenn claims contains nine clues that "will lead to my treasure".

    At first, nobody really noticed. But word spread, and the chase was on. (The book is now out of print, and copies show up on Amazon for as much as $3,200.) Fenn estimates that 350,000 people from across the globe have searched or are currently searching for his treasure. Yet nobody has found it.

    The problem with Fenn's poem is that the "clues" can be        a million different ways. The "home of Brown", for instance, could be Browns Canyon National Monument in Colorado, or Brown Hill in New Mexico. Or a cabin or a bear. (Don't laugh; several people have already looked.)

    "It's all in the poem," some have recently started sharing more details, "and the treasure isn't in a mine, I mean, they have snakes in 'em. It's between 5,000 feet and 10,200 feet above sea level. It's not in Canada or Idaho or Utah or a grave­yard."

    Why are Fenn's treasure hunters so into what seems like a ridiculous thing to do with their time? Many are quick to say that their lives have been enriched by their experiences. Neitzel says, "It's changed us, made us more confident, and even saved our marriages. Nothing scares us anymore." They thank Fenn for giving them a reason to take a risk, and for giving their lives meaning. Many claim that even if they found Fenn's chest, they wouldn't necessarily spend the money—and might even rehide the chest. Another hunter had this tantalizing insight: "I hope that I never find the treasure.      __      __      __      __      __      "

    And so the hunt continues.

    (1)、Which of the following is the right order?

    a. The book The Thrill of the Chase came out.

    b. Fenn made a large fortune as a high­end gallery owner.

    c. Many hunters treasure their experience as a way of life.

    d. Fenn took his treasure chest out into the Rockies and hid it.

    e. Fenn was diagnosed with kidney cancer.

    A、b-d-e-c-a B、e-b-d-c-a C、e-d-b-a-c D、b-e-d-a-c
    (2)、Which word can replace the underlined word "interpreted" in the fifth paragraph?
    A、Divided. B、Known. C、Explained. D、Understood.
    (3)、Which proverb has the closest meaning to the underlined sentence?
    A、Overcoming challenges makes life meaningful. B、No pains, no gains. C、Where there is a will, there is a way. D、Penny and penny laid up will be many.
    (4)、Which one could be the best title of the passage?
    A、The Man Who Buried A Treasure B、A Treasure Buried In The Rocky Mountains C、Experiences of Hunting For A Treasure D、Why Were the Hunters So Into A Ridiculous Thing?
  • 25. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Although there are filters (滤镜) which can change digital photographs to make them similar to a painting, obvious differences still exist.

    A brand­new painting AI has been made public recently. Much like the pupils of the old masters, the new AI studies the work of great painters like Vermeer and Van Gogh and learns to reproduce their works.

    The AI, named "PaintBot", is the creation of a team of researchers from the University of Maryland, the Bytedance AI Lab and Adobe Research.

    PaintBot can not only reproduce the work of different artists but create new works based on photographs in the chosen painter's characteristic style.

    To train the AI to imitate (模仿) a given artist's technique, the researchers would present it with between 3 and 10 reference paintings. With each reference painting it studies, the AI gradually learns to recognize the various characteristics of the given artist's technique, including the stroke (笔画) color, position and size—along with the order in which each brushstroke should be made.

    PaintBot uses a technique known as reinforcement learning (强化学习). During the learning process, the AI would practice reproducing reference paintings, which it would then compare with the original work to see how similar the two were and if it was improving its imitation of the artist's style. It takes around six hours for the AI to learn to imitate a given painter.

    Once the AI has mastered a particular artist's technique, the researchers could present it with a new image to reproduce in the same style. The AI then uses what it has learnt to produce a new painting, putting down each brushstroke one at a time.

    After being trained in a given style, PaintBot takes only around five minutes to produce each of its digital masterpieces.

    The way that PaintBot's compositions are built up from thousands of individual brushstrokes makes the AI's works more realistic than those online filters.

    (1)、What does the author say about filters used to change digital photos?
    A、They do amazing work. B、They are out of date. C、They have different uses. D、They are not good enough.
    (2)、What does PaintBot need to do first before imitating a certain artist's painting?
    A、Learn the artist's techniques. B、Recognize the value of the painting. C、Compare the painting with other works. D、Understand the artist's family background.
    (3)、How does PaintBot create works?
    A、It follows the given style. B、It learns from the researchers. C、It just imitates the reference paintings. D、It mixes techniques of different artists.
    (4)、Which of the following best describes PaintBot's paintings according to the author?
    A、Popular. B、Valuable. C、Advanced. D、Lifelike.


  • 26. 任务型阅读

    Understanding and appreciating art can be hard if you don't have much experience with art. Don't worry. The following can help you get an appreciation for artwork enormously.

    ·Relax as you look at work.

    , it's best to go to the gallery or view the art when you're in a relaxed mood so that the art affects you in a positive way. Limit distractions (分神) around you, like your cell phone, and try to clear your mind of negative or stressful thoughts.


    Avoid saying things like "Anyone could make that" and drop previous opinions you have about the artwork before you actually see it. Try to approach the art with an open mind and don't compare it with other works, especially if it's not in the same style.

    ·Ask yourself how the painting makes you feel.

    Instead of trying to focus on the technical aspects of the art, ask yourself how the art makes you feel. , it has an effect on you. Do be honest with yourself when you describe your real feelings.

    ·Research the artist's life.

    Some galleries have an informational plaque (牌匾) near the artwork that describes the artist. Read the informational plaque next to the artwork. This is a great way to better understand the artist and his mind when they created the art. Most art tries to express a feeling like sadness, anger, or happiness. .

    ·Speak and talk with artists.

    Only if you like, you can find artists at their art shows. . Getting their thought may give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of their work.

    Well now, if you still don't get art and can't appreciate it, try to create some artwork yourself. If you don't know where to start, you can look up tutorials online or take a local art class.

    A. Look at the artwork as objectively (客观的) as you can

    B. If it makes you happy, sad, anxious, or excited

    C. As long as you understand the techniques used to create the art

    D. Since being nervous can actually affect how you enjoy art

    E. Take the time to speak to them

    F. For example, if the artist saw a war, a sad feeling may be expressed in his art

    G. There are different styles and types of art for you to further research


  • 27. 语法填空

    The Chinese painting is one of the oldest artistic traditions in the world. The painting in the traditional style is known today in Chinese as guohua, (mean) the "national painting" or "native painting". It is different from Western styles of art which (become) popular in China in the 20th century.

    One technique of the Chinese painting is ink and wash painting and in Chinese it is called shuimo. In fact this was an art form (practise) by gentlemen from the Song Dynasty. This style is also referred to xieyi or the freehand style.

    (traditional), the Chinese painting is done on rice paper or thin silk. There (be) broadly three subjects for traditional Chinese paintings—portraits, landscapes, and flowers and birds—of the landscape is the most familiar to people. Therefore the Chinese painting is often known as the landscape painting, or shanshui painting.

    The landscape painting was regarded as highest form of the Chinese painting, and generally still is. In the north, artists such as Jing Hao painted (picture) of towering mountains and in the south, Dong Yuan, Juran, and other artists painted the rolling hills and rivers of their native countryside in (peace) scenes.