初中英语牛津译林版八年级下学期 Unit 1 Past and present单项选择专项练习

试卷更新日期:2023-02-10 类型:同步测试


  • 1. More and more people in Shanghai go to work _______ underground now.
    A、with B、on C、in D、by
  • 2. —There are _______cars and buses in the street at this time of a day.

    —Yeah, there's _______traffic.

    A、too much; too many B、too many; too many C、too much; too much D、too many; too much
  • 3. I ______sleep very well, but then I started doing yoga and it really helps.
    A、didn't use to B、used to C、was used to D、wasn't used to
  • 4. —Tina, is your father a teacher?

    —Yes, he is. He _______English for nearly 20 years.

    A、is teaching B、teach C、has taught D、had taught
  • 5. —Linda, Mother's Day is coming. What will you buy for your mother as a gift?

    —I find scarves beautiful, so I plan to buy ________ for her.

    A、it B、one C、this D、that
  • 6. —Does your sister feel ______in her new school?

    —I don't think so. She has already made a few friends there.

    A、lonely B、quiet C、excited D、happy
  • 7. I like playing ______chess but my brother likes playing ______piano.
    A、the; the B、the; / C、/; the D、a; the
  • 8. —Has your hometown changed ______?

    —Yes, there are ______tall buildings now.

    A、a lot; a lot B、a lot; a lot of C、a lot of; a lot D、a lot of; a lot of
  • 9. —I ______my card. I want to report it.

    —You can call the bank to report the loss. It would be faster.

    A、lose B、was losing C、will lose D、have lost
  • 10. —My English is poor. Could you help me with it?

    — ______.

    A、Thank you B、Me, too C、No problem D、See you
  • 11. Mr Wu has worked in this school since his family ______to Nanjing five years ago.
    A、has moved B、moved C、moves D、move
  • 12. We invite successful(成功的) businessmen to give a talk ______in our college.
    A、from day to night B、from time to time C、from one to another D、from past to now
  • 13. Jim said life without old friends was ______. He will visit some of his old friends tomorrow.
    A、a bit of boring B、a bit boring C、a bit bored D、a bit of bored
  • 14. I am surprised at the new look of my hometown,for it _____ a lot over the years.

    A、changed B、changes C、will change D、has changed
  • 15. The paper factory has caused a lot of serious environmental pollution in my hometown ______.
    A、last year B、once a month C、in five years D、over the past five years
  • 16. My grandfather lives _______, but he doesn't feel _______
    A、alone; lonely B、lonely; alone C、lonely; lonely D、alone; alone
  • 17. What a terrible experience! ________, lucky us, we are safe now.
    A、Anyway B、Otherwise C、For example D、As a result
  • 18. —The air is very fresh in our city. There is less ___________ than before.

    —Yes. The government has taken action to protect the environment.

    A、wood B、pollution C、noise D、water
  • 19. —Where do you live?

    —I live near the supermarket in the _______part of town _______my family.

    A、north; with B、northern; with C、north; and D、northern; and
  • 20. More and more teenagers have poor eyesight, so parents and teachers should take action _______the situation from getting worse.
    A、stop B、stopping C、stopped D、to stop
  • 21. — Is dinner ready?

    —Not ______.

    A、already B、just C、yet D、ever
  • 22. —The book is popular. ________ you ________ it yet?

    —Yes, I have.

    A、Are; reading B、Were; reading C、Have; read D、Will; read
  • 23. I'm so glad that I _______ nearly half of the test now.
    A、finish B、finished C、will finish D、have finished
  • 24. —Look! Somebody _______the lights.

    —Well, it wasn't me. I didn't do it.

    A、turns off B、is turning off C、was turning off D、has turned off
  • 25. I_______ the guitar ever since I was 8 years old.
    A、played B、have played C、am playing D、will play
  • 26. —Last night I went to a concert of Chinese folk music. Erquan Yingyue was strangely beautiful, but I felt a strong sadness and pain under the beauty.

    —So it was. The musician _______to play it since he _______very young.

    A、learned; was B、has learned; is C、has learned; was D、learned; has been
  • 27. —It's a great pity that the famous football player has gone to another club.

    —Don't worry! They _______in another top star recently.

    A、bring B、brought C、have brought D、has brought
  • 28. —What do you think of your junior school life?

    —It _______some sweet memories in my heart in the past three years.

    A、leave B、left C、has left D、will leave
  • 29. —It's the second time I have come to Hong Kong. It _______a lot.

    —Yes, it's more and more beautiful.

    A、was changing B、has changed C、will change D、changes
  • 30. —What an exciting match!

    —Yes. I _______such a better one before!

    A、never saw B、had never seen C、never see D、have never seen
  • 31. —Is Su Ning fit for the task?

    —Hang on. I'll tell you ________what I think of it.

    A、properly B、correctly C、exactly D、highly
  • 32. —It's difficult to get a ticket of Jay Chou's concert.

    — ________, I've got one.

    A、Finally B、Luckily C、Recently D、Exactly
  • 33. —How about the third season of the documentary Aerial China(《航拍中国》)?

    —Great. I ________it twice.

    A、watched B、watch C、will watch D、have watched
  • 34. —I can't ________my old friends after my cell phone was stolen.

    —What a pity!

    A、keep in touch with B、lose touch with C、keep up with D、catch up with
  • 35. The old man ________live with his wife, but now he ________alone after she died.
    A、used to; is used to live B、used to; is used to living C、was used to; used to live D、is used to; is used to live
  • 36. —How ___________ your sofa feels!
    —Is it like a soft bed? I often lie on it for a short break at noon.
    A、terrible B、comfortable C、humorous D、dangerous
  • 37. Our government tries to do everything they can _______ people live a better life.
    A、to help B、help C、helping D、helped
  • 38. —I'm going to miss you, dear.

    —I feel _______the same.

    A、hardly B、exactly C、seriously D、properly
  • 39. To learn English better, you'd better speak English _______you can.
    A、as often as B、as many as C、so more as D、so many as
  • 40. We _______each other since I came to Beijing, but we send emails very often.
    A、don't see B、didn't see C、won't see D、haven't seen
  • 41. I read ______ unusual story last night. ______ story is about Dr Zhong Nanshan.
    A、an; A B、a; The C、an; The D、an; A
  • 42. To complete her online learning, Suzy needs a computer or a mobile phone to receive messages___________ her teachers.
    A、with B、during C、from D、through
  • 43. With the help of the Chinese government, the people in poor areas have a ______ life than before.
    A、good B、better C、best D、well
  • 44. Nothing is ______ for you if you always do your best.
    A、possible B、impossible C、important D、careful
  • 45. Mr Wu has worked in this school since his family _____ to Nanjing five years ago.
    A、has moved B、moved C、moves D、move
  • 46. The government ______ a new rule to stop young people playing video games for long. Nowadays many students spend less time online.
    A、will make B、is making C、has made D、made
  • 47. —Shaoyang has changed a lot in the past few years.

    —Yes. It is getting ______.

    A、clean B、cleaner C、cleanest D、the cleanest
  • 48. —How do you like Treasure Island,Lucy?

    —It's so exciting that I _______ it twice.

    A、am reading B、have read C、was reading D、had read
  • 49. ______, our world is more connected than before because of the Internet.
    A、In some ways B、In this way C、On the way D、By the way
  • 50. — Look, the light is still on in Helen's office.

    — Maybe she ______ her work yet.

    A、doesn't finish B、won't finish C、hasn't finished D、didn't finish
  • 51. —Have you finished your homework?

    —______. It's difficult for me to finish it in such a short time.

    A、Not yet B、I hope not C、I think so D、Of course
  • 52. —Smog has been troubling people a lot in many parts of China.

    —Now China is ______to reduce pollution.

    A、taking notes B、making mistakes C、taking action D、making money
  • 53. —My father ________ to his workplace by bus, but now he ________ there by bike.

    —Really? You have an environmentally friendly father.

    A、used to go; is used to go B、used to going; is used to go C、is used to go; is used to going D、used to go; is used to going
  • 54. —I don't think students should spend too much time playing phone games.

    — ______! As students, we should pay more attention to our study.

    A、Mainly B、Exactly C、Simply D、Mostly
  • 55. —It has been a long time since we met last year, Alice. How's it going?

    — ______. Many thanks.

    A、Pretty good B、The same to you C、It doesn't matter D、Help yourself