
试卷更新日期:2023-02-08 类型:复习试卷



  • 4. Show       seven.
    A、me B、my C、I
  • 5. This is Joe.          my friend.
    A、She's B、He's C、He
  • 6. Here _____ some photos _____ my school.
    A、is, to B、are, of C、is, of
  • 7. Please don't take______ away.
    A、them B、they
  • 8. I was excited because it was ________ first trip ________ Hainan.
    A、I; to B、my; to C、my; for
  • 9. _____a basketball player.
    A、His B、He C、He's
  • 10. Miss Fang teaches _______ English this term.
    A、we B、ours C、ourselves D、us
  • 11. There is ________ milk, we should go to the supermarket to buy _______.
    A、a few; some B、few, any C、little; some D、little; any
  • 12. The doctor gave ________ a check-up and asked ________ to drink plenty of water.
    A、my; my B、me; me C、my; me
  • 13. I will go to visit my grandmother and wish ________ a happy Spring Festival.
    A、her B、his C、my
  • 14. The shirt isn't _______. It's________.
    A、his; my B、his; hers C、their; my D、my; yours
  • 15. The bad news from the teacher makes___________ sad.
    A、they B、them C、their
  • 16. — Do you like baseball?

    — Yes, ____________ do.

    A、she B、we C、he
  • 17. Show ________ white.
    A、I B、me C、my



  • 22. ____He's my brother.
    A、Who is he? B、Who is she? C、How is she?
  • 23. —Is that boy in the study?

    — ___________

    A、No, he isn't. B、Yes, it is. C、No, she isn't.
  • 24. A: What's _______ job?

    B: He is a policeman.

    A、his B、he C、her
  • 25. He is   White. He is   English teacher.
    A、Mr.;we B、Ms.;our C、Mr.;our


  • 26. My ruler is too short. Can you give (I/ me/ my) that long one? (I/ me/ my) want to draw something.
  • 27. There are some pictures on the walls of the classroom. (They/ Them/ Their) are very beautiful. I like (they/ them/ their) very much.


  • 28. 根据要求写出相应单词
    (4)、keep to the right (译汉)