(浙江)外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 4 Unit 2 随堂小练笔

试卷更新日期:2023-02-05 类型:同步测试


  • 1. There____________ a football match in our school tomorrow.
    A、is going to have B、will be C、be D、will have
  • 2. There is no ____________on the bus. You can't get on it.
    A、space B、rooms C、places D、spaces
  • 3. There will be _____ rain and ______ winds.
    A、heavy, strong B、strong, big C、big, heavy D、large, big
  • 4. —This camera is too expensive. Do you have any others?

    —Sorry, but that's the ______ one.

    A、biggest B、longest C、cheapest D、smallest
  • 5. Don't ________ the street. It's very busy now.
    A、across B、cross C、through D、crossing


  • 6. 完形填空

        What will life be like in 3000? Different people have 1 answers. Here is my answer.

        I think life will be very different in 3000. Every family will have 2 robot. The robot can do everything for people. 3 people won't have to do heavy and 4 work. And they will have 5 free time to enjoy the things they like.

        People will wear special 6 in 3000. They don't have to 7 clothes because they won't get dirty. There will be more kinds of food for people to enjoy. And they are all healthy food.

        People will use energy from the sun and the wind. So there 8 be any pollution problems.

        People will use a special car to travel. It can run on the road and 9 in the air. It will be very 10 for people to travel to the moon and other planets. Some people will live in other planets.

        It will be a happy world in 3000.

    A、same B、different C、many D、some
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
    A、With B、So C、But D、Since
    A、light B、funny C、interesting D、boring
    A、many B、much C、more D、lots of
    A、jacket B、dress C、pants D、clothes
    A、have B、wear C、wash D、make
    A、is B、isn't C、will D、won't  
    A、walk B、fly C、climb D、sleep
    A、easy B、difficult C、hard D、far


  • 7. 任务型阅读

      ①Life in the future will be different from life today.

    But what will life be like in the future? The population(人口)is growing  A  . There will be many people in the world and most of them will live to over 100 years old. Computers will be very  B  and useful, and there will be computers in every home. Travelling will be very cheap and  C  .

    And many people will go to other countries for holidays. There will be changes in our food, too. There will not be________(many)room for cows and sheep, so meat will be very expensive. ②也许没有人会每天都吃它。They will eat many fruits and vegetables. Maybe people will be quite healthy. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do hard work. So many people will not have enough work to do.


    (2)、根据句意将easy, small, fast恰当地填入到A、B、C处。

    A.  B.  C.





    (5)、Will all the people have no work to do?



  • 8. 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。

    Daming: We are going to Hainan next week.

    Kate: Really?

    Daming: We will go sightseeing.


    Daming: By car. It will take us 12 hours to drive there.

    Kate: That's a long time.

    Daming: It's summer.But it rains sometimes.

    Kate: Will you go to the Tianya Haijiao?

    Daming: Yes. We'll take photos and go swimming there.

    Kate: That will be fun.

    Daming: We will. Thank you.

