外研版(三年级起点)四年级下学期 Module 3 单元测试

试卷更新日期:2023-02-02 类型:单元试卷



  • 6. 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。
    A、walk B、talk C、sock
    A、housework B、homework C、worker
    A、Tuesday B、everyday C、Wednesday
    A、our B、your C、them
    A、cute B、cool C、robot



  • 12. 给下列问句选择正确的答语。

    ⑴What's this?          A. I will go to school.

    ⑵What will you do on Monday? B. It's an elephant.

    ⑶Will they do our homework? C. Yes, it can.

    ⑷What will Tom do today?   D. No, they won't.

    ⑸Can the robot talk?     E. He will play football.



  • 18. 你想知道远处的东西是什么,你会这样说:
    A、What's this? B、What's that?
  • 19. 当别人问你机器人会不会给你做家庭作业时,你会这样说:
    A、Yes, it will. B、No, it won't.
  • 20. 你想表达总有一天机器人会做所有的事情,可以这样说:
    A、One day, robots will do everything. B、One day, robots can't do anything.
  • 21. 你想表达Amy会放风筝,可以这样说:
    A、Amy can fly a kite. B、I can fly kites.
  • 22. 你想表达机器人会走路,可以这样说:
    A、The robot can walk. B、The robot can talk.


  • 23. 读短文,选择正确的答案。

    Tomorrow is Sunday. Jack and his family are going to have a picnic. Jack likes flying kites, so he will take his kite. His sister will take her ball. His father likes reading and he will take a book. His mother will take some pears, cakes, water and bread for them. They will have a good time.

    (1)、Today is_____.
    A、Friday B、Sunday C、Saturday
    (2)、Jack and his family are going to have a picnic_____.
    A、on Friday B、on Saturday C、on Sunday
    (3)、Does Jack's father like reading a book?
    A、No, he doesn't. B、Yes, he does. C、I don't know.
    (4)、Jack's mother will take______.
    A、pears, cakes, sausages and bread. B、pears, milk, water and cakes. C、pears, cakes, water and bread.
    (5)、____will take a ball.
    A、Jack B、Jack's sister C、Jack's father