外研版(三年级起点)小学英语三年级下学期Module 1 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2023-02-02 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 将下列大写字母转换成小写字母。

    F     G     I     L     M 

    Q     R     V     X     Y 


  • 2. 小小翻译家。
    (3)、School TV             
    (5)、here you are


  • 3. —What's that?    


    A、They are big. B、It's my leg.
  • 4. —Here you are.   


    A、Thank you. B、They're small.
  • 5. —What's your favourite colour?  


    A、My favourite colour is yellow. B、It's a ship.
  • 6. —What's your name? 


    A、I'm a boy. B、My name is Tom.
  • 7. Thank you ______ School TV.
    A、at B、to


  • 8. 选词填空。

    letter  song  favourite  yellow  teachers

    (1)、What's your colour?
    (2)、My favourite is "s''.
    (3)、Her favouriteis the ABC song.
    (4)、His favourite colour is.
    (5)、Thank you to my


  • 9. 你想知道对方的名字,应怎样问?
    A、How are you?       B、What's your name?
  • 10. 清晨上学见到老师,你应该说什么?
    A、Good morning, teacher.    B、Goodbye, teacher.
  • 11. 你想知道同桌最喜欢什么歌曲,应怎样问?
    A、Is this your favourite song? B、What's your favourite song?
  • 12. 当你想问别人“那是什么”时,应怎样问?
    A、What's this?        B、What's that?
  • 13. 当你想要感谢你的老师时,应该说什么?
    A、Thank you to my school. B、Thank you to my teachers.


  • 14. 给下列句子选择恰当的汉语意思。

    ⑴What's that?  A. 这是我的腿。

    ⑵What's your favourite colour?  B. 那是什么?

    ⑶What's colour?  C. 它是红色的。

    ⑷It's my leg.   D. 你最喜欢什么颜色?

    ⑸It's red.   E. 什么颜色?
