人教新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级下册Unit 11 Section B 同步检测

试卷更新日期:2023-01-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. It's getting ____________________ outside. Let's go home.
    A、dark B、sunny C、exciting D、boring
  • 2. — Hello, Judy! Your mother's birthday is coming. Did you buy any ____________________ for her?

    — Yeah! I bought a Sweeping Robot for her.

    A、gifts B、paintings C、flowers D、photos
  • 3. The book is ____________________ and we are all ____________________ in it.
    A、interesting; interested B、interested; interested C、interesting; interesting D、interested; interesting
  • 4.           , it didn't rain and we could go on the trip.

    A、Lucky B、Luckly C、Luck D、Luckily
  • 5. I went          a school trip yesterday.

    A、to B、on C、for D、in
  • 6. There were           people in the museum last week.  

    A、too much B、too many C、a lot D、a lots of
  • 7. It's important ________ healthy.

    A、keep B、keeping C、keeps D、to keep
  • 8. — Where is the cake I made this morning?

    — We ________ it, Mom. Can you make another one for us?

    A、will eat B、eat C、ate D、were eating
  • 9. It ______ rainy l  ast Sunday,so Jim ______ TV at home.


    A、is;watched   B、was;watch   C、was;watched D、is;watch
  • 10. He ______ to Beijing with his parents last spring.


    A、go B、goes   C、went D、going


  • 11. 完形填空

    Last weekend, my teacher gave us the homework. She wanted us to make a meal for our1and took photos. When I heard this, I started 2. I enjoyed delicious dishes,3I wasn't good at cooking. For some days, my mother was so4 looking after my grandma in hospital. She had no time to teach me5to cook. "I can't finish my 6,"I thought. Suddenly, I had an idea, "Why not call for a takeout(外卖)for mom?" I felt excited7this. I called fora takeout 8 on Sunday evening. When I got the9, I asked my parents to eat with me and took some photos. Then I sent10to my teacher.

    The next morning, my teacher, 11how I cooked the delicious food. I couldn't answer so I told the12thing at last. "Honesty(诚实)is the best. I13told you to be honest. Also, I gave you the homework to let you know how tired and14your parents are. Children should care about parents. "I felt 15for what I did. That night I told my parents about my mistake(错误)and made a meal for them.

    A、classmates B、parents C、friends D、teachers
    A、sleeping B、jumping C、worrying D、eating
    A、but B、because C、or D、so
    A、scared B、bored C、busy D、free
    A、when B、why C、what D、how
    A、housework B、homework C、trip D、test
    A、about B、from C、with D、for
    A、usually B、only C、luckily D、happily
    A、bread B、food C、fruit D、candy
    A、them B、it C、this D、that
    A、taught B、asked C、ordered D、described
    A、exciting B、real C、interesting D、popular
    A、always B、never C、sometimes D、ever
    A、welcome B、smart C、great D、healthy
    A、relaxed B、excellent C、afraid D、sorry


  • 12. 阅读理解

        Martin told me something interesting about him. He went on a trip to the United Stares last summer. He stayed in a hotel and there was a big fire in the room next to his room. He thought he heard a baby crying, so he ran into the room. When he got in the room, he saw that the TV was on and found that the baby was on TV. So Martin turned the television off and ran out of the room.


    (1)、Martin went to America for his trip.

    (2)、There was a big fire in Martin's room.

    (3)、Martin wanted to save the baby.

    (4)、The baby was not on TV.

    (5)、There was a baby crying in Martin's room.


  • 13. 选词补全对话。


    A:Hey, Bob! How was your trip to the?

    B:Not bad.

    A:What did you do then?

    B:I a horse.

    A:Did you gonear the farm?

    B:Sure.I got lots of fish.

    A:Was your brother Dale with you?

    B:No,he the museum with his friend.

    A:I also went to thebut I didn't meet them.

    B:When did you go there?

    A:At eight o'clock in the morning.

    B:Oh,they went there at two in the afternoon.Sure,you couldn't meet them.


  • 14. 按照要求完成句子改写。

    (1)、The school went to the zoo yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

     the school  to the zoo yesterday?

    (2)、Jim's school trip was great. (对划线部分提问)

      Jim's school trip?

    (3)、I could hear and see the guide. (改为否定句)

    I  hear  see the guide.

    (4)、We went to the countryside this summer. (对划线部分提问)

      you do this summer?

    (5)、I bought nothing in the gift shop. (改为同义句)

    I didn't   in the gift shop.