
试卷更新日期:2023-01-12 类型:小升初真题



  • 7. Students should eat lunch in the        .
    A、library B、computer room C、dining hall D、cinema
  • 8. She was ill. So she        at home and slept all weekend.
    A、stayed B、had C、swam D、climbed
  • 9. I'm very interested in science, so I want to be a ______.
    A、postman B、scientist C、coach D、cook
  • 10. —I'm thirteen years old.

    —Oh. You are        than me. I'm fourteen years old.

    A、bigger B、older C、younger D、faster
  • 11. —Do you often        on the weekend?

    —Yes, I do. It can make my body strong.

    A、watch TV B、go cycling C、go shopping D、do homework
  • 12. I        some fresh food in the restaurant three days ago.
    A、eats B、am eating C、ate D、will eat
  • 13. If you feel angry, you should take a deep breath and count        ten.
    A、for B、to C、in D、on
  • 14. —        pencils are longer?

    —My sister's.

    A、Who B、What C、How D、Whose



  • 21. 请将方框中符合对话情境的句子填写在相应的横线上,使对话恢复完整。其中有两项是多余的。

    And the boy looks younger.

    Did you take any pictures?

    Both of you are strong.

    Salad is my favourite.

    I like badminton best.

    Who did you go with?

    I went to the park.

    A: Hi, John! Where did you go this morning?

    B: . It was beautiful.


    B: Sure. Look at this one.

    A: It's pretty. Who is he?

    B: My new friend. His name is Robin.

    A: I see.

    B: Yes. We often play sports together.

    A: What's your favourite sport?



  • 22. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选出正确的一项完成各小题。

    Hello! My name is Lara. I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things. First, I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food. Then, my parents and I went to Xiamen. It's a little far, so we went there by plane. We went to the beach and I watched the ships there. Finally, I went to the zoo with my sister. I was very happy. Because I saw lots of animals. They were very lovely. So I took pictures of all the animals. I liked the pandas best. They were cute and clever. My sister liked them, too.

    I had a wonderful summer holiday this year. What about you? Can you tell me something about your holiday?

    (1)、Did Lara have a good time over the summer holiday?
    A、We don't know. B、Yes, she did. C、No, she didn't.
    (2)、Where did Lara watch the ships in Xiamen?
    A、On the beach. B、In the hotel. C、On the plane.
    (3)、Lara and her          went to the zoo.
    A、grandparents B、friends C、sister
    (4)、What animals did Lara's sister like?
    A、Giraffes. B、Monkeys. C、Pandas.
    (5)、Lara didn't          over the summer holiday.
    A、take pictures B、play with her friends C、eat any delicious food


  • 23. 转眼间就要小学毕业了,还记得刚进入校园时的自己是什么样子吗?和现在的自己发生了什么不一样的变化呢?假如你是Ella,请你根据下面的图片内容写篇短文,描述一下你之前和现在的变化吧!


    2)语句通顺, 意思连贯,书写工整;
