
试卷更新日期:2023-01-12 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 读一读,选出不同类的一项
    A、pig B、dog C、big
    A、pupil B、Australia C、China
    A、head B、short C、mouth
    A、nose B、woman C、man
    A、tail B、small C、thin


  • 2. Hello, I'm Amy. I'm from___________.
    A、uk B、the UK C、china
  • 3. ___________ the giraffe. It's so tall.
    A、Look to B、Look in C、Look at
  • 4. The elephant___________ big eyes and small nose.
    A、have B、has C、haves
  • 5. ___________. She is tall.
    A、This is my brother B、This is my sister C、This is my grandpa
  • 6. —Is he your father?

    —___________. He's my father.

    A、Yes, he is B、Yes, he isn't C、No, he is
  • 7. —___________?

    —The USA.

    A、Where are you from B、What are you from C、How are you from
  • 8. Amy: Mom, this is my teacher, Miss Green.

    Mom: ___________

    A、What's your name? B、This is Amy. C、Nice to meet you.
  • 9. —___________?

    —He is my grandpa.

    A、Who's this man B、Who's this woman C、How old is he
  • 10. —Welcome back to school! ___________!

    —Nice to meet you, too.

    A、I'm from Canada B、Thanks C、Nice to meet you again
  • 11. —Oh, I'm hungry. ___________, please?

    —Here you are.

    A、Who's that girl B、Can I have some bread C、What's this


  • 12.
    A、I'm from China. B、I'm from Canada. C、I'm from the US.
  • 13.
    A、Hello, I'm Bing Dwen Dwen! B、Hello, I'm Mike. C、Hello, I'm Wu Binbin!
  • 14.
    A、He has a small nose. B、He has a short nose. C、He has a long nose.
  • 15.
    A、This is a woman. He's from Shandong. B、This is a boy. He's from Shandong. C、This is a teacher. She's from Shandong.
  • 16.
    A、The monkey has a long tail. B、The tiger has a short tail. C、The elephant has a short leg.


  • 17. 读一读,写一写,连一连,每词写一遍






  • 18. 情景交际

    ⑴What's your name?   

    ⑵Where is Mike from?   

    ⑶Goodbye, mom.   

    ⑷This is my friend, Amy.   

    ⑸How are you?   

    ⑹Who's this boy?   

    ⑺Let's paint.   

    ⑻Who's that old woman?   

    ⑼How old are you?   

    ⑽Look! I have a ruler.   

    A. Nice to meet you, Amy.

    B. Fine, thanks.

    C. He is from Canada.

    D. My name is Mike.

    E. Bye, John.

    F. Great!

    G. She's my grandmother.

    H. I'm ten.

    I. Wow! It's so long.

    J. He's my brother.


  • 19. 读一读,标序号,使其成为一段有序的对话

    Wow! It's so cute.

    Yes, it has big eyes.

    Come here, children! Look at the panda.

       6   It's from China.

    And a short tail!

    Where is it from?


  • 20. 阅读理解

    Hi, I'm Sarah. This is my family. This is my father. He is a teacher. This is my mother. She is a teacher, too. The boy is my brother, Sam. He is ten years old. He has big eyes. He has two hands. He has a big cat. It is cute.

    (1)、My name is Lily.
    (2)、My dad and mum are teachers.
    (3)、Sam is my brother.
    (4)、Sam is a boy.
    (5)、Sam has a dog.
    (6)、Sam is years old.
    (7)、Sam has eyes.
    (8)、Sam has hands.
    (9)、Sam has a big. It is cute.