
试卷更新日期:2023-01-11 类型:期末考试


  • 1. What is the woman going to do?
    A、Help the man. B、Take a bus. C、Get a camera.
  • 2. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A、Teacher and student. B、Nurse and patient. C、Boss and employee.
  • 3. What time is it now?
    A、10:12. B、10:20. C、10:32.
  • 4. What are the speakers most probably talking about?
    A、A book. B、A film. C、An actor.
  • 5. Where does the conversation take place?
    A、In the classroom. B、In the library. C、In the dormitory.


  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Where will the woman go?
    A、To the airport. B、To her office. C、To the school.
    (2)、What does the woman ask the man to do?
    A、Look for some toys. B、Meet her boss. C、Take care of a baby.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Why does Diana say sorry to Peter?
    A、She needs to put off her test. B、She wants to visit another city. C、She has to give up her travel plan.
    (2)、What does Diana want Peter to do?
    A、Help her with her study. B、Take a book to her friend. C、Teach a geography lesson.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、How does Joanna feel?
    A、Tired. B、Happy. C、Anxious.
    (2)、Why does Joanna want to make breakfast?
    A、To look after her sick mum. B、To pay back her mum. C、To practise cooking.
    (3)、What can we know about Joanna?
    A、She has got married. B、She can get up early every day. C、She loves her father more than her mother.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What is the man?
    A、A teacher. B、A host. C、A doctor.
    (2)、What is the conversation mainly about?
    A、How to save money. B、How to spend money. C、How to be a good housewife.
    (3)、Where does the woman like shopping?
    A、In supermarkets. B、In department stores. C、In outdoor markets.
    (4)、What does the woman highly recommend?
    A、Fixing things by ourselves. B、Hiring someone to repair things. C、Asking friends to help with the repairs.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Which school is the university most famous for?
    A、Social Science. B、Medicine. C、Law.
    (2)、Who will say something more about the courses?
    A、The visitors. B、The receptionists. C、The lecturers.
    (3)、What is required for degree courses?
    A、Informal lectures. B、One group discussion. C、A long essay.
    (4)、Who is the speech most probably intended for?
    A、Students at high school. B、Teachers at university. C、Teachers at high school.


  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    With at least several dozen antivirus products on the market, you may be wondering which one you should choose. There's no simple one-size- fits-all answer. But here are four things to consider before making your decision.

    Do You Want Cloud Antivirus?

    Unlike conventional antivirus software, cloud antivirus programs do most of their processing on the Internet rather than your computer's hard drive. Cloud antivirus programs not only have a smaller resource footprint, but they also can be quicker to respond to newly emerging malware(恶意软件)threats.

    What Sort of Device and Operating System Are You Protecting?

    One obvious point is that you need a program that's compatible(兼容的)with your device's operating system. This isn't as much of an issue as it once was, since many antivirus software makers offer their products for multiple platforms. Another consideration is how much memory and storage space your device has,since antivirus programs sometimes can occupy many resources.

    What's Your Price Point?

    If you're on a tight budget and aren't a heavy-duty computer user, you may be able to get by with using one of the numerous free antivirus programs that are available. Another popular choice is Avast Free Antivirus, which has earned high ratings from security researchers and is available for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices. But if you can afford it, the paid versions of the free programs often have more features.

    How Much Protection Do You Need?

    If you're mostly just using your computer to write emails and watch movies on Netflix, then most of the fine bells and whistles on a full-featured security suite probably would go to waste. If you're surfing the web more extensively or running a home e-commerce business, you may find that advanced features in a paid program are well worth the money.

    But no matter which antivirus program you pick, online security expert Bruce Schneier says the most important thing is that you install one, and set it to automatically update.

    (1)、What's the feature of the cloud antivirus programs?
    A、They are free. B、They do most work on the Internet. C、They need more memory and storage space. D、They are compatible with all the operating systems.
    (2)、What should you do if you're lack of money?
    A、Turn to an expert. B、Study the previous cases. C、Choose a free antivirus program. D、Pay for an advanced antivirus program.
    (3)、What is the most important thing after you choose an antivirus program?
    A、Updating automatically. B、Setting passwords. C、Checking occasionally. D、Storing quickly.
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Growing up in rural Jiangsu Province, Yu Jigao showed a strong interest in fine arts at an early age and studied on his own for years. His hard work paid off later. In the early 1950s, he made his way to Nanjing Normal University, where he learned painting theories and techniques from some famous artists. It was then that Yu found his lifelong artistic zeal for gongbi. Gongbi paintings usually describe birds and flowers, symbols of beauty and joy, in an artistic way with intense color.

    After graduation from the art school in 1957, Yu began his professional career at the Chinese Painting Institute of Jiangsu. He has since published a series of art collections. Since 1959, Yu has contributed a series of works to many important sites. Yu's works have also been displayed in a range of national and international exhibitions. From 1986 to 1997, he held his exhibitions in such places as Beijing, Guangzhou and New York. Both the themes and artistic techniques have won widespread praise in the past years.

    While observing traditional rules, he uses accurate lines, powerful brush movements as well as the interplay between dark and light to represent the harmony of nature. Though he adopts a realistic style, he tries to enrich his works with spiritual beauty through his brush. Yu says, "That feeling turns into the images of singing birds and elegant flowers in my paintings." Thanks to his careful observation of nature and artistic sensitivity, Yu is able to combine realistic description with artistic expression in his brushwork.

    Now as deputy director of the Academy of Chinese Gongbi Painting of Flowers and Birds and a national top-level artist, Yu maintains a simple and easy-going style. In addition to artistic creation, Yu has devoted himself to promoting his painting style as the cultural heritage of China. "Art is part of my life," Yu says. "I am proud to be a flower-bird painter. I hope to create a bright future for it through my efforts."

    (1)、What does the underlined word "zeal" in paragraph 1 mean?
    A、Request. B、Passion. C、Justice. D、Fund.
    (2)、What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about Yu?
    A、His school life. B、His painting techniques. C、His achievements in painting. D、His contributions to the art school.
    (3)、Which is Yu's painting feature?
    A、Adopting abstract objects. B、Excluding plants and animals. C、Combining traditional rules with a realistic style. D、Representing the imbalance between nature and humans.
    (4)、What does Yu expect of his painting style?
    A、It will be passed on. B、It will change over time. C、It will look more complicated. D、It will reach the top international level.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    The rapid pace of global warming and its effects on habitats raise the question of whether species are able to keep up so that they remain in suitable living conditions. Some animals can move fast to adjust to a swiftly changing climate. Plants, being less mobile, rely on means such as seed dispersal(传播) by animals, wind or water to move to new areas, but this redistribution typically occurs within one kilometre of the original plant.

    When the climate in a plant's usual range becomes hotter than it can tolerate, it must find new, cooler areas that might lie many kilometres away. One explanation for long-distance seed dispersal is through transport by migratory (迁徙的) birds. Such birds swallow seeds when eating fruit and can move them tens or hundreds of kilometres outside the range of a plant species.

    Gonzáiez-Vary and colleagues report how plants might be able to keep pace with rapid climate change with the help of migratory birds. The authors analysed the fruiting times of plants, patterns of bird migration and the interactions between fruit-eating birds and fleshy-fruited plants across Europe. Plants with fleshy fruits were chosen for this study because most of their seed transport is by migratory birds, and because fleshy-fruited plants are an important part of the woody-plant community in Europe. The common approach until now has been to predict plant dispersal using models fitted to abiotic (非生物的) factors such as the current climate. Gonzáiez-Vary instead analysed an impressive data set of 949 different seed-dispersal interactions between bird and plant communities, together with data on entire fruiting times and migratory patterns of birds across Europe. The researchers also analysed DNA traces from bird wastes to identify the plants and birds responsible for seed dispersal.

    (1)、How do species adapt to climate changes when it's too hot?
    A、All animals will move away across great distanced. B、Some plants depend on migratory birds to carry seeds. C、Some plants depend on animals, wind or water to move. D、Plants' seeds disperse to cooler places of several kilometres away.
    (2)、Why did researchers mainly study fleshy-fruited plants?
    A、Most of these can't fit rapid climate change B、Migratory birds like making nests in them C、Migratory birds transport their seeds. D、They are favoured by most birds.
    (3)、Why does the author mention "fleshy fruits" and "fruiting times" in paragraph 3?
    A、To explain relations between fruit plants and migratory birds. B、To clarify the reason why birds migrate in fruiting times. C、To present a fact that migratory bird eats flesh fruits. D、To show that fruits depend on migratory birds.
    (4)、What is the text mainly about?
    A、The advantage of fruit plants. B、The destination of the bird migration. C、The adaptation of fruit plants to the climate change. D、The influence of climate change on plants and animals.
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Is it possible for the human heart to shrink (缩小) and if so, how does this change impact the human body?

    Recently, scientists have discovered an unexpected similarity between long-distance swimming and spending a long duration of tire in space—both can cause the human heart to shrink over time! These findings were based on the experiences of astronaut Scott Belly, who spent 340 days in space in 2015, and Benoit Lecomte, an athlete who in 2018 swam 1,753 miles (about 2,821 km) across the Pacific Ocean in 159 days.

    The absence of gravity in space means that the heart does not have to work as hard to pump blood through the aorta (主动脉), the largest blood vessel that supplies oxygen to all parts of our body. As a result, the heart loses muscle mass, causing it to reduce in size. The study was conducted by Benjamin Levine, a professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas South western Medical Center. He noted that the shrinkage was seen despite the fact that Scott Belly exercised every day.

    Activities such as long-distance swimming can cause the heart to change similarly. Lecomte spent 5.8 hours swimming every day and then another hours sleeping; therefore, he spent more time in a horizontal (水平的) position than upright. This reduced the force of gravity acting on his body.

    Fortunately, while the heart did shrink in size for Belly and Lecomte, it was just as strong and continued to function normally for both men. And in both cases, the heart regained its original mass and size after a return to normal daily lives,

    This study is crucial as NASA prepares to send astronauts to Mars in the 2030s. Professor Levine is working with NASA on a program called cypher, which hopes to collect more in-formation by following ten more astronauts' year-long trips as well as conducting research on shorter trips to space.

    (1)、What do Belly and Lecomte have in common?
    A、Their hearts once became smaller than before. B、Their hearts are stronger than common people. C、Their hearts may never return to normal. D、Their hearts may have to work harder.
    (2)、What causes the change of the heart in space?
    A、The lack of exercise B、The lack of gravity. C、The sleeping position. D、The psychological pressure.
    (3)、What can we know from the last paragraph?
    A、The limitation of the study. B、The process of the study. C、The details of the study. D、The application of the study.
    (4)、Which can be the best title for the text?
    A、Can astronauts avoid the effect of gravity? B、Can athlete have a stronger heart? C、Can the human heart reduce in size? D、Can the human heart function well in space?


  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Nowadays, people are often very busy, working hard almost day and night. For a better life, many people think it's worth it. Undoubtedly, people need spare time to be free and do fun things, like winter camping. Most people are talking especially about snow camping when they mention winter camping.

    In areas with snow, campers can go skiing, climbing, or ice skating. And some people enjoy creating fun things from snow, or just horsing around in the snow. And a camping trip often requires hiking, although campers generally travel less far than they do in the summer.

    There are many well-known places suitable for camping. Throughout the year, these places usually attract more campers in the summer. So, it can be more crowded in this season. Campers who don't like a crowded place can instead choose to go camping there in the winter.

    But colder weather means more preparation. Winter campers should be sure that they have clothes which can keep them warm. Besides, campers need to bring good tents and enough food. Other camping tools like cookstoves are also necessary.

    While winter camping can be quite fun, the colder weather can make a camping trip more dangerous. Winter campers should always check on weather reports before they leave. A small weather radio is an excellent tool to bring along. And it's wise to take a guided winter camping trip for their first camping experience.

    A. Being busy brings success.

    B. It can give them more peace.

    C. And choose to go with many friends.

    D. Winter campers also need sleeping bags.

    E. But not enough relaxation may be bad for health.

    F. So it's important to fully prepare for winter camping.

    G. Like summer camping, winter camping offers many activities.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Casey and John, a young couple, had been driving from Maryland to North Carolina when their 36-hour nightmare began. They expected the road trip to1five hours, but a massive snowstorm led to ice related accidents, and the state closed a 50-mile stretch of the2for safety reasons.

    With traffic3and no clear information on when the highway would reopen, some drivers abandoned their cars and set out on foot. Others, like Casey and Joe, turned off the4to save gas and seated themselves in their vehicles. They tried their best to stay5.

    A cold night in hunger and little sleep left them feeling6. After 21 hours of suffering, Casey noticed a bread delivery truck among the waiting vehicles. On a sudden inspiration, she7Schmidt Baking Company, the owner of the truck. She left a8on the company' s customer service line, asking if the truck driver could share the baked goods with troubled drivers. She didn't know if they would take her request9, but she wanted to try.

    Her idea worked. Incredibly, Schmidt CEO Chuck10returned Casey's call within 20 minutes. He asked her to hand her phone to the company truck driver, Ron, and then directed Ron to11loaves of bread to the people on the highway. Chuck said he was12to offer any help he could.

    Casey, John and Ron were excited to pass out the bread along the13highway to as many people as possible. Among those to14the food were elderly passengers and families with children. They all felt incredibly thankful for the offering of food and some15after so many hours waiting in the cold.

    A、waste B、work C、stand D、last
    A、waterway B、subway C、highway D、railway
    A、stopped B、canceled C、cleared D、changed
    A、cooker B、engine C、window D、radio
    A、calm B、fit C、wealthy D、hungry
    A、excited B、guilty C、tired D、embarrassed
    A、guaranteed B、warned C、called D、joined
    A、report B、message C、note D、card
    A、curiously B、actually C、certainly D、seriously
    A、respectively B、personally C、selfishly D、cautiously
    A、hand out B、give up C、set out D、put aside
    A、sad B、afraid C、mean D、proud
    A、rainy B、dusty C、icy D、muddy
    A、receive B、achieve C、adopt D、purchase
    A、pity B、sympathy C、courage D、relief


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Poet Su Shi (1037-1101), also known as Su Dongpo, of the Song Dynasty, is one of the most recognized Chinese (culture) icons(偶像)of all time. His legacy, (include) his calligraphy, painting and his broad influence in lots of fields, as well as his poetry, is celebrated even today.

    A musical, Su Dongpo, (base) on Su's lifetime story, will premiere(首映)at Beijing's Tianqiao Performing Arts Center on May 4. and will last May 8. The musical (tell) the story of Su, born in Meishan, now in modern-day Sichuan Province, from his youth to his last days in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province.

    At the age of 20, Su performed brilliantly in the imperial examinations began a long and distinguished career as an official, working in various governmental (position). However, he went through a series of political setbacks, including relegation(贬谪)in distant places. In spite of hardships, he was optimistic ( work).

    The musical also shows the relationship between Su and his family, (especial) his father Su Xun and his younger brother Su Zhe, both, like him, accomplished men of letters. Su Shi's love for his wife, Wang Fu, is another highlight of the musical.


  • 18. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter来信想要了解你校开设的特色课程。请你给他回一封邮件,内容包括:






    Dear Peter,


    Li Hua

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Jimmy Gilleece owns a bar in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. He is a person who knew how to lend a hand, but what people around him did not know was that this man was also capable of going the extra mile just to help someone in need.

    It was a regular day at his bar, which turned out to be a day that would change his life forever. He found out that one of his customers had lost her wallet at the bar, and inside it was a precious thing: the lady's wedding ring.

    Jimmy instantly recognized the woman's panic. She wanted to get her wedding ring back. She was crazy, really upset about it. And so, the bar owner made sure to provide whatever help he could to find the woman's ring. He even made it his mission to find the woman's wedding ring.

    Then Jimmy's mission began. In order to find out what exactly happened, Jimmy started a thorough scan of the security cameras in his establishment. He watched three hours' worth of security footage from six cameras, scanning every detail and closely analyzing what happened that led to the loss of the woman's wallet.

    In one of the recorded clips(片段), Jimmy finally saw that the woman lost her wallet on a bench outside the bar, with a suspicious man walking nearby. A few moments later, the man approached the bench and took the woman's wallet.

    So searching for the thief was Jimmy's next move. It was not enough for Jimmy to find out what happened to the lost wallet. Now that he had an image of the thief, the bar owner made it his next mission to search for the guy and get the wallet back from him.

    Jimmy figured out who the guy was and made him admit what he did to the wallet. The thief admitted that he took the cash and dropped the wallet into an ocean channel. At this point, most people would probably stop and regretfully tell the lady that the wallet couldn't be found anymore.




    But Jimmy was not like most people.

    And indeed, Jimmy also extended help not only to the woman but also to the thief who took the wallet.