
试卷更新日期:2023-01-11 类型:期末考试


  • 1. What are the two speakers probably doing?
    A、Playing a ball game B、Cheering for the Nanjing team C、Watching a ball game
  • 2. What are the women's leaving gate number and the flight number?
    A、45; CZ346 B、35; CZ364 C、25; CZ436
  • 3. Who is the man probably talking to?
    A、A teacher B、A doctor C、A mailman
  • 4. Why won't the woman go to the concert?
    A、She will go to work B、She will visit her friend C、She will look after her sister
  • 5. When can the headmaster see the man?
    A、At 9:00 B、At 11:45 C、At 12: 40


  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What does the man want to do?
    A、Have dinner with the woman B、Work overtime C、Go home early
    (2)、When will the man pick up the woman on Friday?
    A、At 6:00 pm B、At 5:30 pm C、At 5:00 pm
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、When will the woman leave school?
    A、At the beginning of the term B、At the end of the term C、In the middle of the term
    (2)、What does the woman want to be after she leaves school?
    A、A musician B、A clerk C、A teacher
    (3)、What does the man want to be?
    A、An engineer B、A reporter C、An animal doctor
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Why does the woman come to school early?
    A、To meet Tom B、To go over the lesson C、To ask the teacher for help
    (2)、How does the man seem to feel?
    A、Worried B、Tired C、Calm
    (3)、What do we know about the woman?
    A、She comes to school by car every day B、She has studied hard all week C、She is sure about the test
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What is the possible relationship between the speakers?
    A、Hotel manager and waiter B、Customer and salesperson C、Interviewer and interviewee
    (2)、What language is the man weak in?
    A、Japanese B、Spanish C、English
    (3)、Where did the man work last year?
    A、At a hotel B、At a restaurant C、In a coffee shop
    (4)、What is the most important for the man to do?
    A、Use a computer B、Work on weekends C、Get on well with people
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Which of the following things will probably happen by 2050?
    A、People will not need to carry money at all B、Most businesses will use credit cards C、People will not need to open a bank account
    (2)、What do we have to do if we get things through computers?
    A、Send the pictures to the shops B、Say the names of the items C、Send e-mails to the shops
    (3)、Why do not some people think we will need money or credit cards by 2050?
    A、There will be no change by then. B、There will be no banks by then. C、There will be no stores by then.


  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Today's post is almost about signs in English. You will see signs on the road while driving or when walking down a street. Now let's take a closer look at the signs in the picture below, so you can fully understand what they mean in case you come across one of them.

    Starting with the top row, we have a:

    Yield sign — This sign indicates (标示) that you need to slow down, but you may not have to come to a full stop.

    Crosswalk — This is a sign that indicates people have the right of way to cross the street, so cars have to stop when they see a person waiting next to one of these signs.

    Second row:

    Do not enter — This sign indicates you are not allowed to enter a road at that point.

    Buckle up(系好安全带)!— There are often signs on roads in the United States reminding people that wearing seat belts(安全带) is mandatory (强制的) (seat belt laws differ depending on what state you are in, but all US states have seat belt laws).

    Third row:

    Be alert (警惕的) for bears — This is another sign that is used to indicate to drivers and pedestrians (行人) that they should be alert for wildlife in the area.

    Playground—This is the sign used to alert drivers that there is a playground nearby, so it is a good idea to slow down and watch for children.

    (1)、Where can you often see the signs?
    A、In a factory. B、On a farm. C、On the road. D、In the class.
    (2)、What would you do when you see Yield sign?
    A、Slow down. B、Enter a road at that point. C、Have to come to a full stop. D、Should be alert for wildlife in the area.
    (3)、What can be learned from the passage?
    A、US states have the same law about seat belts. B、All the people in a car should buckle up in US. C、Pedestrians should walk slowly at a crosswalk. D、Drivers should stop the car at the sign of playground.
    (4)、What does the underlined phrase "watch for" in the last line mean?
    A、See. B、Look at. C、Look for. D、Pay attention to.
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    A painter has just completed his course. He took 3 days and painted beautiful scenery. He wanted to know people′s opinion about his talent and painting skills.

    He put his creation at a busy street and just down below a board which read, "I have painted this piece. Since I′m new to this profession, I might have made some mistakes. Please put a cross wherever you see a mistake. "

    While he came back in the evening to collect his painting he was completely shattered to see that whole canvass (画板) was filled with crosses, they criticized the painter seriously.

    Completely heartbroken, he ran to his master′s and burst into tears.

    This young artist complained, "I′m useless and if this is what I have learnt to paint I′m not worth becoming a painter. People have rejected me completely. "

    Master smiled and suggested, "My son, I will prove that you are a great artist and have learnt perfect painting. Do as I say without questioning it. It will work. "

    Young artist agreed and two days later early morning he presented a replica (复制品) of his earlier painting to his master. Master took that gently and smiled.

    "Come with me." master said.

    They reached the same street early morning and displayed the same painting exactly at the same place. Now master took out another board which read, "Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. Since I′m new to this profession, I might have made some mistakes in details. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. Please do a favor. If you see a mistake, kindly pick up the brush and correct it. "

    Then they walked back home.

    They both visited the place the same evening. The young painter was surprised to see that actually there was not a single correction done so far. Next day again they visited and found painting remained untouched. They say the painting was kept there for a month for no correction came in!

    (1)、Why did the painter put his creation at a busy street?
    A、To help him to know better about his skills in painting. B、To ask others to correct mistakes in the painting. C、To show off his great talent and painting skills. D、To make others help him finish the painting.
    (2)、How did the painter feel when he saw the whole canvass filled with crosses?
    A、He felt quite determined. B、He was very annoyed with the comments. C、He felt greatly disappointed. D、He was very thankful for their suggestions.
    (3)、Why didn't people correct the work when the young painter displayed the painting again?
    A、They had thought it was painted by a master painter. B、They didn't want to take the brush to correct it. C、They didn't look at his painting on purpose. D、They were satisfied with his painting.
    (4)、Which saying can best show the theme of the passage?
    A、All things are difficult before they are easy. B、Actions speak louder than words. C、A bad workman always blames his tools. D、It is easier said than done.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    What's the meaning of the "dark horse"? It is someone who wins when no one expect it.

    Han Xiaopeng took China's first gold on snow. He became an Olympic "dark horse" by winning the gold medal in men's freestyle skiing aerials (自由式滑雪空中技巧) at Turin in Italy. He made two almost perfect jumps for the highest score. Han had never won a world gold medal before, let alone in the Olympics!

    "I never thought this would happen," said Han Xiaopeng, "I feel like I'm in a dream." It's China's second gold medal at the Turin Olympic Winter Games. But more important, Han's gold was the country's first ever in a snow sport. In 2002, China's Yang Yang won the gold for speed skating at the Winter Olympic in Salt Lake City, US.

    That Han's win was unexpected doesn't mean that he didn't work hard.

    Han grew up in Jiangsu Province. Before he started his training on snow, he used to be an acrobat (杂技演员) at a circus. In 1995, a coach found his talent. The coach, Yang Er'qi, said Han had the agility (灵活性) and courage to be a ski jumper. When Yang first took the 12-year-old boy to northern China, he couldn't swim, skate or ski. But he wasn't afraid of the high platform and kept on training.

    Han almost left the sport after hurting his knee months before the Salt Lake Games. In that Olympics he only got 24th. "I was hopeless at that time, but my family and the coach stood behind me, helping me through," he recalled.

    Han Xiaopeng worked so hard that he won the gold medal in the Olympics at last. Because of his success, more and more people in China are becoming interested in skiing. We are proud of him.

    (1)、What does the "dark horse" mean?
    A、Someone who is unexpected to win. B、A horse which dark. C、A horse which likes the dark. D、Someone whose win is expected.
    (2)、Where did Han Xiaopeng take China's first gold on snow?
    A、In China. B、In America. C、In Australia. D、In Italy.
    (3)、What made the coach, Yang Er'qi, choose Han Xiaopeng to be a ski jumper?
    A、He had enough courage though he was only 13 years old. B、He was born in the south of China and liked sports on snow. C、He had the agility and wasn't afraid of the high platform. D、He had the talent and he had won a world gold medal before.
    (4)、What is the best title for the passage?
    A、A wonderful Match B、A Dark Horse at the Winter Olympic C、A Hopeful Snow Game D、An Exciting Skiing Race


  • 14. 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Have a Successful Teenage Life

    Everyone dreams of success in their life, don't they? Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life; it really isn't that hard.

    ·Do well in school.

    No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society. Try your best for excellence in school; listen to the teachers, do your homework, study, and get good grades. Doing so will help you get into a better university, which will enable you to have a bright future.

    ·Do good in your community(社区).

    Volunteering can not only improve your community's status, but it could make you happier. Studies show that people who volunteer are less likely to develop depression(抑郁)than people who don't. For example, if you love animals, volunteer at an animal shelter. If you love helping the environment, plant trees or pick up litter. When you help others, it will make you feel better about yourself.


    Remember, they're there to help you be the best that you can be. Respect them and value their opinions, even if they annoy you sometimes. You don't get to choose your teachers or your family, but you still have to put up with them. Learn how to deal with people now, because when you're an adult, you don't get to choose your boss or your co-workers, so learn how to respect them now.

    These points can help you enjoy success in your teenage life.

    A. Live life to the fullest.

    B. School sets you up on the right track!

    C. Be nice to your parents and teachers.

    D. Find chances to do volunteer work that interests you.

    E. It will help you pass time and develop your personality.

    F. Here are some important points that you may find helpful.

    G. Keep it in mind that they do the things they do because they care about you.


  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

    Waiting for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then, an air hostess came to me and asked, "Would you mind1your seat? A couple would like to sit together. " The only2seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带), a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression."3am I going to sit there." I thought immediately.

    But a soft voice spoke, "She needs help. " Finally, I4to move to that seat. The girl was named Kathy. She was injured in a car accident and now was on her way for5. When the snack and juice arrived, it did not take me long to6that Kathy would not be able to7herself. I considered8to feed her but hesitated (犹豫), as it seemed too9to offer such a service to a10. But then I realized that Kathy′s need was more11than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat and although she was uncomfortable to accept, she12as I expected. We became closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip, my heart had13, and the time was really better spent than if I had just sat by myself. I was very glad I had reached beyond my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her. Love sometimes flows beyond human borders and removes the fears that keep us14. When we are trying our best to15another, we grow to live in a larger and more rewarding world.

    A、losing B、changing C、taking D、giving
    A、comfortable B、suitable C、available D、favorable
    A、No problem B、No doubt C、Nowhere D、No way
    A、decided B、wanted C、regretted D、promised
    A、treatment B、travel C、pleasure D、business
    A、challenge B、address C、realize D、preten
    A、consider B、feed C、choose D、support
    A、offering B、needing C、stopping D、trying
    A、annoyed B、fast C、frightened D、impolite
    A、couple B、neighbor C、passenger D、stranger
    A、unusual B、direct C、important D、shameful
    A、refused B、wondered C、cried D、did
    A、warmed B、jumped C、broken D、cheered
    A、separate B、independent C、silent D、upset
    A、miss B、serve C、impress D、improve


  • 16. He (毕业) from an American college last year.
  • 17. He had been a talented musician in his (青年时期).
  • 18. The Prime Minister will make an (官方的) visit to Tokyo in March.
  • 19. The teacher decided to give the task to whoever had a strong sense of (责任).
  • 20. I have always been (吸引)by the idea of working abroad.
  • 21. 请根据句意选择方框中合适的短语并用正确的形式填入句中。

    check in,  addicted to,  apply for,  check out,  take control of,

    sign up for,  concentrate on, focus on,  what if,  other than

    (1)、After a good rest of a night, they packed and of the hotel.
    (2)、Our company six factories throughout China.
    (3)、She turned down the invitation of the birthday party in order to her studies.
    (4)、 the teacher finds out that you haven't finished your homework?
    (5)、Teenagers who are the Internet are more likely to suffer from depression.


  • 22. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卡指定区域的横线上。

    Last summer, my family(plan) a trip to Shanghai City. Besides my hometown, Hong Kong, I had never been to such a great city.

    I(impress) by what I saw there. There were many more ways than my hometown for one to get to one place from. Everywhere people were driving, riding shared bikes, waiting for buses, rushing underground to the subway stations.

    In addition to the people and transportation, I found the buildings were(amaze) . Each street was filled with buildings were built side by side and a number of skyscrapers were present throughout the city as well. (stand) on the top of the Oriental Pearl Tower, I could hold almost the entire city from this view. Some stores were also as large or even larger than the ones in my hometown.

    My visit to Shanghai City was like discovering a new way of life. I felt anxious(grow) up and I dream about moving to such a great city. My(one) trip to Shanghai City was one of the most unforgettable (experience) of my life.


  • 23. 一看到这封信,他高兴地无法表达。(at the sight of )
  • 24. 正是出于这个原因,他和父母离开伦敦,定居在一各小山村。(使用强调句)
  • 25. 我会为大学或其他一切将来发生的事情做好准备。(well prepared)
  • 26. Emily刚要上床睡觉,这时电话响了。(be about to do)
  • 27. 到达终点站之后,我们将有一天的时间去探索这座古城。(destination)

九、书面表达 (满分16分)

  • 28. 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Anne来信表示对中国高中学校生活感兴趣,询问你进入高中学习以来的感受,请根据以下提示写一封回信。


    参考词汇:课外活动 extra-curriculum activities

    注意:1)词数100左右;2)可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

    Dear Anne,

    I'm glad to receive your letter, in which you expressed interest in the Chinese Senior High school life.


    Li Hua